Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия для 10 класса. Литературно-музыкальная композиция, посвященная дню рождения Роберта Бернса.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Организация внеклассной работы является одним из важнейших средств поддержания интереса к иностранному языку.
Внеклассная работа по английскому языку в нашей школе имеет большое общеобразовательное, воспитательное и развивающее значение. Эта работа не только углубляет и расширяет знания иностранного языка, но и способствует расширению культурологического кругозора школьников, развитию их творческой активности, эстетического вкуса и, как следствие, повышает мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры другой страны
. Данная работа представляет собой сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке, посвященного жизни и творчеству шотландского поэта Р. Бернса.
В подготовке и проведении мероприятия активное участие приняли учащиеся 10 класса «А», ГБОУ СОШ 316, Санкт-Петербурга.
Цель мероприятия:
-ознакомить учащихся с творчеством популярного поэта Шотландии Роберта Бернса;
-активизировать познавательную деятельность; -развивать навыки устной речи на английском языке;
-расширять кругозор учащихся; -воспитывать уважения к культуре другой страны; -развивать эстетические представления и актёрские способности у детей.
- ознакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством шотландского поэта Р. Бернса;
- пробудить у учащихся живой отклик на проблемы и нравственные принципы поэта своего времени;
- пробудить интерес к творчеству Р. Бернса и любовь к жизнелюбивой поэзии поэта в процессе продуктивной совместной деятельности.
- компьютер, проектор, презентация в Power Point;
- записи музыкальных произведений;
- видео фильмы в YouTube;
- доклады и стихи о жизни и творчестве Роберта Бернса.
Использование художественных произведений зарубежной литературы на уроках иностранного языка и во внеурочных мероприятиях помогает совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся, обеспечивает создание коммуникативной, познавательной и эстетической мотивации. Такой вид работы активизирует мыслительную и речевую деятельность учащихся, развивает их интерес к литературе, служит лучшему усвоению культуры страны изучаемого языка, а также углубляет знание языка, поскольку при этом происходит процесс запоминания лексики.
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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слухаМузыкальная академия
Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей
Современно, удобно, эффективно
Предварительный просмотр:
Robert Burns as a cultural symbol of Scotland (1759-1796)
S: Good morning/afternoon dear friends,
Today we have gathered together to commemorate the glorious, dignified and the most prominent Scottish poet of all the times- Robert Burns. Amazingly people admire his works for more than 200 years and still get inspiration and strong emotions. You can ask why we have decided to devote our lesson particularly to Robert Burns, why the poetry of Robert Burns is so famous worldwide.
O: Yes, in simplistic terms Robert Burns is one of the greatest poets who ever lived. Actually the poetry of Robert Burns inspires millions of readers not only in English speaking countries but all over the world. Ask anyone outside Scotland, what they associate most with Scotland and you will probably get a variety of answers like Tartan, Kilt, Thistle, Bagpipes, Tattoo, and Robert Burns of course.
Now we are going to present some of the most famous symbols of Scotland.
Only Scotland could inspire Robert Burns to write so many wonderful poems about his country. He felt a special bond with the Highlands, with its high mountains and wild lochs. Now I’d like you to listen to the most famous, I should say, his masterpiece “My heart’s in the Highlands”.
“My Heart’s in the Highlands” (poem).
Background (pictures of the Highlands, NO MUSIC!)
My heart is in the Highlands | |
Chorus | |
My heart is in the Highlands, my heart is not here, | Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, |
My heart is in the Highlands a-chasing the deer, | The hills of the Highlands for ever I love. |
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe – | Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow, |
My heart is in the Highlands, wherever I go! | Farewell to the broad valleys and green valleys below, |
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, | Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods, |
The birthplace of valour, the country of worth! | Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods! |
So how can we define the significance and impact of Robert Burns in Cultural History of Scotland?
