Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Пассивный залог" к УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Гарифуллина Лейсан Ильгамовна
учитель английского языка
первой квалификационной категории МБОУ «Давликеевская ООШ» Апастовского муниципального района РТ
Класс: 7
УМК : « Enjoy English» М.З. Биболетова , Н.Н. Трубанева
Вашему вниманию предлагается методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «The Passive Voice», который является одним из завершающих учебную тему. Разработка основана на материалах УМК Enjoy English» М.З. Биболетова , Н.Н. Трубанева с применением ИКТ и отдельных структур сингапурской системы.
Тема: «Пассивный залог»
«The Passive Voice».
Цель: развивать грамматические навыки и умения.
- совершенствовать грамматические навыки по теме «Страдательный залог»;
- тренировать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;
- развивать лексические навыки;
- воспитывать положительное отношение к иноязычной культуре.
Форма урока: комбинированный урок.
Методы урока:
- объяснительно-иллюстративный;
- проблемно-поисковый;
- элементы игровых технологий.
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации.
Формы работы: фронтальная, самостоятельная, парная
Приёмы: работа по карточкам, работа с доской, приёмы словесной и контекстуальной догадок, приём – практичность теории.
Оборудование: дидактический материал; ТСО (экран, проектор, компьютер); мультимедийные технологии; карточки с заданием, магнитофон с аудиокассетой, плакаты с символами, УМК Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English 7»;
Ход урока:
1.Орг. Момент
T: It’s time to say “Hello!”(Hello!)
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!)
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!)
And start our lesson.
Good-morning children!
P: Good-morning!
T: I am glad to see you too! Sit down, please!
Today we will repeat the Passive Voice! (Слайд 1)
Look at the screen! And what will we do today?(Слайд 2)
O.k., let’s start!
2. Фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд 3)
T: Remember the irregular verbs. You can see the list of the verbs on the screen. Now you should name the second and the third form of this verbs using the structure TIC-TAC-TOE.
Bear, create, draw, read, buy, bite, open, like, keep ect.
T: Very well! There are some regular verbs in this list. Name them and the third form.
3. Речевая зарядка!
T: Look at the screen! You can see some pictures. You should make up some sentences using the Passive Voice.
The first picture: The book was read yesterday. (Слайд 4-5)
The second picture:1)TV is watched sometimes. 2)Cartoon is watched sometimes. (Слайд 6-7)
3)The flowers will be watered tomorrow. (Слайд 8-9)
4)The homework is done every day. (Слайд 10-11)
5)The door was opened last week. (Слайд 12-13)
6)The picture will be drawn next month. (Слайд 14-15)
7)A cake is divided into some pieces every morning. (Слайд 16-17)
4. Актуализация знаний.
T: Check your memory! Remember the rule about the Passive Voice. You must use the structure Frayer Model. Separate the critical characteristics of just interesting information about the concept, develop writing skills definitions. You have 2 minutes.
- Now, you time is up, check your answers. Student number 3 starts, please.
P: 1) определения: страдательный (пассивный) залог в английском языке (Passive voice), в отличие от активного (Active voice), показывает, что то или иное действие совершается дополнением по отношению к подлежащему.
2) характеристики: страдательный залог ( The Passive Voice ) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и III формы основного глагола (Participle II );
3) пример: Cinema was visited last week. ( The Passive Voice )
4) антипример: Our class visit cinema last week. (Active voice)
T: You are right! Look at the screen! (Слайд 18)
Now it’s time to do an exercise! Look at the screen! (Слайд 19) And you can see the card with the task on your desk. You should open the brackets and find the sentences in the Active Voice. I’ll give you 5 minutes to do this task.
1) 1. The story about Walt Disney ( write) two days ago.
2. Disneyland (open) last Sunday.
3. English (speak ) all over the word.
4. The brother (create) fairy tales every day.
5. A disk with cartoon ( buy) in some days.
6. The park (divide) into six areas.
7. The feature film ( show) tomorrow.
8. Our class visit cinema last week.
T: Let’ s check up! (Слайд 20)
T: Very well! And now “What sentences are in the Active Voice? Change these sentences using the Passive Voice! (Слайд 21)
Fairy tales are created every day.
Cinema was visited last week.
5. Физ. Минутка! (Слайд 22)
T: Let’s rest! You are tired! Now we’ll use the structure Take off – Touch Down. If you hear a sentence with the passive voice, you will stand! If you hear a sentence with the active voice, You will sit! .
1.The book was read.
2.I read a book.
3.The film is watched.
4.The door was opened.
5.She opens the door.
6. The homework is done.
7. They do the homework.
8. The picture was drawn.
9. The flowers is watered.
10. The story is written.
11. I write the story
6. Аудирование . (Слайд 23)
T: Let’s work in pairs! Now we will listen to the text and you should do the task! I’ll give you the cards with the task! At first you should say what sentences are: true or false, not stated in the text.
I will read two times!
1)Walt Disney was born in Chicago, 1901.
2)The first Mickey MOUSE cartoon was drawn in 1929.
3)Disneyland was opened in Florida.
4)This kingdom of fantasy and fairy tales was created by Walt Disney.
5)Walt Disney died in New -York at the age of 65.
6) Disneyland is situated near to Los Angeles.
Let’s check up! (Слайд 24)
And now complete the sentences. (Слайд 25) I’ll give three minutes!
1)Walt Disney was born….
2) Disneyland……...
3) Mickey MOUSE is Disney symbol ……..
3) Donald Duck was created………..
4) The first Mickey MOUSE cartoon…………
5) His films ……..
a) and it is famous all over the word.
b) by Walt Disney .
c) was drawn in 1928.
d) are still shown at the cinema
e) was opened in California.
f) in Chicago, 1901.
Check up your sentences! Veronica, read! (Слайд 26)
Very well! The last exercise! Fill in the blanks! (Слайд 27)
Walt Disney
Walt Disney ………… in Chicago, 1901. The first Mickey MOUSE cartoon …………. in 1928. Mickey MOUSE is Disney symbol and it is famous all over the word. Donald Duck …………… by Walt Disney. The first full length-cartoon feature film, "Snow White and the seven Dwarfs." was made in 1937. Disneyland …………. in California. It is the most famous place in the world. This kingdom of fantasy and fairy tales …………… by Walt Disney. The park is divided into six areas and there is so much to see and do in each. Children all over the world like to visit ………….
Walt Disney died in ………… at the age of 65. His films are still shown at the cinema, and because of their timeless quality they will be shown for years.
T: Check up your sentences! Gulnaz, read! (Слайд 26)
Walt Disney
Walt Disney was born in Chicago, 1901. The first Mickey Mouse cartoon was drawn in 1928. Mickey Mouse is Disney symbol and it is famous all over the word. Donald Duck was created by Walt Disney. The first full length-cartoon feature film, "Snow White and the seven Dwarfs." was made in 1937. Disneyland was opened in California. It is the most famous place in the world. This kingdom of fantasy and fairy tales was created by Walt Disney. The park is divided into six areas and there is so much to see and do in each. Children all over the world like to visit Disneyland.
Walt Disney died in California at the age of 65. His films are still shown at the cinema, and because of their timeless quality they will be shown for years.
7. Рефлексия!
T: That’s all for today! Look at the blackboard!
If you know the Passive Voice very well, you should put such symbol here!
If you must learn the Passive Voice, if you don’t know this rule very well, you should put such symbol here!
If you are indefinite, you should put such symbol here!
8. Дом. Задание
Your homework will be the following: Ex.25 p.58
The lesson is over! Good –bye!
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