Методическая разработка урока 10 класса по теме " Профессия"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
разработка урока Enterprise 4
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Предварительный просмотр:
План урока по теме «Профессии»
в 10 классе.
Цели урока:
- образовательный аспект – совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компенсации учащихся при изучении материала;- понимание сути высказываний;- извлечение необходимой информации при аудировании;- обсуждение по данной тематике с выражением своей точки зрения в ролевой игре;
-воспитательный аспект – воспитание толерантного отношения к мнениям других людей; -воспитание личностных качеств :уверенности при ответе ,умения отстаивать свою точку зрения
-развивающий аспект – развитие способности к догадке, коммуникабельности, способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия в интерактивной среде.
Ход урока:
- СD
- Enterprise 4
- Набор картинок –профессий
- Набор демонстрационных карточек- фраз
1. Warming Up :
Today we are talking about a wide selection of modern jobs. What should we know in order not to be a failure? Where and how can we find a suitable job ? You will hear a radio interview with a woman advising people how to get a proper job. Read the following sentences then listen to the tape and fill in the missing parts. (Handouts) Listening Task
You will hear a radio interview with a woman advising people on how to get a job. Read the following sentences then listen to the tape and fill in the missing parts.
The two problems for those seeking work are getting ……………….. (1) and performing well at it. It’s important that your CV is ………………………….. (2).Once you’ve got a CV you should send it to possible …………………………………. (3).To find a gob you should first look in ……………………………… (4) regularly .The night before the interview you should get enough …………………………….. (5). For a job interview you should wear the ……………………………… (6). Make sure you arrive for the interview ……………………………. (7) early. You should also be …………………………….. (8) to the receptionist Don’t …………………………….. (9) before the interviewer asks you to do so. During the interview, you should not …………………………. (10) or chew gum.
Now let’s check your answers.
1) an interview, 2) up-to-date, 3) employers, 4) (the) newspapers, 5) sleep, 6) right clothes, 7) ten minutes, 8) extra nice, 9) sit down, 10) smoke.)
Well-done. I think that you remember more information about what you should do to find a job and how to be successful in a job interview.
2. Speech Drills on the Topic:
I guess you have some ideas how to apply for a job. If you want to be successful you should prepare for the interview beforehand thinking about possible questions. What questions could be asked by an interviewer at a job interview.
Now listen to the dialogue and write down 2 of the interviewer’s and 2 of the applicant’s questions. (Handouts)
3. Dialogical Drills:
. Work in pairs, act out a job interview choosing one of the given situations.
- What is/are …
- I’d very much appreciate …
- Could you tell me …
- Would you be able to …
- Would you mind …, etc.
1. One of you is a job-hunter. You are calling to an employment agency and say what kind of job you are interested in. another person will ask you about qualifications, work experience and make an appointment.
2. You are calling directly the possible employer. The secretary will answer. You tell you want to apply for a job, the field you are interested in. The secretary look and say there are no vacancies but you insist on coming and bringing your resume. The secretary tells you the time.
3. You’ve read the ads in a newspaper about the vacancy of an electronic engineer. You’d like to come and talk about it. You come to the receptionist and give your CV. The receptionist studies it carefully and says that you have a chance. You want to know some details about this position but the receptionist explains that everything will be said during the interview and makes an appointment.
4. Expand the situation.
A: Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Swenson for 12 today made by the “Continent” agency. It’s about sales agent job in the Sales department.
B: Have a seat, please. Mr. Swenson will be with you in a few minutes.
A: ……
5. Expand the situation.
A: Good afternoon. “Express” publishing house.
B: Good afternoon. I’m looking for a job in a publishing house.
A: What field would you like to work in?
B: ……
4. Listening:
I see you are nearly ready to be interviewed. But don’t you forget that every profession has its advantages and disadvantages? Besides you must take into account that a person needs to have some qualities to be good at their job. Listen to a business executive, a fire-fighter and a nurse talking about their jobs and fill in the missing information.
Let’s check.
Thank you. Work in pairs for 3 minutes to discuss qualities, advantages and disadvantages of following professions: a pilot, a miner, a fashion model and a policeman.
Polite clever sensible hard-working
Patient punctual cautious competent
Intelligent imaginative capable good at keeping deadline
Creative quick to learn responsible dedicate
Accurate flexible consistent tactful
5. Discussion:
Do you think that there are professions which are usually done by men or women? Why is this?
(E.g. astronaut, coal miner, dancer, lorry driver, nurse, pilot, police officer, shop assistant, surgeon, etc.) (Оn the blackboard)
6. Group work:
Imagine you are an employment counsel. You have a resume of an applicant with a number of qualities. Look at them carefully and offer the most suitable profession. Prove your idea. (Cards to groups, 1 person will answer)
7. Conclusion:
You see the world of jobs is varied and you can choose any profession you want. But don’t forget you should honestly evaluate your good and bad qualities; think if this job suits you and what you can to achieve your aim.
8. Home task.
Write a composition of about 100 words about your experience being interviewed.
преподаватель англ . языка
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