S: Actually, Robert Burns is a representative not only of Scotland's historic roots but of modern Scotland as well. His impact into the cultural history of the country is incredible. His poems and songs not only demonstrate his genius, common identity and worldwide fame, but also rise the readers’ imagination, fuel the hearts, and depict life in Scotland in the 18th century. Robert Burns is a national hero and a cultural icon in Scotland. After passing by more than two centuries, the glory of Robert Burns is still immortal.
In 2009 he was chosen the Greatest Scot, through a poll conducted by Scottish television channel STV.
Why does the poetry of Robert Burns inspire not only common readers but also prominent writers and musicians? What makes his lyrics so special and actual nowadays?
O: Robert Burns is a living tradition. His poems reflect deep feelings and emotions and describe the eternal topics such as friendship, love, compassion, empathy, patriotism and humanism. The art of Robert Burns has inspired many outstanding writers and musicians, including John Steinbeck, Jerome Salinger, Bob Dylan and even Michael Jackson. When asked the source of his greatest creative inspiration, Bob Dylan selected "A Red, Red Rose" by Robert Burns as the lyric that had the greatest impact on his life.
"A Red, Red Rose" is one of the best love poems of all time. Now you can listen to Burns's wonderful avowal of passionate love-
A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns (Song)
(Background pictures, NO MUSIC)
Oh, my love is like a red, red rose | Любовь, как роза, роза красная, |
that's newly sprung in June | Цветет в моем саду. |
and my love is like the melody | Любовь моя – как песенка, |
that's sweetly played in tune | С которой в путь иду. |
And you're so fair, my lovely lass, | Сильнее красоты твоей |
and so deep in love am I | Моя любовь одна. |
that I will love you still, my dear, | Она с тобой, пока моря |
till all the seas run dry. | Не высохнут до дна. |
Till all the seas run dry, my dear, | Не высохнут моря, мой друг, |
and the rocks melt with the sun! | Не рушится гранит, |
And I will love you still, my dear, | Не остановится песок, |
while the sands of life shall run. | А он, как жизнь, бежит… |
And fare you well, my only love! | Будь счастлива, моя любовь, |
And fare you well, awhile! | Прощай и не грусти. |
And I will come again, my love, | Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет |
though it were ten thousand miles! | Пришлось бы мне пройти! |
S: Robert Burns also became a source of inspiration to the founders of democratic, liberal and socialist movements around the world. A good illustration of his influence can be found in these lines from one of his poems about the worth of the individual: "The rank is but the guinea’s stamp, / The man’s the gowd [gold] for a’ [all] that!" (He was saying that the common man is as good as any king or lord).
Are there any examples to prove that the poetry of Robert Burns influenced the liberalization of the society?
O; Yes, for instance, the American president Abraham Lincoln had a lifelong admiration for the works of Robert Burns. It is considered that the poet’s verse “A Man's A Man For All That“ played a key role in helping Lincoln win the American civil war and abolish slavery.
In fact, it is one of the most poignant of Burns' songs, which draws stark comparison between the rich nobility and the poor peasant. Lets sing a song “A Man's A Man For All That” altogether.
A Man's A Man For A' That (Song)
Is there for honest Poverty, | Is there for honest poverty |
That hings his head, an' a' that; | That hangs his head, and all that? |
The coward slave-we pass him by, | The coward slave, we pass him by |
We dare be poor for a' that! | We dare be poor for all that! |
For a' that, an' a' that. | For all that, and all that, |
Our toils obscure an' a' that | Our toils obscure, and all that, |
The rank is but the guinea's stamp, | The rank is but the guinea's stamp, |
The Man's the gowd for a' that. | The man's the gold for all that. |
What though on hamely fare we dine, | What though on homely fare we dine, |
Wear hoddin grey, an' a that; | Wear course grey woolen, and all that? |
Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine; | Give fools their silks, and knaves their wine |
A Man's a Man for a' that: | A man is a man for all that. |
For a' that, and a' that, | For all that, and all that, |
Their tinsel show, an' a' that; | Their tinsel show, and all that |
The honest man, though ever so poor, | |
Is king o' men for a' that. | Is king of men for all that. |
Честная бедность
Кто честной бедности своей Стыдится и все прочее, Тот самый жалкий из людей, Трусливый раб и прочее.
