Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Multiculturalism" ("Культурное многообразие")
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Разработка урока английского языка элективного курса «Страноведение» для 9 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:


 (“Культурное  многообразие”)

Учитель английского языка

Гасимова Гульназ Рамисовна

Разработка урока

элективного курса «Страноведение»

9Б класс

План урока “Культурное многообразие”

Программно-методическое обеспечение:

- рабочая программа элективного курса «Страноведение»,

- страноведческие энциклопедии, журналы,

-  Интернет-ресурсы:


2.CIA World Fact Book:


3. National Geographic Country Guide


4.World Travel Guide:



Формировать  ключевые ценностно-смысловые, общекультурные, учебно-познавательные, информационные, коммуникативные компетенции учащихся по теме «Культурное многообразие»


-  Ознакомить учащихся с понятием «Культурное многообразие».

-Ввести страноведческую информацию по теме «Культурное многообразие».

-  Совершенствовать у учащихся навыки англоязычной устной речи, аудирования, чтения, письма.

-  Воспитывать уважение, толерантность к представителям  разных культур.

- Расширить кругозор учащихся,

-  Мотивировать к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.


Мультимедийный проектор,  экран, компьютер, аудиозапись, раздаточный материал (карточки с названиями разных культур, задание для аудирования).


I.Introduction (3minutes).

Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you. You may take your seats.

Please look at the screen and guess what we are going to talk about. (Slide 1 Pictures related to the topic CULTURE).

You are right! Today we are going to discuss different cultures.

II. Warm up activity(3minutes).:

Please look at the blackboard, you see the word CULTURE.

Let’s brainstorm. What for you does ‘culture’ mean?  Why? Give your ideas.

III. Activity 1: To enlarge pupils' understanding of ‘culture’(10 minutes).

Now let’s work in pairs- I give each pair a piece of paper from a bag (Papers say: ‘Indian culture’, ‘youth culture’, ‘European culture’, ‘American culture’, ‘African culture’, ‘primitive culture’, ‘Moslem culture’).

Please make a list of at least 5 things, ideas, words that you associate with your category. (3minutes).

Now I split pairs to form two large groups. Each group is to present your ideas of ‘culture’ and its associations to your group. The members of another group must add at least 3 more ideas/words to the list.(5minutes).

How, now, has your understanding of ‘culture’ changed, compared to when you first thought of it? What does ‘culture’ include that you didn’t think of before? Why?(2 minutes).

Check your ideas. (Slide 2 )

IV. Listening Comprehension Activity. (5 minutes).

Now please listen to the tape and fill in gaps of the typescript:

“Multiculturalism is (everywhere) today. As the world __________(gets smaller), multiculturalism becomes bigger. ______(Few of us today) live in towns in which there is only one culture. Today, ___________(we live in towns) where we are surrounded by many other cultures. If we live in a city, __________(we will see people) from all over the world. Of course, some cities are more multicultural than others. New York is_______(a real melting pot). It is called the most multicultural city on Earth. A city like Tokyo isn’t so multicultural. I think multiculturalism is________( a great thing). It’s fantastic walking out of your door and seeing other cultures. This didn’t happen________( when I was young). People didn’t understand other cultures. They didn’t even want to understand. I’m glad things are changing today.”

V. Discussion. (5 minutes).

Answer the questions:


2. Why is New York called a melting pot?        

3. Is Kazan a multicultural city?

5. Are the cultures of the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, India different?

6. What cultural differences can you name?

7. What do they have in common?

8. Is it important to understand other cultures? Why?

9.What can help people to learn tolerance towards other cultures?

VI. Writing activity. Reflection (15minutes).

Write about multiculturalism for 10 minutes. Show your partner your paper. Correct each other’s work and pass me your sheets of paper.

VII. Summing up Explanation of homework. (4 minutes).

Thank you for your work.  I liked your ideas and active participation.

Your homework is to prepare for a project work. Divide into groups of 4 members and choose one English speaking country (Canada, Australia, India, Philippines, New Zealand). Bring the materials to make a poster of the chosen country. This plan lists topics to be covered (Slide 3):

  1. General info (flag, population, capital…)
  2. Nature.
  3. Sightseeing.
  4. Culture (cuisine, dress, famous people...)
  5. The route from Kazan.



Slide 1


Slide 2

Travel Guide (Canada, Australia, India, Philippines or New Zealand)

  1. General info(flag, population, capital…)
  2. Nature
  3. Sightseeing
  4. Culture (cuisine, dress, famous people..)
  5. The route from Kazan

Slide 3







Предварительный просмотр:


From: http://www.listenAminute.com/m/multiculturalism.html

Multiculturalism is everywhere today. As the world gets smaller, multiculturalism becomes bigger. Few of us today live in towns in which there is only one culture. Today, we live in towns where we are surrounded by many other cultures. If we live in a city, we will see people from all over the world. Of course, some cities are more multicultural than others. New York is a real melting pot. It is called the most multicultural city on Earth. A city like Tokyo isn’t so multicultural. I think multiculturalism is a great thing. It’s fantastic walking out of your door and seeing other cultures. This didn’t happen when I was young. People didn’t understand other cultures. They didn’t even want to understand. I’m glad things are changing today.


From: http://www.listenAminute.com/m/multiculturalism.html

Multiculturalism ________________. As the world gets smaller, multiculturalism becomes bigger. ________________ live in towns in which there is only one culture. Today, ________________ where we are surrounded by many other cultures. If we live in a city, ________________ from all over the world. Of course, some cities are more multicultural than others. New York is a ________________. It is called the most multicultural city on Earth. A city like Tokyo isn’t so multicultural. I think multiculturalism ________________. It’s fantastic walking out of your door and seeing other cultures. This didn’t happen ________________. People didn’t understand other cultures. They didn’t ________________ understand. I’m glad things are changing today.

  More free lessons at listenAminute.com - Copyright 2009

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