Презентация к уроку в 8 классе по теме "Роль книг в нашей жизни"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Кузнецова Наталья Анатольевна

Презентация к уроку в 8 классе по теме "Роль книг в нашей жизни" к УМК Happy English.ru под ред. К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A book that is worth burning is worth reading

Слайд 2

Are books worth reading or are they a waste of time? Why? It takes a lot of time to read a book Books contain new ideas Books are the memory of the nation Books are boring Books give a lot of information Computers are faster and contain more information Books that were written a long time ago are not interesting any more.

Слайд 3

PASSIVE VOICE is used when something is done to the subject The clouds were blown away by the wind.

Слайд 4

The dog is taken for a walk by Mr. Green.

Слайд 5

THE GENERAL FORMULA to BE + V 3  to be is changed according to the tense and the subject : Present Simple: to be = am / is / are I am always asked to look after his dog. Past Simple: to be = was / were I was asked to look after his dog yesterday. Future Simple: to be = shall / will be I shall be asked at the next lesson.

Слайд 6

ACTIVE VOICE do not exist in Passive Voice Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progr. Future Shall/will V Shall/will have V3 Present V (s) Am/is/are + V ing Have /has V3 Past V 2 was / were + V ing Had V3

Слайд 7

PASSIVE VOICE Simple Progressive Perfect P.P Future Shall/will be + V3 ? Present Am/is/are V3 ? Past Was/were V3 ? to be + V3 Am/is/ are + V ing + to be + V3 ______________________ Am/is are + being + V3 The house is being built now.

Слайд 8

PASSIVE VOICE Simple Progressive Perfect P.P Future Shall/will be + V3 ? Present Am/is/are V3 Am/is/are + +being+V3 ? Past Was/were V3 ? to be + V3 Was /were + V ing + to be + V3 ______________________ Was / were + being + V3 The house was being built when …

Слайд 9

PASSIVE VOICE Simple Progressive Perfect P.P Future Shall/will be + V3 Present Am/is/are V3 Am/is/are + +being+V3 Past Was/were V3 was / were + being+ V3 to be + V3 Shall/will have + V3 + to be + V3 __________________________ Shall/will have been + V3 The house will have been built by the 1 st of May

Слайд 10

PASSIVE VOICE Simple Progressive Perfect P.P Future Shall/will be + V3 Shall/will have been +V3 Present Am/is/are V3 Am/is/are + +being+V3 Past Was/were V3 was / were + being+ V3 to be + V3 Have/has + V3 + to be + V3 ________________________ Have /has + been + V3 The house has just been built .

Слайд 11

PASSIVE VOICE Simple Progressive Perfect P.P Future Shall/will be + V3 Shall/will have been +V3 Present Am/is/are V3 Am/is/are + +being+V3 Have / has been + V3 Past Was/were V3 was / were + being+ V3 to be + V3 had + V3 + to be + V3 _____________________ Had + been + V3 The house had been built by 1888.

Слайд 12

PASSIVE VOICE Simple Progressive Perfect P.P Future Shall/will be + V3 Shall/will have been +V3 Present Am/is/are V3 Am/is/are + + being +V3 Have / has been + V3 Past Was/were V3 was / were + being + V3 Had been + V3 to be + V3

Слайд 13

PAY ATTENTION The hunter killed the duck . The duck was killed by the hunter. THE SUBJECT AND THE OBJECT REPLACED EACH OTHER

Слайд 14

If it is not known or not important who did the action, miss it in the sentence in Passive Voice They built the church in the 18 –th century. The church was built in the 18 – th century by them. If you want to say who did it or what caused the action, use BY .

Слайд 15

A.V . The company often sends Tom abroad 1.change the subject and the object: Tom ………… by the company. 2. Find the verb and find out its tense sends Present Simple 3.Put the verb into the formula of this tense in Passive according to the subject is sent P.V . Tom is often sent abroad by the company If you want to change the sentence from Active into Passive, you must:

Слайд 16

When the verb of the active sentence is followed by a preposition, the preposition is used in the passive too They sent for the doctor. The doctor was sent for. To send for smb/smth To object to smb/smth To insist on smth To refer to smb/smth To laugh at smb/smth To listen to smb/smth To wait for smb/smth

Слайд 17

Use the Passive Voice 1. Somebody laughed at my little sister. My little sister was laughed at. 2.We are waiting for the librarian. The librarian is being waited for. 3.Scientists often refer to this book. This book is often referred to. 4. They have just sent for the doctor. The doctor has just been sent for.

Слайд 18

Inquisition in Medieval Europe

Слайд 19

Columbus 1492

Слайд 20

Vasco da Gama 1497

Слайд 21

Magellan 1522

Слайд 22

Nicolas Copernicus “The Earth is not the center of the universe”

Слайд 23

10 May 1933 University in Berlin Thousands of …were thrown into… The students were not …or …from the… Over the next few days a lot…followed… The writers who Germany didn’t need… They declared that Germany should burn… A famous German poet had said: “…” By 1933 millions of people were burned … Every year on … Germans celebrate… They know …

Слайд 24

Book Day

Слайд 25

Thanks a lot for cooperation Homework: Wb ex. A,C,D p.36-38.

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