Конспект урока по теме: "Shopping"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Конспект урока по английскому языку для закрепления темы "Shopping", а также грамматического материала по теме "Past Indefinite Tense" предназначен для студентов 1 курса СПО.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: “ Shopping” (Покупки)
Цель урока: Совершенствование лексико – грамматических навыков в
диалогической речи и навыка самостоятельного монологического
высказывания; развитие творческих умений учащихся;
воспитание этических норм поведения в общественных местах.
Задачи урока:
1. Активизация ранее изученного лексического материала в новых ситуациях общения.
2. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации.
3. Контроль уровня усвоения учащимися грамматического материала по теме: «Past Indefinite Tense».
Используемый материал: магнитофон, аудиозапись, плакаты, карточки, тексты, тесты.
Ход урока.
I. Вводная часть.
1. Приветствие.
Good morning, students! I’m very glad to see you today. Let’s start our lesson.
2. Краткое сообщение о предстоящей работе.
Сегодня мы продолжим работать над темой «Покупки». Эта тема актуальна для каждого человека, так как каждый день мы делаете покупки. Благодаря покупкам мы можете улучшить своё настроение и забыть наши проблемы. Мобилизую внимание учащихся на урок.
Today we’ll continue to study the theme “Shopping”. I think that this theme is topical for everybody because every day we do shopping. We can improve our mood and forget our problems due to shopping.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
В качестве зарядки предлагаю пословицы и поговорки по теме урока.
Now, we’ll begin our lesson with English proverbs about shopping. Look at the blackboard. Listen to me and repeat after me.
English proverbs:
1. Much coin, much care. (У кого много денег, много забот.)
2. Never buy a pig in a poke. (Не покупай свинью в мешке.)
3. He that has no money needs no purse. (Тому кошелёк не нужен, у кого нет денег.)
II. Совершенствование лексических навыков в самостоятельном монологическом высказывании в Past Indefinite Tense.
Предлагаю изучить текст и ответить на вопросы. (Приложение №1) Мотивирую учащихся на работу с текстом. Прошу прочитать текст «Покупки миссис Ричардс». После прочтения, предлагаю ответить на вопросы по тексту, используя лексику по теме.
Students, read the text “Mrs. Richards’ Shopping” and answer the questions.
III. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации.
Предлагаю учащимся тексты с диалогом « В универмаге». (Приложение № 2)
В данном диалоге есть пропущенные слова. Учащимся необходимо во время прослушивания аудиозаписи, заполнить пропуски недостающими словами в диалоге. Прослушивание аудиозаписи осуществляется два раза. После проверки пропущенных слов, учащиеся читают весь диалог.
Now you’ll receive cards with a dialogue “At the department store”. This dialogue has some missing words. And your task is to listen to this dialogue and fill in the gapes with missing words.
IV. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков в диалогической речи.
Предлагаю учащимся разделиться на пары. Каждая пара получает карточку с игровой ситуацией и карточку, содержащую речевые опоры по теме.(Приложение № 3) Учащимся необходимо составить диалог в соответствии с полученной игровой ситуацией, используя карточку, содержащую речевые опоры по теме.
Students, divide into pairs in your group. Each pair will receive a card with playing situation and a card with sentences. Your task is to make up a dialogue according to your playing situation. You may use sentences from the second card.
V. Контроль уровня усвоения учащимися грамматического материала по теме: «Past Indefinite Tense».
1. Предлагаю выполнить тест по теме: «Past Indefinite Tense».
(Приложение №4)
Now your task is to write a test “Past Indefinite Tense”. Be attentive and don’t forget about irregular verbs.
2. Оцениваю деятельность учащихся на уроке. Прощаюсь с учащимися.
Приложение № 1
Mrs. Richards’ Shopping.
Last Sunday Mrs. Richards looked into her refrigerator and saw that it was nearly empty. Mrs. Richards does not like it when there is nothing in her refrigerator. She took a big bag and went shopping.
The best place to do her shopping in is a supermarket. There is a good supermarket not far from Mrs. Richards’ house and she went there. The supermarket has many self-service departments. Mrs. Richards likes it because at a self-service department you can choose what you like and take it off the counter with your own hands.
When Mrs. Richards came to the shop, she took a basket at the entrance and went inside. First she went to the butcher’s department. They did not have beef that day, but there was a good choice of pork. Mrs. Richards took a good piece of pork and two chickens. She also took half a kilo of mince. Then she went to the greengrocer’s department, because she wanted some potatoes and cabbage. She did not like the potatoes and decided to go to the market later. But she took a good head of cabbage.
