Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе "Мой Лондон"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе "Мой Лондон"
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Информационная карта урока
Тема урока: | “My London” (совместный урок для учащихся 7 и 10 классов) | |
Цель урока: | Совершенствование языковой компетенции и творческих способностей учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме “Лондон и его достопримечательности”. | |
Задачи урока: | Образовательные: |
Практические: |
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Развивающие: |
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Воспитательные: |
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Тип урока: | комплексное применение знаний и умений на практике с использованием ИКТ | |
Используемые технологии: | информационно-коммуникативные, разно уровневое обучение с использованием элементов проектных технологий, обучение в сотрудничестве, здоровье-сберегающие технологии | |
Межпредметные связи | Информатика, география, французский язык | |
Оснащение урока: | компьютер, интерактивная доска с проектором, доска, электронная презентация к уроку в программе Power Point, тематические картинки, раздаточный материал по теме урока(Quiz и карта Лондона), большая карта достопримечательностей Лондона. Доступ в Интернет. | |
Форма урока: | заочная экскурсия (стимулирует познавательный интерес учащихся, позволяет охватить большой объём материала и представить его в интересной форме, удовлетворяет потребность в общении) | |
Формы работы: | коллективная групповая парная индивидуальная | |
Виды речевой деятельности: | говорение, чтение, аудирование, письмо | |
УМК: | Новый курс английского языка для российских школ (О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева) 3-ий год обучения, 7 класс, Москва «Дрофа», 2012 | |
Специфика: | английский как второй иностранный язык (2 часа в неделю) |
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент:
1.Приветствие/ Целеполагание:
T. Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! I hope you are fine.
Let’s start our lesson. You can see some nice pictures on the blackboard.
We have read and spoken much about this beautiful city of the world.
What is it? … It’s London. Would you like to go to London? Would you like to be a tourist today? OK… Welcome to our excursion!
Today we have a chance to make a virtual trip to London, to enjoy and learn more about some places of interest of this magnificent city. The students of the 10th form, who visited London in summer, will help us. They will share their impressions and pictures with us and you will be able to ask them some questions which you are interested in. Also we try to make a Quiz at the end of the lesson.
2. Актуализация знаний и речевая зарядка:
T. But first of all, let’s remind some facts of the previous lessons.
Please, choose a card, read the question and try to answer it.
What is the full name of Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
What are the parts of Great Britain? (They are: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
What is the biggest city in Britain? (The biggest city in Great Britain is London)
What river does London stand on? (London stands on the river Thames)
What parts of London do you know? (The City, the West End, the East end and Westminster)
What is the oldest part of London? (The City)
Thank you. Well done.
3. Фонетическая разминка:
T. Let’s train to pronounce some names of sightseeing in the correct way once more.
Please, look at the blackboard and repeat them after S.?
The Houses of Parliament (Westminster Palace)
Westminster Abbey
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Buckingham Palace
Hyde Park
The Tower of London
Trafalgar Square
National Gallery
Big Ben
Tower Bridge
The Thames
II. Основной этап:
1. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи:
T. Today our guides will be the students of the 10th form and some students of the 7th form
who visited London in summer. They have prepared the presentation about their trip. If you like you can ask them some questions before the excursion. What time are you going to use in your questions? … Past Simple. It’s right …
CL: When did you travel to London?
Did you go to London with your parents?
Who went with you?
How did you get to London?
Where did you stay?
Was it far from the center?
How did you get to the center of the city?
Were you lucky with the weather?
How long did you stay in London?
Did you go to the excursions?
What places of interest did you visit in London?
P1, 2 …
T. OK, thank you.
2. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи
(организация проверки выполнения домашнего задания)
T. Now I think, it’s time to start our excursion. It was your hometask.
P1: Welcome to London! Today we’ll travel by bus. Pay attention that our bus is red. All buses in London are red, they are called double-deckers.
London… London is a very old city. It is about 2 thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. There were a lot of villages round it and after many years London and 300 villages grew into a very large city. Now it is a beautiful city and one of the biggest capitals in the world. It is situated upon both of the river Thames. The most important parts of London are the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.
We’ll begin our excursion from the heart of London. As you know it is the City, or the Square Mile, the oldest part of London. Only ten thousand people live there and most important companies and bank have offices there.
P2: Now you can see the Tower of London. It’s a famous ancient historic building. It was founded by William the Conqueror in 1078. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of this building. Twelve black ravens live in it. People believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there.
Not far from the Tower there is Tower Bridge. It’s the gateway to London from the sea. It is the most famous but not the oldest bridge in London. There are 17 bridges over the Thames but it’s the only one which can be raised. This bridge quickly became the symbol of London.