| Король лакея своего Назначит генералом, Но он не может никого Назначить честным малым. |
При всем при том, При всем при том, Пускай бедны мы с вами, Богатство - Штамп на золотом, А золотой - Мы сами! | При всем при том, При всем при том, Награды, лесть И прочее Не заменяют Ум и честь И все такое прочее! |
Мы хлеб едим и воду пьем, Мы укрываемся тряпьем И все такое прочее, А между тем дурак и плут Одеты в шелк и вина пьют И все такое прочее. | Настанет день и час пробьет, Когда уму и чести На всей земле придет черед Стоять на первом месте. |
При всем при том, При всем при том, Судите не по платью. Кто честным кормится трудом, Таких зову я знатью, | При всем при том, При всем при том, Могу вам предсказать я, Что будет день, Когда кругом Все люди станут братья! |
Вот этот шут - природный лорд. Ему должны мы кланяться. Но пусть он чопорен и горд, Бревно бревном останется! | |
При всем при том, При всем при том, Хоть весь он в позументах, - Бревно останется бревном И в орденах, и в лентах! |
S: Do you know that Burns supported women’s rights and shared the view of gender equity and social justice in the society? Burns was a freethinker and a man ahead of his time: on the eve of the French Revolution, he was already writing "The Rights of Woman".
"The Rights of Woman" (poem)
While Europe's eye is fixed on mighty things, | |
The fate of empires and the fall of kings; | |
While quacks of State must each produce his plan, | |
And even children lisp the Rights of Man; | |
Amid this mighty fuss just let me mention, | |
The Rights of Woman merit some attention. | |
First, in the sexes' intermixed connection | |
One sacred Right of Woman is Protection: | |
The tender flower, that lifts its head elate, | |
Helpless must fall before the blasts of fate, | |
Sunk on the earth, defaced its lovely form, | |
Unless your shelter ward th' impending storm. | |
Права женщины | |
1 Европы взгляд прикован с изумленьем К судьбе империй, королей паденью, И государства сотрясаются от века, Лепечут дети: Право Человека. Позвольте мне средь суеты убогой О Праве Женщин помянуть немного.
Во-первых, право, что давно забыто, Святое Право Женщины - Защита. Как нежный и ликующий цветок Не может одолеть суровый Рок, Когда мечты и чаянья разбиты, Когда от бури нет ему защиты. | 2 Второе Право Женщины - Вниманье, Достойно так же здесь упоминанья, И души чуткие лелеют право это, Умрут, но не нарушат этикета. Бывали дни, когда и в самом деле Царила в мире грубость без предела, Кураж, попойки, бранные слова, Тогда попрали женщины права. Спасибо звездам! Варварских времен Исчез и след (здесь каждый - джентльмен) И, верно, (мы надеемся на это) Такое поведенье канет в Лету. |
И третье Право - не последнее из списка, Оно для сердца женского так близко, Что даже Права Королей священней - Великое, простое Восхищенье! [В блаженной сфере воскресает вновь Жизнь жизни - бесконечная любовь]. Улыбок, слёз и пылких вздохов шквал, Кто б перед этим сонмом устоял? Коль Красота предстанет в дивном платье, Кто сможет воспротивиться объятьям? Довольно королей и конституций, Кровавых потасовок, революций, Единому Величеству по праву, Величью Женщины поем мы славу!! |
O: Another interesting fact about the poetry of Burns is his compassion not only to human beings but to all living creatures. It’s unbelievable but he immortalized mice and insects—long before Walt Disney! There is a curious story behind that. One day whilst ploughing a field, he noticed that he had disturbed the nest of a small field mouse. This clearly upsets Burns. He then wrote down his thoughts in simple verse about fragility of life, destruction he had caused, his guilt and his sorrow.
