тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Дивицына Татьяна Валерьевна

грамматический тест по теме "Страдательный залог".


Предварительный просмотр:





  1. Complete the text with the following words: royal, rule, parliament, power, belongs, symbol, former, queen, includes, independent, Britain, queen

In the UK real __________ doesn’t belong to the Queen, though the __________ family is still very important for the country. The Queen is the __________ of the country. She doesn’t __________ the country. The real power in the country __________ to the British __________. In 1949 __________ and the __________ colonies founded the Commonwealth. The former British colonies are _________ states now. The Commonwealth __________ many countries. The __________ of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth. She is the __________ of Canada, Australia and New Zealand

  1. Put the verbs into Present, Past or Future Passive.

A new theatre _______________(to build) next year. An unusual flower _______________(to grow) last year. This book _______________(to bring) yesterday. Hot tea _______________(to drink) every day. Tasty ice cream _______________ (to eat) tomorrow. Texts _______________( to translate) every lesson. A present _______________(to give) me tomorrow.

3. Translate from Russian into English.

Мышь поймали вчера. _______________________________________________________________

Книгу найдут завтра. ________________________________________________________________

Молоко покупают каждый день. ______________________________________________________

 Книга была выбрана. ________________________________________________________________

Песня будет услышана. ______________________________________________________________





  1. Complete the text with the following words: royal, rule, parliament, power, belongs, symbol, former, queen, includes, independent, Britain, queen

In the UK real __________ doesn’t belong to the Queen, though the __________ family is still very important for the country. The Queen is the __________ of the country. She doesn’t __________ the country. The real power in the country __________ to the British __________. In 1949 __________ and the __________ colonies founded the Commonwealth. The former British colonies are _________ states now. The Commonwealth __________ many countries. The __________ of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth. She is the __________ of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

  1. Put the verbs into Present, Past or Future Passive.

A new theatre _______________(to build) next year. An unusual flower _______________(to grow) last year. This book _______________(to bring) yesterday. Hot tea _______________(to drink) every day. Tasty ice cream _______________ (to eat) tomorrow. Texts _______________( to translate) every lesson. A present _______________(to give) me tomorrow.

3. Translate from Russian into English.

Мышь поймали вчера. _______________________________________________________________

Книгу найдут завтра. ________________________________________________________________

Молоко покупают каждый день. ______________________________________________________

 Книга была выбрана. ________________________________________________________________

Песня будет услышана. ______________________________________________________________

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