уолт дисней
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
конкурс на лучшее исполнени е песен к мультфильмам уолта дисней
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Предварительный просмотр:
МКОУ СОШ пос.Мизур Алагирского района РСО-Алания
внеклассное мероприятие
Конкурс на лучшее исполнение песен по мотивам мультфильмов Уолта Диснея
Выполнил: учитель английского языка Кадиева Л.И
A competition on the best performing of the songs from the cartoons of Walt Disney
Pupil 1.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
Pupil 2. Hi, boys and girls!
Pupil1. Hardly logo appears on the screen with the image of a fairytale castle of Sleeping Beauty, everybody recognize one of the leaders of the animated genre - studio Walt Disney Pictures.
Pupil 2. And today we shall not only speak about this great man
Pupil1…. but we shall have a competition on the best performing of the songs from the cartoons of Walt Disney
Pupil 2. So let’s start!
Pupil 1.Our competition will be judged by the teacher of History Natalia Borisovna and the teacher of Russian Fatima Georgievna.
Pupil 2…. And the pupils of our school ……and our DJ the pupil of the 8 form Emzar Shiukaev
Pupil 1.The history of the oldest film studios began in 1923
Pupil 2. And from the American animator, actor, screenwriter, director of Walt Disney.
Pupil 1. Walt Disney was born in Chicago
Pupil 2.The family was very poor and his first picture Walt painted on the wall of his house with a gum stick.
Pupil 1. Three years later he starts selling his drawings to his neighbors
Pupil 2. And 40 years later they would sell these pictures on auctions.
Pupil1. In 1920 Walt and his brother Roy opened a small animation studio, which originally called Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio.
Pupil 2. But then Roy offered to call the studio Walt Disney Studio.
Pupil1. Two brothers - Walt and Roy began to create animated films
Pupil 2. The first drawing film was put on L.Сarol’s book "Alice in Wonderland’’ on 16 October 1923.
Pupil 1. And work started! Next triumph - is Mickey Mouse.
Pupil 2. Then there were the short films "Funny stories", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs“, "Pinocchio" and "Fantasia".
Pupil 1. In 1948, Walt Disney began his famous series of colored films: "Living Desert", "The Vanishing Prairie," "The African Lion" and “White Wilderness."
Pupil 2. In 1955 Walt decided to create a park and entertainment complex, which will prevail tale and magic.
Pupil 1. So, the first park "Disneyland" appeared in California in Anaheim.
Pupil 2. After more than seven years of planning and preparation, including 52 months of actual construction, "Disney World" opened on 1 October 1971.
Pupil 1.”Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and yesterday” are written on the entrance of Disneyland.
Pupil 2. In 1966, Walt Disney died. He was replaced by Brother Roy.
Pupil 1.In the 90-s studio released a full-length production of cartoons, and had great success in the world: "The Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast," "Aladdin," "The Lion King" and «Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers»
Pupil 2. All cartoons contained beautiful songs. And today you will see who will be the best in performing them.
Pupil 1. So the pupils of 5 A are beginning the competition with the song Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.
( the song Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers)
Pupil 2. In 2006 on the screen comes the famous cartoon "Cars".
Pupil 1. The song to this cartoon became very famous and are sung by many famous singers
Pupil 2. You will hear this song in the interpretation of the pupils of 5 B.
Pupil 1. You are welcome, boys and girls!
(the song “ Rout 66”)
Pupil 2. Оne of the famous Disney cartoons is "Ice Age"
Pupil 1.It is the battle between a saber-toothed tiger and mammoth Manfred for the human infant.
Pupil 2. Mammoth Manfred and annoying chatterbox – Sid became a family at the end of their journey
Pupil1. ”We are a family” are singing the girls from 6 form. Applause them ,please.
( the song “ We are a family”)
Pupil 2. Shrek- huge green giant- which lives on a bog agrees to rescue the princess if the king Farkuad orders to fantastic beings to leave from its bog. The donkey casually finds out, that Fiona at night turns into green giant. She can become a beauty if a real prince kiss her.
Pupil 1. About Shrek’s love to Fiona are singing the pupils of the 7B in the song “Halleluja’’
(the song “Hallelujah’’)
Pupil 2.The song “Anastasiya” is the hymn to love and victory over evil forces.
Pupil 1. You will hear it in the performance of the pupils of 8 th form
(the song “Anastasia’’)
Pupil 2.While our honorable judges are counting the points let’s see who is the best in knowing Walt Disney’s cartoons.
( slides)
Conclusion( a word to our judges)
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