After that Mrs. Richards stopped at the grocer’s department to take a package of macaroni, and then went to the delicatessen department to see what she could buy for supper. She took a piece of cheese and a piece of sausage. They were selling ham, too, but she decided not to take ham: there was too much fat on it.
On the way to the cash-desk Mrs. Richards stopped at the confectioner’s department to buy some candy and biscuits for tea. She also took a chocolate roll.
There were two or three people in front of Mrs. Richards at the cash-desk, and she had to wait a little. When her turn came, she paid for the foodstuffs she had bought and went home.
1) What did Mrs. Richards do when she saw that her refrigerator was nearly empty?
2) What is the best place to do her shopping in?
3) What department did Mrs. Richards go to first?
4) What did she buy at the butcher’s department?
5) What did Mrs. Richards buy at the greengrocer’s department?
6) What did Mrs. Richards buy at the grocer’s department?
7) Why did she go to the delicatessen department? What did she buy there?
8) What did Mrs. Richards buy at the confectioner’s department?
Приложение № 2
Dialogue “At the department store”.
A. Hello, madam. What _____ ___ ____for you?
B. Please, ______ ______ a nice summer dress.
A. Oh, madam, I ______ ______ you a wide choice of dresses to all tastes. _____ ______dress would you like?
B. Something not _____ ______ . I think something in blue or pink, or maybe light-brown.
A. Yes, madam. _______ ________do you take in dresses?
B. My size is…
A. Just ______ __ ______ at this dress.
B. M-m… The cut is somewhat strange…
A. Oh, madam, such dresses are just _________ ___. They are going to be all the fashion in the coming season.
B. Where can I_______ ___ ____?
A. Just step into this cabin.
Приложение № 3
Playing situations (игровые ситуации):
1) At the department store (В универмаге)
2) At the toy shop (В магазине игрушек)
3) At the shoe shop (В обувном магазине)
4) At the butcher’s (В мясном магазине)
5) At the baker’s (В булочной)
6) At the dairy (В молочном магазине)
7) At the greengrocer’s (В овощном магазине)
Приложение № 3
Слова и выражения по теме “ Shopping” («Покупки»).
Questions: Answers :
What can I do for you? Please, I’d like to buy….
Can I help you? Yes, I want a kilo of….
What size do you need? My size is….
What colour …do you want? Show me something in brown.
How much is this? Three thousand roubles. This is too
How much are they? expensive . I’d like something cheaper.
Does it fit you well? Yes, it fits me well. No, it is too small.
Do you have a larger size?
Anything else? Let me see…
Where do I pay? The cash-desk is over there on the right.
Where is the fitting room? The fitting room is over there on the left.
Shall I wrap it up for you? Yes, please.
Приложение № 4
Past Indefinite Tense.
Test (I variant)
Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.
1. Mr. Smith … his car yesterday.
a) fix
b) fixet
c) fixed
2. His wife … plants in the garden.
a) water
b) watert
c) watered
3. How did you … this morning ?
a) feel
b) felt
c) feeled
4. They really… a wonderful time at their friends.
a) have
b) had
c) haved
5. On Tuesday I … up at half past six.
a) get
b) got
c) geted
6. He … to the bathroom and washed his hands.
a) go
b) went
c) goed
7. My son … in the evening.
a) doesn’t work
b) didn’t work
c) don’t worked
8. Tom … breakfast for his family.
a) cook
b) cookt
c) cooked
9. What did you … last night ?
a) drink
b) drank
c) drinked
10. My mother … a chocolate cake to Nick.
a) give
b) gave
c) gived
Приложение № 4
Past Indefinite Tense.
Test (II variant)
Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.
1. My aunt … at the theatre.
a) work
b) workt
c) worked
2. In the evening their boys … to loud music.
a) listen
b) listent
c) listened
3. What did you … last morning ?
a) eat
b) ate
c) eated
4. John … a cup of tea.
a) drink
b) drank
c) drinked
5. Mrs.Richards … TV in the evening.
a) doesn’t watch
b) didn’t watch
c) don’t watched
6. Last week she … a funny story about her pet.
a) write
b) wrote
c) writed
7. His sister … home from school at half past eight.
a) come
b) came
c) comed
8. We … swimming in the ocean last weekend.
a) enjoy
b) enjoyt
c) enjoyed
9. Where did you … yesterday ?
a) go
b) went
c) goed
10. I know that Susan … a party last night.
a) have
b) had
c) haved
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