P3: Now you can see one of the greatest English churches. It is St. Paul’s Cathedral. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a fine building with many columns and towers. In one of the towers there is one of the largest bells in the world. Inside the church there are monuments to national heroes. The Duke of Wellington, Admiral Nelson and Christopher Wren are buried there.
P4: Now look at the grey buildings with towers. It’s Westminster Palace which is known as the Houses of Parliament. It’s a place where British Parliament sits.
The modern Westminster Palace was built in 1840 after the fire on the historical place of the old Westminster Palace. There are 2 towers: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The Victoria Tower holds the documents of both the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The large clock in one of the towers is “Big Ben”. The clock and the bell got their names after
Sir Benjamin Hall, who looked after the building of the clock. You can hear the sound of
“Big Ben” every hour.
Just opposite the Houses of Parliament you can see Westminster Abbey, the most important
and famous of all historic buildings in Britain. It is a fine Gothic building in the center of
London. It is more than nine hundred years old. There are many monuments and statues,
tombs and memorials of almost all English monarchs, famous statesmen and scientists, writers
and musicians there. In Poet’s Corner the most important English literary men are buried:
Dickens, Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Kipling, W. Scott.
P5: Now we are on the Trafalgar Square, one of the famous and the most beautiful place in
London. In the middle of it a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monument
includes 4 bronze lions. There are 2 fountains and historical British people around the column.
Look… So many pigeons! You can feed them just from your hands.
On the north side of the square you can see a fine building with tall columns.
It’s the National Gallery. It is one of the best picture galleries of the world.
P6: Let’s have a walking tour to Buckingham Palace now. It takes us 10 minutes to get there.
Buckingham Palace is the Queen's official and main royal London home. It has been the
official London residence of Britain's monarchy since 1837. The Queen Victoria Memorial
is in front of it.
Look, you can see a lot of tourists near the Palace. They are waiting the ceremony of changing of the guard. It takes place daily at 11 o'clock in front of Buckingham Palace. It is accompanied by music played by a military band. Would you like to watch and enjoy it.
P7: If you want to see London, the best place to go the London Eye. The Eye is a big wheel on the River Thames. The Eye is very popular. Every day 1600 people go on the Eye. There are 33 capsules and one ride takes 30 minutes.’
The Eye is very tall (133 meters). At the top of the Eye you get a great view of London. You can see for 25 miles (40 kilometers) but don’t go if you are afraid of heights!
In London there are many old and new wonderful parks.
They are: Richmond Park, The Regent's Park, Kensington Garden. The largest park is Hyde Park. It is the most popular place of London on hot summer days. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner.
P8: Dear, boys and girls, our excursion is going to the end. We hope you have enjoyed the sightseeing of London and in the nearest future you will come to London. Good luck for you.
T. Thank you for so wonderful excursion. I’m sure that it was interesting and useful for all students. Now you have got much information about places
of interest in London.
3. Динамическая пауза. (P1-P2-P3…)
T. I think you are tied a little bit. Let’s have a break and listen to the song about London in French and English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oky9qwVq3eM - «MY LONDON SONG»
Or (“This Is My City” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDlux4nZxw0)
(What symbols of London do you know? Please, let’s try to depict “Big Ben”, ravens in the
park, Tea with the Queen …
Thank you. It’s cool. You are real actors.)
T. Do you like the song?
Thank you. Let’s go on our lesson. It will be connected with our song.
4. Контроль знаний:
T. I hope you are ready to make a Quiz and one more task with a map.
What places of London can you recognize in the song?
Can you find them on the map? Please, mark some places on the map.
Then make a Quiz.
Приложение 1.
Приложение 2.
Your time is up. Let’s check up. Let us count your scores. Who is the winner today?
S. is the winner. It’s great. All of you were active and bright today. Thank you.
Your marks for the lesson...
III. Заключительный этап.
1. Рефлексия. Самоанализ. Подведение итогов.
T. Do you enjoy our lesson? What new things have we learnt today?
I’m satisfied with your work. It was rather interesting to listen to the
excursion and watch students’ presentation. I think it is the excellent work.
2. Домашнее задание. Перспективы
T. Your home task for the next lesson is to write a letter to your granny
about your excursion to London. Try to remember all sights of London in your letter and think about some Suburbs of London which you would like to visit in future. We’ll talk about it next lesson. You can find some information in the Internet.
Our lesson is over. Good-bye, boys and girls. See you on Monday.
Используемые источники:
- Новый курс английского языка для российских школ (О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева)
3-й год обучения, 7 класс, Москва «Дрофа», 2011 - Савина С.Н. Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку в школе. М.: Просвещение, 2011.
- Конышева А.В. Современные методы обучения английскому языку. Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2012.
- English Teaching forum. 2013
- Васильев М.В. Достопримечательности Лондона (London’s Places of Interest) Айрис Пресс, Москва, 2008.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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