Мотивированное эссе
материал по английскому языку на тему
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Learning English is the need of the day if people of any country want it to progress and the importance of teachers in this process can hardly overestimated.
As an experienced teacher, I would like to apply for the language internship in the branch ‘The contemporary methods of teaching foreign language: the communicative approach and method of communication tasks’. I expect that this internship will contribute enormous experience to my teaching English.
As for me, I graduated from the University and got my degree in philology in 2002. I have been working at school as an English teacher for eleven years. As a part of my work, my function of a teacher is to help students learn by providing them with knowledge and by setting up a situation in which students learn a foreign language effectively. I try to play a set of parts that vary from one society to another and from one educational level to another. I am responsible for providing training to students based on their psychological and physiological characteristics. Besides, I plan and implement educational process in accordance with educational program. I develop the work program on the subject; provide a performance by organizing and supporting a variety of student activities, focusing on the individual student’s development of the motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, self-organized student activities, including research.
In addition, I possess professional ethics, too. I am sure that it should be the teacher’s primary duty to understand students, to be just, courteous, to promote a spirit of enquiry, fellowship and not to do or say anything that would undermine their personality, not to exploit them for personal interests.
I would like to pay attention to the importance of learning English. Nowadays English is of paramount importance for everyday life. It is common knowledge that English has occupied a primary place in international science and business. Speaking English language aids communication and global understanding. In addition this, it has great economic value. This is because it can help business people when they are communicating with business partners on the telephone or abroad. Moreover, the 21st century trend in progress is globalization, and with improvement in technology that provides the ability to communicate with anyone, anywhere, more and more companies are working internationally. Next, English is the simplest and easiest natural languages as compared with most languages.
In my point of view, teachers should constantly study, raise their abilities, deepen the understanding, and be organized, dependable, patient and creative. I am sure that the language internship in English speaking country will build me the invaluable experience to my teaching.
Also, it can help me increase my vocabulary, pushing the brain to its fullest capacity. Furthermore, it can expand my mental power by being able to speak and think in another language. Undoubtedly, the practice abroad will give an edge on my resume, which can make a stand out applicant, and it will give opportunities to stand in competition.
Then, I suggest this training is the greatest chance of excelling in business English including telephone calls and business letters, resumes, reports and essays. Hence, learning English has great economic value.
I am positive that general language skills will improve after studying English abroad, thus enhancing the understanding my own language as well.
Next, there are cultural reasons. Everyone knows that cultures define themselves through languages, and language becomes a peephole to look at the nation’s culture, its traditions and its history.
Moreover, the language training will acquire true knowledge of a language, which can lead to an exact interpretation of literary work that has been done in foreign language. I honestly feel that true appreciation of art and literature is possible on accessing it in the language of its own.
Besides, the internship can open doors to new acquaintances, broadening my horizons. I would venture to say that I have never abroad.
To sum up, the benefits of the language training are superior and can improve many aspects of educational needs.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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