Технология полного усвоения знаний. Урок в 5 классе по теме «Learning Grammar. Present Continuous»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Урок разработан с применением технологии полного усвоения знаний для активизации и закрепления полученных знаний при изучении грамматики, в данном случае Present Continuous.
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Предварительный просмотр:
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3 1 3 1 2 4 5
Good morning. This is the first planet on our tour. This planet is called Earth. The people living here are very strange. They’ve got two eyes, two legs and two arms! Please, look at the screen. We (look) at a city. At the moment it (rain) . Many people (drive) cars. And over there is a school bus. The children (not/go) to work, they (go) to school. And there you can see a man in the park. He (go) to work. He (walk) with a strange animal called a dog. Dogs live in houses with people! Here is a house. The mother and father (eat) meat and vegetables. The children (not/eat ) , they (watch) television. And that is a baby. It (sleep) . Do you want to meet people? So, we (land) the ground…
TodayisSundayWeareinthegardennowWearehavingapicnic MydadismakingabarbecueHeiscookingmeatWeliketastyfood MymumisservingthetableSheiscaringajugMyelderbrotheriswalkingourpetAndIamplayingwithmyfavouritetoy-blasterWearehaving agoodtime!Weareenjoyingourweekend People of Earth, we are greeting you! We are from planet Yarga . We send you the photo of our family to make you sure that we are peaceful and friendly………… So, you see, we are alike. We do the same things. That’s why there’s no need to be afraid of us! We are going to visit your planet soon. Hope to see you on the Earth……………
1. are / planet / from / we / Zulu 2. is / porridge / My / cooking / dad 3. in / we / the / house / are / now 4. a / mum / caring / My / is / basket 5. having / now / a /we / party / are 6. pet / is / our / sitting / grass / the / on 7. cartoons / am / watching / at / moment / I / the 8. elder / is / my / playing / brother / space football 9. usually / a / picnic / we / on / have / Fridays 10. rude / and / we / are / cruel
A. Yin and Yanda escape to the desert, where is very hot. They lie on the ground and cry: “We are dying without water! Help!” Then the Dargans hear them and take them to their village. B. Suddenly, a big spaceship arrives and a group of Zorgon tourists come out. The Dargans are scared and run away. The Zorgons are very friendly: “What are you doing here, children?! We are going to planet Alpha next. Come with us!” The Zorgons bring Yind and Yanda back home. C. Their spaceship crashes on the planet Darg in the horrible forests. There are big trees, snakes and giant insects. Yanda says: “Look, Yind ! The snakes are creeping between the rocks and those insects are going to attack us!” D. A brother and a sister Yind and Yanda live on planet Alpha. One day they decide to explore space in their parents’ spaceship: “We are going to explore the space!”
We are flying back home. See you soon again.
Good bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to review some grammar structures in Present Continuous and use them in new situations.
Let’s review the grammar structures of Present Continuous.
What about signal words? Can you name them?
Well done! For example: I am speaking now. You are studying at the moment.
Can you give your examples of using Present Continuous?
Thank you! Now listen to me carefully.
Today we have a special guest on our lesson. But he is an unusual person? That’s why he has a special task for you. You need to guess who he is. So, listen to his description and these pictures will help you.
Слайд 1
OK, guys, well done! Today our gusts aliens will help you to study English.
Imagine that the aliens want to see the other planets in space. So they are going to travel.
Слайд 2
Now they are in their spaceship above the Earth. Let’s see what aliens’ guide is telling them about our planet.
Слайд 3
So you can see the text on the screen or on your papers. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present Continuous.
So our guests have landed and now they are visiting the café.
Слайд 4
Look at the picture and say what they are doing there. Use this circle to make sentences.
After eating at the café aliens wanted to see the other places of Earth. So they went traveling and found themselves in the Antarctic.
Слайд 5
Look at the picture and ask your partner a question about what the aliens and the animals are doing there. And your partner has to answer it. Use the verbs above the picture.
Haven’t you notice anything strange on this picture? Almost all these animals don’t live in the Antarctic. (This picture is strange, isn’t it?)
Слайд 6
Look! We have a letter from the other aliens. Let’s read it and find out what they want to tell us about.
Начинаю читать, останавливаюсь.
But what’s this?! The message is damaged in the middle! Let’s try to repair it together.
You need to divide this message into parts. (Come out to the blackboard; take the felt-tip-pen. Go to your seat.)
Good of you!
Слайд 7
Now look at the next task. Make sentences of these words.
Is it right? Correct the sentence. You may use the negative form.
So our guests are going to leave our planet. But before they do it they want you to read the old story that is famous on their planet Zorgon.
Слайд 8
But the parts of this story are mixed. Put them in the correct order and you’ll know what it is about.
Слайд 9
While we were reading the story the aliens have gone home. But they have left you the task: you have to draw the picture of aliens and describe it using Present Continuous.
Thank you for the lesson. Now I see that you can use Present Continuous in new situations. You also can describe the pictures, work with the text, ask and answer the questions. And I am sure that you’ll use all these skills doing your homework.
