Конспект урока "Уолт Дисней"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
Во время урока даются биографические данные Уолта Диснея, закрепляется страдательный залог.
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Тема урока: « Жизнь и творчество Уолта Диснея»
Цель:- познакомить с жизнью и деятельностью Уолта Диснея в рамках темы «Can People Do Without You?»;
Образовательные задачи:- провести контроль владения устной речью, аудированием, чтением в рамках темы, контроль усвоения страдательного залога и Complex Object.
Развивающие задачи: -совершенствовать навыки устной речи при ответах на вопросы, при монологической речи, навыки употребления в речи Complex Object.
Воспитательные задачи: - воспитывать активность, ответственность, чувство собственной значимости в жизни
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, карточки с опорами, сигнальные таблички черного и белого цветов.
Технологии: информационные, операционные, развивающие, технология поддержки ребенка.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Формы работы: индивидуальные, групповые.
Этапы: - Организационный момент.
Речевая зарядка.
Проверка домашнего задания (монологические высказывания)
Работа по тексту.
Закрепление страдательного залога.
Практика аудирования.
Повторение и отработка в речи Complex Object.
Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент.
Т: Good-morning, children!
P1 P2: Good morning! How are you?
T: Fine, thanks, and how are you?
P1 P2: We are fine, thanks.
T: Sit down, please. I`m glad you are well today. Agree, that everyone wants
to be well, to be happy. What comes to your mind when you think about a
happy life?
(раздаются карточки в начале урока, а сейчас учитель обращает внимание учеников на них )
I am happy when… We are happy when… Good relations – хорошие отношения Health – здоровье Money – деньги Have no problems with studying – нет проблем с учебой Faithful (good) friends – верные друзья. |
Речевая зарядка.
Т: Answer my question using these word-combinations.
P1 P2: - I am happy when I have no problems with my studying.
- We are happy when we have faithful friends. И т.д.
Т: Everything is important. And we are happy when we have business that
makes people be glad. So our lesson will be about a great person, Walt
Disney. Let`s begin. Some pupils are ready to tell us about him.
(ученики рассказывают подготовленные истории).
Монологические высказывания (домашнее задание)
На экране появляется портрет и надпись: « 1901-2011 W.D. will be 110 years old»
P1: Walt Disney was an American original, a man, who developed the animated
film into an art form. He was famous for his animated cartoons.
На экране: « December, 5, in Chicago.»
P2: Walt Disney was born on December,5, in Chicago. When he was a little boy,
he went far away from the family farm and learnt to watch animals that lived
in the woods: rabbits, foxes.
P3: At school he read texts, studied arithmetics, writing, geography and spelling.
But he always found things that were more interesting for him. When he had
time Walt loved to draw, but he did not have any paper and pencils. His Aunt
Maggie gave him paper and a box of pencils. Walt also had a talent in
На экране: «1911».
P4: In 1911, when Walt was ten years old, the family moved to Kansas City. He
helped his father with the newspaper business and then took classes in
painting and drawing at the Kansas City Art Institute.
На экране: «1917».
P5: In 1917 Walt Disney moved to Chicago and took classes at Chicago`s
Academy of Fine Arts.
На экране: «1918».
P6: The Summer of 1918 was the best that Walt had known. For the first time in
his life Walt had enough money to buy a movie camera.
T: Thank you, children, for your stories
Работа по тексту.
На экране появляется текст.
(на доске написаны новые слова, которые в тексте выделены другим шрифтом).
poverty – бедность
to rent – взять в аренду
to turn – превратить, делать
technique – техника
adult – взрослый
success – успех
creator – создатель
developing – развитие
entertainment – развлечение
is divided – разделен
attempt - пытаться
In 1923 Walt Disney and his brother left for Hollywood and for some years struggled against poverty. They rented an old camera and garage which he turned into a small studio. Walt Disney produced a series of cartoon films. He developed many techniques in producing cartoons.