Background Music
“To a mouse” (poem)
To a mouse | Полевой мыши, гнездо которой разорено моим плугом |
Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast, | Зверек проворный, юркий, гладкий, |
O, what a panic is in your breast! | Куда бежишь ты без оглядки, |
You need not start away so hasty | Зачем дрожишь ты в лихорадке, За жизнь свою? |
With hurrying scamper! | Не трусь, - тебя своей лопаткой Я не убью. |
I would be loath to run and chase you | Я понимаю и не спорю |
With murdering plough-staff. | Что человек с природой в ссоре, |
I'm truly sorry man's dominion | И всем живым несет он горе Внушает страх, - |
Has broken Nature's social union, | Хоть все мы смертные и вскоре Вернемся в прах |
And justifies that ill opinion | Пусть говорят: ты жнешь, не сея. |
Which makes thee startle | Но я винить тебя не смею |
At me, thy poor, earth born companion | Ведь надо жить!.. И ты скромнее, Чем все, крадешь. |
And fellow mortal! | А я ничуть не обеднею, - Была бы рожь |
I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal; | Тебя оставил я без крова Порой ненастной и суровой, |
What then? Poor beast, you must live! | . Когда уж не из чего снова Построить дом |
An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves | Чтобы от ветра ледяного Укрыться в нем... |
Is a small request; | Все голо, все мертво вокруг. Пустынно поле, скошен луг. |
I will get a blessing with what is left, | И ты убежище от вьюг |
And never miss it | Найти мечтал, Когда вломился тяжкий плуг |
К тебе в подвал. | |
Травы, листвы увядшей ком - | |
Вот чем он стал, твой теплый дом | |
Тобой построенный с трудом. А дни идут... | |
Где ты в полях, покрытых льдом Найдешь приют? | |
Ах, милый, ты не одинок: И нас обманывает рок, | |
И рушится сквозь потолок На нас нужда. | |
Мы счастья ждем, а на порог Валит беда... | |
Но ты, дружок, счастливей нас... | |
Ты видишь то, что есть сейчас. | |
А мы не сводим скорбных глаз С былых невзгод | |
И в тайном страхе каждый раз Глядим вперед. |
O: One more example demonstrating love to Nature is the poem To a Mountain Daisy
To a Mountain Daisy (Poem)
Background music
Горной маргаритке, которую я примял своим плугом | |
Small, modest, crimson-tipped flower, You have met me in an evil hour; For I must crush among the dust Your slender stem: To spare you now is past my power, You lovely gem. | О, скромный, маленький цветок, Твой час последний недалек. Сметет твой тонкий стебелек Мой тяжкий плуг. Перепахать я должен в срок Зеленый луг |
2. | |
Alas it is not your neighbour sweet, The bonny lark, companion meet, Bending you among the dewy wet, With speckled breast! When upward springing, blithe, to greet The purpling east. | Не жаворонок полевой - Сосед, земляк, приятель твой - Пригнет твой стебель над травой, Готовясь в путь И первой утренней росой Обрызгав грудь. |
. 3. | |
Cold blew the bitter-biting north Upon your early, humble birth; Yet cheerfully you sparkled forth Amid the storm, Scarce reared above the parent-earth Your tender form | Ты вырос между горных скал И был беспомощен и мал, Чуть над землей приподымал Свой огонек, Но с бурным ветром воевал Твой стебелек. |
4. | |
The flaunting flowers our gardens yield, High sheltering woods and walls must shield; But you, beneath the random shelter Of clod or stone, Adorns the bare stubble field, Unseen, alone. | В садах ограды и кусты Хранят высокие цветы. А ты рожден средь нищеты Суровых гор. Но как собой украсил ты Нагой простор! |
5. | |
There, in your scanty mantle clad, Your snowy bosom sun-ward spread, You lift your unassuming head In humble guise; But now the plough-share tears up your bed, And low you lie! | Одетый в будничный наряд, Ты к солнцу обращал свой взгляд. Его теплу и свету рад, Глядел на юг, Не думая, что разорят Твой мирный луг |
6. | |
Such is the fate of artless maid, Sweet floweret of the rural shade! By loves simplicity betrayed, And guileless trust; Until she, like you, all soiled, is laid Low in the dust | Так девушка во цвете лет Глядит доверчиво на свет И всем живущим шлет привет, В глуши таясь, Пока ее, как этот цвет, Не втопчут в грязь |
