Видеофильм как средство интенсификации процесса обучения иноязычному монологическому высказыванию учащихся 6классов по теме"Фильмы и их жанры"
видеоурок по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Можно утверждать, что учебные видеофильмы раскрывают широкие возможности для активной работы в процессе формирования речевых навыков и умений учащихся и делают учебный процесс овладения иностранным языком привлекательным для школьников на всех этапах обучения.
Видеофильмы позволяют дать учащимся более полную и точную информацию по изучаемой теме, повышают наглядность обучения и вызывают стремление к дальнейшему совершенствованию языковой культуры. Таким образом, видеофильм наглядно демонстрирует социокультурную среду, в которой изучаемый язык используется его природными носителями, что имеет большое познавательное значение, как с лингвистической, так и с культурно-образовательной точки зрения. Для разработки комплекса упражнений для обучения монологическому высказыванию к видеофильму “Pearl Harbor” были организованы следующие этапы:
- Преддемонстрационный этап;
- Демонстрационный этап;
- Последемонстрационный этап;
Каждый этап включает в себя ряд упражнений, способствующих эффективному развитию монологическому высказывания у обучаемых (см. Приложения).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Приложение 1
I Stage One: Pre-viewing task:
1. a) Read and memorize new words and word-combinations:
Summit, droop, to be awed, to be alarmed, limply, at peace, thud, to hurl, rumble.
b) Fill in the gaps with the new words and word-combinations above.
- The willows …… … over the pond.
(to hang downward; to sag)
- He was …… by his new school.
(to have a feeling of fear or amazement)
- Every little sound ……. the old lady.
(to disturb)
- They reached the …… of the mountain at midday.
(the top of a mountain)
- The flag hung …... in the still air.
(without support or resistance)
- Since discovering religion, she’s been ………. in her personal life.
(to be free of worries; peaceful)
- He dropped the book with a …. .
( the sound of a dull impact)
- They ……rocks at their attackers.
( to throw).
- The ….. of passing trucks made it hard to sleep at night.
(a low, heavy sound such as that of thunder)
- Imagine that you have received this telegram from NBC. It contains the questions they want to ask. Unfortunately during the panic they have been written in the wrong order.
Order them before you do the interviews and add two more of your own.
• doing/ you/ the planes/ were/ what/ arrived/ when ?
• planes/ were/ how/ there/ many?
• bomb explode/ did/ hear/ the/ first/ you?
• where/ you/ exploded/ when/ were/ the bombs?
• do/ did/ what/ you?
• see/ what/ you/ did?
II Stage Two: While-viewing task:
3. a) Have you ever seen any war films? Did you like them? Why? Why not? Describe one of the battle scenes.
b) The class is asked to split into two groups:
1) group1: watch and listen to the scene while the others will only listen. Observe what happens, making notes if necessary, and be ready to explain to the others what happened;
2) group2: listen to the action and write a few questions about what you can hear but cannot see.
4. View the episode from the film “Pearl Harbor when the Japanese planes first fly towards the island Tell us what this episode is about (5-6 sentences).
Reproduce the situations with the new word-combinations from the episode.
III Stage Three:
5. Read the text
The harbor lies quiet. It's a sleepy Sunday morning. Children are playing; officers are stepping from their houses in their shorts to get the morning paper...
Hawaiian Boy Scouts are hiking on a side of one of the mountains overlooking Pearl. Suddenly booming over the mountain, barely ten feet above the summit, comes a stream of planes. The boys are awed.
- What is this?
American officers are laughing on the putting green near the club house, where the American flag droops from the flag pole, limply at peace. The Japanese planes roaring down just over the wave tops of Pearl Harbor itself. Children are playing in the early morning sun, looking up as they see the planes flash by. The children look they've never seen this many, flying this low...but they are not alarmed, only curious.
The images come faster and faster, the collision of Japan's determination and American's innocence... Two sailors are standing on the deck, sharing a smoke,
looking out over the quiet harbor. One of them sees the first few planes streaking in.
SAILOR1: Look at that.
SAILOR 2: It's the Army again, practicing on us.
Something drops from the lead plane and splashes easily into the water; the plane banks away. A white streak runs through the water at them.
SAILOR 2: Now listen; you'll hear a little thud when it hits the side of the ship.
They watch it rush at them...then, a MASSIVE EXPLOSION! It throws up a fifty foot wall of water, hurling the sailors and everything else on the deck into the sea.
…Evelyn is up, dressed; her roommates are just stirring. Evelyn has stepped to the door when she hears a distant rumble and looks across the harbor to see smoke rising, ships taking hits.
As she runs, Japanese planes are coming toward the base…
6. Role-play:
After you have finished you’re going to do the role-play. Choose one of the following characters and answer the questions which follow.
Which person in the film were you?
• one of the boys on the hill
• the girl sleeping on the chair
• the woman hanging out her washing
• one of the boys playing baseball
• one of the sailors playing a game on the ship
• one of the two pilots sleeping in the car
• the photographer
IV Stage Three: Post-viewing task:
7. View the episode once again and read the text again
a) Try to imitate the eyewitness, paying attention to the intonation.
b) Reproduce the text in parts:
- Beginning;
- Main part;
- Conclusion.
8. Retell the text, imitating the eyewitness. Use the Past Simple& Past Continuous Tenses, the phrases First of all, To begin with, So, So then, After that, Finally. Think of your own conclusion.
V Stage Four: involves all the students of the class.
9. Imagine that you’re a journalist/witness. Tell us all of the horrific events you’ve ever heard, read or witnessed. Entitle your oral article and each part of the article:
- Beginning;
- Main part;
- Conclusion.
10. Imagine that one of you is the journalist and one is the eyewitness. Conduct the interview.
11. Continue doing the role-play, changing partners until each journalist has interviewed all the eyewitnesses.
Анонимное анкетирование, проведенное после просмотра киноленты
- Легче ли Вам понять содержание при просмотре фильма, чем при простом прослушивании аудиозаписи?
- да;
- нет.
- Как Вы оцениваете такой необычный урок?
- удовлетворительно;
- хорошо;
- отлично.
- Какие трудности у Вас возникали при просмотре фильма?
- много незнакомых слов;
- быстрый темп речи;
- особенности речи говорящих.
- Какое задание при работе с фильмом было для вас самым сложным?
- Хотели бы Вы посмотреть этот фильм или какой-нибудь другой фильм еще раз?
- да;
- нет.
Результаты анкетирования
Таблица 1
Легче ли Вам понять содержание при просмотре фильма, чем при простом прослушивании аудиозаписи? | |
да | 91% |
нет | 9% |
Таблица 2
Как Вы оцениваете такой необычный урок? | |
удовлетворительно | 0% |
хорошо | 27% |
отлично | 73% |
Таблица 3
Какие трудности у Вас возникали при просмотре фильма? | |
много незнакомых слов | 36% |
быстрый темп речи | 46% |
особенности речи говорящих | 18% |
Таблица 4
Какое задание при работе с фильмом было для вас самым сложным? | |
Part 1 | 55% |
Part 2 | 36% |
Part 3 | 9% |
Таблица 5
Хотели бы Вы посмотреть этот фильм или какой-нибудь другой фильм еще раз? | |
да | 91% |
нет | 9% |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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