Предварительный просмотр:
Good morning.
This is the first planet on our tour. This planet is called Earth. The people living here are very strange. They’ve got two eyes, two legs and two arms!
Please, look at the screen. We (look) at a city. At the moment it (rain). Many people (drive) cars. And over there is a school bus. The children (not/go) to work, they (go) to school.
And there you can see a man in the park. He (go) to work. He (walk) with a strange animal called a dog. Dogs live in houses with people!
Here is a house. The mother and father (eat) meat and vegetables. The children (not/eat), they (watch) television. And that is a baby. It (sleep).
Do you want to meet people? So, we (land) the ground…
The story about aliens:
A. Yin and Yanda escape to the desert, where is very hot. They lie on the ground and cry: “We are dying without water! Help!” Then the Dargans hear them and take them to their village.
B. Suddenly, a big spaceship arrives and a group of Zorgon tourists come out. The Dargans are scared and run away. The Zorgons are very friendly: “What are you doing here, children?! We are going to planet Alpha next. Come with us!” The Zorgons bring Yind and Yanda back home.
C. Their spaceship crashes on the planet Darg in the horrible forests. There are big trees, snakes and giant insects. Yanda says: “Look, Yind! The snakes are creeping between the rocks and those insects are going to attack us!”
D. A brother and a sister Yind and Yanda live on planet Alpha. One day they decide to explore space in their parents’ spaceship: “We are going to explore the space!”
Good morning.
This is the first planet on our tour. This planet is called Earth. The people living here are very strange. They’ve got two eyes, two legs and two arms!
Please, look at the screen. We (look) at a city. At the moment it (rain). Many people (drive) cars. And over there is a school bus. The children (not/go) to work, they (go) to school.
And there you can see a man in the park. He (go) to work. He (walk) with a strange animal called a dog. Dogs live in houses with people!
Here is a house. The mother and father (eat) meat and vegetables. The children (not/eat), they (watch) television. And that is a baby. It (sleep).
Do you want to meet people? So, we (land) the ground…
The story about aliens:
A. Yin and Yanda escape to the desert, where is very hot. They lie on the ground and cry: “We are dying without water! Help!” Then the Dargans hear them and take them to their village.
B. Suddenly, a big spaceship arrives and a group of Zorgon tourists come out. The Dargans are scared and run away. The Zorgons are very friendly: “What are you doing here, children?! We are going to planet Alpha next. Come with us!” The Zorgons bring Yind and Yanda back home.
C. Their spaceship crashes on the planet Darg in the horrible forests. There are big trees, snakes and giant insects. Yanda says: “Look, Yind! The snakes are creeping between the rocks and those insects are going to attack us!”
D. A brother and a sister Yind and Yanda live on planet Alpha. One day they decide to explore space in their parents’ spaceship: “We are going to explore the space!”
Alien – инопланетянин
Spaceship – космический корабль
Earth - Земля
Strange - странный
Called - называется
Screen - экран
Land - приземляться
Travel - путешествовать
Rocks - камни
Petrol - бензин
Drink - пить
Stand – стоять
Bite - кусаться
Hunt - охотиться
Fly - летать
Barbecue - барбекю
Serving – накрывать (на стол)
Caring – держать, нести
Jug - кувшин
Walking - выгуливать
Alike - похожий
Afraid - бояться
Cartoons - мультики
To the text:
Explore – исследовать
Desert - пустыня
Scared - испугаться
Crash - разбиваться
Insects - насекомые
Creeping - ползать
Alien – инопланетянин
Spaceship – космический корабль
Earth - Земля
Strange - странный
Called - называется
Screen - экран
Land - приземляться
Travel - путешествовать
Rocks - камни
Petrol - бензин
Drink - пить
Stand – стоять
Bite - кусаться
Hunt - охотиться
Fly - летать
Barbecue - барбекю
Serving – накрывать (на стол)
Caring – держать, нести
Jug - кувшин
Walking - выгуливать
Alike - похожий
Afraid - бояться
Cartoons - мультики
To the text:
Explore – исследовать
Desert - пустыня
Scared - испугаться
Crash - разбиваться
Insects - насекомые
Creeping – ползать
1. is / porridge / My / cooking / dad
2. a / mum / caring / My / is / basket
3. having / now / a /we / party / are
4. pet / is / our / sitting / grass / the / on
5. cartoons / am / watching / at / moment / I / the
6. elder / is / my / playing / brother / space football
7. usually / a / picnic / we / on / have / Fridays
8. rude / and / we / are / cruel
9. are / planet / from / we / Zulu
10. in / we / the / house / are / now
1. is / porridge / My / cooking / dad
2. a / mum / caring / My / is / basket
3. having / now / a /we / party / are
4. pet / is / our / sitting / grass / the / on
5. cartoons / am / watching / at / moment / I / the
6. elder / is / my / playing / brother / space football
7. usually / a / picnic / we / on / have / Fridays
8. rude / and / we / are / cruel
9. are / planet / from / we / Zulu
10. in / we / the / house / are / now
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