Such is the fate of simple Bard, | Так и бесхитростный певец, Страстей неопытный пловец, Не знает низменных сердец - Подводных скал - И там находит свой конец, Где счастья ждал. |
Such fate to suffering Worth is given, | Такая участь многих ждет... Кого томит гордыни гнет, Кто изнурен ярмом забот, - Тем свет не мил. И человек на дно идет, Лишенный сил |
Even you who mourns the Daisy's fate, | И ты, виновник этих строк, Держись, - конец твой недалек. Тебя настигнет грозный рок - Нужда, недуг, - Как на весенний стебелек Наехал плуг |
S: External nature had tremendous charm for him but the theme of love was the red line of Burns art. He has written more from his own heartland his own feelings than any other poet. He was much more acquainted with the secret fountains of passion in the human soul, especially when he had to part with someone he cherished. Now you will listen to the marvelous poems” One fond kiss”,” From you Eliza,”From the Friends and Land I love”
One Fond Kiss (poem)
Burns Original | Standard English Translation |
1Ae Fond Kiss | One Fond Kiss |
1 | |
Ae fond kiss, and then we sever! | One fond kiss, and then we sever! |
Ae farewell, and then forever! | One farewell, and then forever! |
Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee, | Deep in heart-wrung tears I will pledge you |
Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee | Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee |
2 | |
Who shall say that Fortune grieves him | Who shall say that Fortune grieves him |
While the star of hope she leaves him? | While the star of hope she leaves him? |
Me, nae cheerfu' twinkle lights me, | Me, no cheerful twinkle lights me, |
Dark despair around benights me | Dark despair around overtakes me. |
3 | |
I'll ne'er blame my partial fancy | : I will never blame my partial fancy: |
Naething could resist my Nancy! | Nothing could resist my Nancy! |
But to see her was to love her, | But to see her was to love her, |
Love but her, and love for ever | Love but her, and love for ever. |
4. | |
Had we never lov'd sae kindly, | Had we never loved so kindly, |
Had we never lov'd sae blindly, | Had we never loved so blindly, |
Never met - or never parted -- | Never met - or never parted - |
We had ne'er been broken-hearted | We had never been broken-hearted. |
5 | |
Fare-thee-weel, thou first and fairest! | Fare-you-well, you first and fairest! |
Fare-thee-weel, thou best and dearest! | Fare-you-well, you best and dearest! |
Thine be ilka joy and treasure, | Yours be every joy and treasure, |
Peace, Enjoyment, Love and Pleasure! | Peace, Enjoyment, Love and Pleasure! |
From Thee Eliza | From You Eliza |
1 | |
From thee Eliza, I must go, | From you Eliza, I must go, |
And from my native shore: | And from my native shore: |
The cruel fates between us throw | The cruel fates between us throw |
A boundless ocean's roar; | A boundless ocean's roar; |
But boundless oceans, roaring wide | But boundless oceans, roaring wide |
Between my Love and me, | Between my Love and me, |
They never, never can divide | They never, never can divide |
My heart and soul from thee. | My heart and soul from you |
2. | |
Farewell, farewell, Eliza dear, | Farewell, farewell, Eliza dear, |
The maid that I adore! | The maid that I adore! |
A boding voice is in mine ear, | A boding voice is in my ear, |
We part to meet no more! | We part to meet no more! |
But the latest throb that leaves my heart, | But the last throb that leaves my heart, |
While Death stands victor by, | While Death stands victor by, |
That throb, Eliza, is thy part, | That throb, Eliza, is your part, |
And thine that latest sigh! | And yours that last sigh! |
Burns Original | Standard English Translation |
Frae The Friends And Land I love | From The Friends And Land I love |
1. | |
Frae the friends and land I love | From the friends and land I love |
Driv'n by Fortune's felly spite, | Driven by Fortune's relentless spite, |
Frae my best belov'd I rove, | From my best beloved I rove, |
