Урок английского языка по теме : « Роль книг в нашей жизни"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Данный урок заставляет задуматься учащихся о том, какая роль отводится книгам в нашей жизни.
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Цель: развитие познавательного интереса к иностранному языку у учащихся. Задачи: формирование навыков просмотрового чтения с основным пониманием прочитанного, аудирования , говорение по теме. Речевой материал: раздаточный материал для групповой работы: тест о жанрах, тест “посоветуй что почитать” , текст мнение подростков о чтении книг, . Оснащение урока: картинки с изображением первопечатников ,компьютер аудио запись. THE ROLE OF BOOKS IN OUR LIFE
I. Организационный момент. 1. Приветствие. Teacher. Hello, children. Very glad to see you. 2. Ознакомление учащихся с планом предстоящего урока Teacher. Today we are going to work in groups . The theme of our lesson is “ The role of Books in Our Life ’’. We are going to find some new information on the topic , to listen to young people’s opinions on reading and you will try to speak about your attitude to reading.
II. Фонетическая зарядка. Teacher . Let’s begin with reading some difficult words . На доске написаны слова : a blurb a genre a plot to intrigue smb a cover a description a character to describe smth the story is set in a reward to be rewarded
III. Речевая зарядка. Teacher . Answer some questions , please . Учащиеся отвечают а вопросы по материалам предыдущих уроков. Teacher . In what places of the world did people have books in ancient times ? Pupil . People had books in Assyria , Babylonia , Greece , Rome and China . Teacher . Where and when was printing invented ? Pupil . Printing was invented in China . Teacher . Who was the first printer in Germany ? in England ? In Russia ? Pupil . Johann Gutenberg was the first printer in Germany , William Caxton in England and Ivan Fedorov in Russia . Teacher . Say some words about each of these printers . Учащиеся кратко рассказывают о первопечатниках , используя материал предыдущего урока.
Ivan Fedorov. Pupil 1 .Russian enlightener Ivan Fedorov is believed to be of Belarusian origin. His real name was Ivan Fedorovich Moskvitin. He was the founder of book-printing in Russia and in the Ukraine. He printed such books as “ Apostle”, the “ Psalter with Breviary” and “The Bible of Ostrog”.
Johann Gutenberg Pupil 2 . Very little is known about Johann Gutenberg . He is supposed to be born about 1400 . He was a son of merchant . He printed indulgences, calendars and dictionaries . He is known for printing of the 42-line Bible.
William Caxton Pupil 3 . William Caxton was the first English printer. His father was a farmer but William worked in an office which traded with different countries. Later he had his own business in Belgium. Then he left his business and began to translate French books into English and to printed about 80 books.
IV . Чтение текстов о жанрах. Criminals , robbers , killers . There is always a clever detective or a policeman who catches them in the end . Aliens , spaceships , trips to the moon and star wars . The author describes some body’s life or writes about himself ( herself ) Wizards , witches , and other magic objects and words . Some wizards are bad , some witches are good . The story is usually long and the plot is complicated . Princes and princesses , very bad witches and magic animals that help good people . The plot is usually very simple . Good people are rewarded . Bad people are punished . Pirates , cowboys , boys and girls are always doing exciting things . You also find ships , faraway islands , lost treasure , and a lot of danger in these stories , but there is usually a happy ending . Vampires , withes , ghosts and scary supernatural events . Things that happened in the past . Some characters may not be real , but the description of the period is usually very good . Love and hate . The characters go through a lot of difficulties to come together .
V. Проверка знаний лексики по теме . Teacher . You’ve learned some new facts about the libraries of London and now let’s revise the worlds naming the books . Учитель даёт описание жанра книг, а ученики называют жанр. Teacher . A book that contains recipes . Pupil . A cookery book . teacher . A book about smb’s life . Pupil . A biography . Teacher . A book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains what they mean . Pupil . A dictionary . Teacher . A book published every year that tells you about what happened in a subject or activity . Pupil . An almanac . Teacher . A book based on people or events that took place in the past . Pupil . A historical novel .
VI. Чтение отрывков из книг. Определение жара книги. 1. London at the end of the 19th century . Sherlock Holmes , the world’s most famous detective , and his reliable friend , Doctor Watson , are faced with the creepy legend of a monster : a dog that kills the members of the Baskerville family . The family legend seems just like a story until Sir Charles Baskerville dies a strange death . The last Baskerville , comes to England . He is American and he doesn’t believe in old stories , but his life is danger .
2. The story about the adventures of American boy from a little town on the Mississippi river is told with humour. Life with Tom, who is the main character in the book, is never boring. Something is always happening to him. One day he gets punished at school and next day he looks for treasure. He falls in love, gets lost and risks his life, but he never gives up.
3. Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a man. He had one child, a girl called Vasilisa the Beautiful. When Vasilisa was eight years old, her mother died and left her a doll which could help Vasilisa with everything. Soon Vasilisa’s father married again. His new wife had two daughters. They hated Vasilisa and gave her all the most difficult work. One day they sent to Baba Yaga.
4. Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who lived in the Netherlands . Nazi German invaded the Netherlands in 1940. They killed Jews if found them , so in 1942 Anne Frank and family went into hiding. While she was hiding Anne Frank kept a diary. In her diary she described every day of their life , which full of hope and fear. Anne’s diary survived the war. It was found by one of the people who had helped her family. In 1947 the book was first published . Since then the diary has been translated into more than 55 languages.
VII. аудирование Teacher. I should say that you know the genres of books quite well. Now you will listen to young people’s opinions about reading. Find out what each person says . One saying is extra . You will hear the task twice . После выполнения задания учащиеся обмениваются ответами и выполняют взаимопроверку . Количество баллов , заработанных каждой группой , фиксируется на доске.
VIII. Обучение неподготовленному высказыванию по теме. A) teacher. I’d like to know your attitude to reading but first let’s read aloud some teenagers’ sayings about reading. B) teacher . And now say what you think and feel about reading? What do you like to read and why ? Perhaps, you agree with any of these teenagers. Suggested answer: Pupil 1 . As for me , I’m found of reading different kinds of books but I like especially historical novels . They are based on people and events that took place in the past and they help me to understand historical events better. Pupil 2 . And I don’t like reading especially if book is long . I think reading is boring.
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