His famous characters are Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, the Three Little Pigs. They all were very popular with children and adults all over the world. The first Mickey Mouse cartoon was drawn in 1928. It was the first sound cartoon, which brought great success to its creator. Donald Duck was created in 1936. Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs was made in 1937. The songs to the cartoon were written by Frank Cherchill.
In the 1950`s and 1960`s Walt Disney began developing the family entertainment parks, Disneyland and Disney World. The first Disneyland was opened in southern California in 1955. It is situated 27 miles south of Los Angeles. The park is divided into six parts and there is so much to see and do in each that no one would attempt to see all of them in one visit.
In 1971 Disney World was opened in Florida.
(Учащиеся читают текст по цепочке)
T: Look here. Read this text and remember some facts. These words will help
you to understand the text. Read.
Учащиеся читают текст с экрана.
T: Well, answer the questions about the text. Use the computer, please.
(Вопросы на доске. Ответы в тексте дети выделяют, пользуясь компьютером).
Вопросы на доске:
- When did W.D. leave for Hollywood?
- When did W.D. do there in 1923?
- What are the most popular characters of his films?
- What was the first sound cartoon?
- Who is the author of Snow-White cartoon songs?
- What are the famous family entertainment parks in the USA?
- What do you know about Disneyland in California?
Узнавание в тексте форм страдательного залога.
T: Now, find in the text Passive Voice.
(Учащиеся выделяют с помощью компьютера глаголы-сказуемые в страдательном залоге).
T: Let`s go on!
(Выходят гости – учащиеся 4 класса).
Практика аудирования.
T: They are girls and boys from the 4th form. They visited Disneyland, drew
pictures. Now they want to show you these pictures.
На экране: « Disneyland».
P1: Disneyland is a large amusement park in California, in the USA. We can meet
our favourite characters of Walt Disney`s famous cartoons there: Mickey
Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow-White and many others.
P2: There are 60 different amusements and shows in Disneyland. You can find
yourself in the past or in a fantastic future.
На экране рисунок и надпись: «The Wild West Festival».
P3: The Wild West Festival is really exciting. You can see cowboys and Indians
riding horses and fighting.
На экране картинка и надпись: «The Space Mountain».
P4: This is the Space Mountain. You can not go there if you are not healthy or
you are too young.
На экране картинка и надпись: «The Mad Tea Cups».
P1: These are the Mad Tea Cups. They rotate slowly and quickly and give you
unforgettable impressions.
На экране картинка и надпись: «Computer Land».
P2: This is Computer Land. And we can play a lot of games there.
T: Thank you. Your stories are very interesting.
На экране : «1964».
(Далее работают учащиеся 7 класса).
P1: In 1964 Walt Disney produced the greatest of his films “Mary Poppins”.
On September 14,1964, President Johnson presented him with the
Medal of Freedom at the White House.
На экране: «December 14, 1966».
P2: Walt died on December 14, in 1966. Newspapers in every country reported
the news of Wald Disney`s death. Newspapers wrote: «He was a legend in
his own life time.»
Повторение и отработка в речи структуры с Complex Object.
На экране появляется таблица:
Walt Disney Aunt Maggie His father She | wanted liked saw watched | Walt Disney him animals children parents teachers | - (to) help with the newspaper business - (to) make photographs - (to) play and (to) draw - (to) live in the wood - (to) spend pleasant time - (to) educate better - (to) understand each other |
Учитель предлагает учащимся составить предложения по таблице с использованием Complex Object (повторяется правило).
P1: His father wanted Walt Disney to help him with the newspaper business.
P2: Walt Disney wanted children and parents to spend pleasant time. И т.д.
На экране появляются фотографии героев мультфильмов Уолта Диснея.
T: Name the characters, please.
(учащиеся называют героев мультфильмов).
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Thank you for your work. It was well done, I think. Show me the white side
of your sign if you liked the lesson, and if you did not like the lesson show me
the black one.
(Учащиеся поднимают соответствующие таблички. Учитель подводит итоги урока.)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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