Never mair to taste delight! | Never more to taste delight! |
Never mair maun hope to find | Never more must hope to find |
Ease frae toil, relief frae care. | Ease from toil, relief from care |
When remembrance wracks the mind, | When remembrance wracks the mind, |
Pleasures but unveil despair. | Pleasures but unveil despair. |
2 | |
Brightest climes shall mirk appear, | Brightest climes shall gloomy appear, |
Desert ilka blooming shore, | Desert every blooming shore, |
Till the Fates, nae mair severe, | Till the Fates, no more severe, |
Friendship, love, and peace restore; | Friendship, love, and peace restore; |
Till Revenge wi' laurell'd head | Till Revenge with laureled head |
Bring our banish'd hame again, | Bring our banished home again, |
And ilk loyal, bonie lad | And each loyal, handsome lad |
Cross the seas, and win his ain | Cross the seas, and win his own! |
S: Burns was interested in the culture of Scotland, and collected old folk tales and poems. He said that one day he heard an old song Auld Lange Syne "from an old man" and wrote it down. Being a writer, Burns revised and compressed it. He found the phrase auld lang syne "exceedingly expressive". It is an old song, of the olden times. The song spread throughout Scotland, where it was sung to mark the end of the old year, and soon to the English-speaking world, where it's sung to mark the New Year.
Auld Lange Syne (song)
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min’? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, For auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, For auld lang syne! | And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp, And surely I'll be mine! And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne. |
O: Dear guests and participants. Thanks for your attention and participation. Hopefully, today you have discovered a new side of Scotland and you got inspiration to read more poems of Robert Burns afterwards. Perhaps you will go even further and decide to visit beautiful Scotland one day as seeing is believing!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Tartan Tartan is one of the nation's major symbols. It is recognised all over the world as uniquely Scottish. What makes tartan different from other chequered materials is the history and romance of the Highlands that is woven into every aspect of the fabric.
Kilt The skirt-like kilt which is familiar to us today evolved in the 18th century . Before that belted plaid was more commonly worn .
Thistle Alongside tartan and kilt , the thistle is perhaps the most identifiable symbols of Scot land. The thistle has been the national emblem since it was adopted by King James the third, in the 15th century.
Tattoo T he original meaning of military tattoo was a military drum performance . One of the best known Tattoos is held every August in front of Edinburgh Castle.
Bagpipe The bagpipe is the national instrument of Scotland and is best represented in the music of the Scottish Highlands .
Highlands Wild, rugged and remote, the Scottish Highlands are among Europe's last great areas of untamed wilderness.
With a charm and grandeur of their own, the Highlands are a place where nature rules supreme.
It is an ancient wilderness of austere rock-hewn landscapes and windswept summits.
Scotland is a land of scenic beauty and remoteness.
Snow-capped mountains of Highlands and shining lochs hypnotize by its mysterious views.
Clean fresh air of Highlands and its crystal pure water is a tonic for the mind and soul.
Scotland is also a country of breathtaking landscapes of meandering salmon rivers...
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
idyllic lochs...
majestic mountains...
high cliffs...
quiet glens...
colourful moorland...
and abundance of wild flowers.
Moreover, you can discover many hidden gems in Scotland...magnificent castles
Robert Burns (1759-1796) Its no wonder that this marvelous country gave birth to the glorious and the most prominent Scottish poet of all the times- Robert Burns.
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