Краткое содержание глав сказок ‘Summary” к учебникам английского языка для 2-4 классов. В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, Н. Быковой, М. Поспеловой «Английский в фокусе»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предложенный материал способствует развитию речи на английском языке. К каждой главе изучаемых в начальной школе сказок составлен краткий пересказ (Summary).
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Краткое содержание глав сказок ‘Summary” к учебникам английского языка для 2-4 классов.
В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, Н. Быковой, М. Поспеловой «Английский в фокусе»
2 класс.
Сказка “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”.
Стр. 40 - 41.
1. The Country Mouse is in the house. (has got a house).
2. The house is small but nice.
3. There is no table.
4. There is no chair.
5. There is no bedroom.
6. There is no bathroom.
7. There is no kitchen.
8. The Town Mouse doesn’t like this (bare) house.
Стр. 58 – 59
1. It’s time to eat.
2. The Town Mouse likes meat.
3. But the Country Mouse doesn’t like meat.
4. He likes bread, cheese and honey.
5. The Town Mouse doesn’t like the country.
6. He wants to go to the city.
Стр. 76 – 77.
1. The Town Mouse has got a living room.
2. He has got a chair and a table in his house.
3. The Town Mouse has got lots of food.
4. There are burgers, chips, milk and ice - cream in the house.
5. The Country Mouse likes the food (very much).
Стр. 94 – 95.
1. The Town Mouse likes his house very much.
2. There’s a lot of food.
3. But there is a dog in the house.
4. The dog wants to eat two little mice.
5. The Country Mouse doesn’t like this house.
Стр. 112 – 113.
1. The Country Mouse doesn’t like in the town (in the city).
2. He likes his nice house (very much).
3. His house is small and shabby.
4. But the Country Mouse is very happy.
5. He likes to live in the country. (With the ants and the frogs)
3 класс
‘The Toy Soldier’
Стр. 18-19.
1. Daddy gives his son William a toy soldier.
2. The toy soldier has got dark hair and big brown eyes.
3. His jacket is blue.
4. Daddy gives his daughter Rose a ballerina.
5. The ballerina has got a pretty pink skirt and pretty pink shoes.
6. She can dance on her toes.
Стр. 34-35.
1. Now it is the end of the day.
2. The toys come out and play.
3. The toys are: a teddy bear, a doll, Jack in the box, a puppet.
4. Sam, the toy soldier, is very happy to see his friends.
5. Bella, the ballerina, likes to see everyone, too.
Стр. 50 – 51.
1. It’s the end of the day.
2. It’s time for the toys to come out and play.
3. The toys follow Sam, the toy soldier.
4. They march, swing arms, count to ten.
5. In the day the toys can’t march or count to ten.
Стр. 66 – 67.
1. Now William and Rose are playing.
2. Mummy comes here.
3. It’s time for tea.
4. Children put the toys on the shelf and run.
5. Poor Sam is not on the shelf.
6. He’s by the window.
7. It’s windy today and Sam shouts.
Стр. 82 – 83.
1. Sam is outside with the flowers and trees.
2. He asks for help.
3. He is without his friends.
4. Sam’s friends don’t know where Sam is.
5. The toys want to play with the toy soldier.
Стр. 98 – 99.
1. Poor Sam isn’t under the chair.
2. He isn’t on the shelf with the big Teddy Bear.
3. It’s sunny now and the sky is blue.
4. A big black dog comes running out.
5. The dog puts the toy soldier in his mouth.
Стр. 114 – 115.
1. William sees his toy soldier in Blackie’s mouth.
2. Now he can play with his favourite toy.
3. The boy thanks his dog.
4. Now all the friends are together again.
5. They can dance and play.
6. They all are very happy.
Стр. 130 – 131.
1. Bella likes all the toys in the children’s playroom.
2. But Sam, the toy soldier, is her favourite toy.
3. The ballerina and the toy soldier are dancing.
4. Jack in the box, puppet, and teddy bear are dancing, too.
5. All the toys are happy.
4 класс
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”
Стр.18 – 19.
1. Goldilocks is a little girl.
2. She has got big blue eyes and golden hair.
3. Mother tells Goldilocks not to go walking in the wood.
4. But Goldilocks likes the wood.
5. She wants to go there on her way to school.
Стр. 34 – 35.
1. Goldilocks takes a walk in the wood.
2. She breaks her mother’s rule.
3. Three bears live in the wood.
4. They want to take a walk in the wood and get some sun.
5. The bears have some porridge in the pot.
6. The porridge is very nice but it’s very hot.
Стр. 50 – 51.
1. Goldilocks comes to the house.
2. She knocks on the door three times.
3. There is no one at home.
4. Goldilocks goes inside and has a look.
5. She wants to eat some porridge.
6. She likes the porridge very much.
Стр. 66 – 67.
1. Goldilocks likes porridge for breakfast very much.
2. The porridge is nice and hot and it’s very tasty.
3. Goldilocks sits upon a chair.
4. The chair is nice and small.
5. Poor Goldie has a fall.
Стр. 82 – 83.
1. Goldilocks doesn’t mind the chair.
2. She needs a bed.
3. Goldilocks goes upstairs.
4. The bed is nice and small.
5. The girl goes to sleep.
Стр. 98 – 99.
1. Mummy asks the Bear Family to come and eat porridge.
2. But Baby Bear doesn’t have his porridge.
3. Daddy Bear wants to see Poor Baby’s chair.
4. But Baby Bear doesn’t have his chair.
5. The Baby is very sad.
Стр. 114 – 115.
1. Daddy Bear wants to check the beds.
2. They all go up the stairs.
3. There isn’t any porridge for Baby Bear.
4. Baby Bear hasn’t got a chair.
5. He doesn’t know Goldie is sleeping upstairs.
Стр. 130 – 131.
1. The Baby Bear sees Goldilocks in his bed.
2. She is sleeping.
3. Goldilocks wakes up and invites the bears to her house.
4. They can eat some cakes and drink some tea.
5. Goldilocks and her three new friends are very happy.
The Hare and the Tortoise.
1. (Once upon a time) there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.
2. The hare always laughed at the tortoise.
3. So the tortoise wanted to have a race.
4. At first the hare was far ahead of the tortoise.
5. But the day was hot and sunny and the hare wanted to rest (under the tree).
6. So the tortoise passed the sleeping hare.
7. The tortoise was the winner.
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