Конспект урока по теме "Shopping for clothes"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Егоркина Татьяна Николаевна

конспект урока с заданиями по теме одежда для 4 класса по учебнику Биболетовой


Microsoft Office document icon pril2_zadanie_k_pesne.doc55 КБ
Файл otkrytyy_urok_clothes.docx16.23 КБ
Office presentation icon zadaniya_po_teme.ppt1.24 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Listen to the song and tick the words from it:

  1. umbrella
  2. scarf
  3. cap
  4. gloves
  5. mittens
  6. boots
  7. suit

Предварительный просмотр:

Цель урока: закрепление лексики и новой структуры по теме «Одежда».

Аспекты урока:


  1. закрепление новых лексических единиц по теме “Одежда”;
  2. работа с различными источниками;

Воспитательные: создать условия для воспитания:

  1. эстетического вкуса;
  2. фантазии, воображения;
  3. интереса к урокам иностранного языка;
  4. интерес к участию в коммуникации на иностранном языке;

Развивающие: создать условия для развития:

  1. навыков аудирования, извлечения необходимой информации при восприятии предложений на слух;
  2. развития творческих мыслительных способностей;
  3. развития смысловой догадки;
  4. умения работать в парах, группах.

Ход урока

Вводная часть

    Good morning , boys and girls ! I am glad to see you. How are you today ?  What day is it today? What date is it today?

Today we’re going to discuss clothes. That’s why answer my question: What’s your favorite clothes?

  1. Now we are going to listen to “The Clothing song” [www.youtube.com] and you are to tell me what clothes was mentioned there.

Основная часть

  1. Let ' s remember some words about clothes . Look at the blackboard and  name odd word  
  2. Let' s  look at  the blackboard again! What word do you see ? ( CLOTHES) That’s  right. Form as many words as possible with the help of letters.
  3. Let’s play a game. You should take a card with words and show it without any words. Other pupil should guess what it is. Well done!
  4.  Now please open your book at page task17.
  5. Now imagine that you come to the shop and want to buy something, prepare conversation between shop assistant and you. Very good work.

I see you are tired let’s do some exercise. Stand up please? Repeat after me

Up, down, up, down. (руки вверх, вниз)

Which is the way to London Town? (шагаем на месте)

Where? Where? (руку к глазам, повороты влево, вправо)

Up in the air, (смотрим вверх)

Close your eyes  (закрываем глаза)

And you are there! (разводим руки в стороны)

  1. Let’s continue our lesson. Open your copy-book and write down the date. Look at the blackboard here you can see some pictures you should divide them into 2 columns according to season. Let’s check. Good job.
  2. Now I want to show you film which is called “I want a jumper” Name word which do you remember.

Заключительный этап урока:

  So  it's time to finish our work . You worked very well. Good boys and

  girls . Do you like the lesson ?


  И   ещё немного  поиграем. Давайте составим букет. Поставьте себе оценку за урок  (красный цветок — очень хорошо, розовый — хорошо, синий — не очень.)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Name odd word 1. Coat , T-shirt , dress , winter 2. Mittens ,snow , scarf , sweater 3 . Trousers , blouse ,flowers , boots 4. Umbrella , raincoat , coat , rain

Слайд 3


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