"Christmas is fun"- урок с использованием ИКТ.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Цели и задачи урока:
- развитие познавательного интереса и творческого мышления учащихся;
- повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка;
- совершенствование навыков лингвострановедческой компетенции;
- повторение и обобщение лексического и страноведческого материала по теме “Christmas”;
- воспитание чувства уважения к культуре и традициям другой страны,
- развитие навыка работы в группе, культуры взаимоотношений.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, рождественский атрибут, аудиозапись песни «Jingle Bells», «The Twelve Days of Christmas», презентация (игровое поле) «Who wants to be rich?»
Примечание: Урок проводится перед католическим Рождеством в нарядно украшенном классе. Учащиеся разделены на 2 группы.
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls. Glad to see you again! Christmas is in the air and today we are going to speak about this beautiful and the most popular holiday in Great Britain. We will have a competition, write cards, and sing a song. I hope you’ll enjoy our English lesson. I wish you good luck! Let’s start!
Teacher: What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Christmas”?
P1: Fun. We know that Christmas is the merriest holiday in Britain, especially for children.
P2: Church. Christmas is a religious holiday. They celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A lot of people go to church at this day.
P3: Christmas dinner. Christmas is a family holiday. Families get together for traditional Christmas dinner.
P4 . Presents. The British like buying and exchanging presents. They buy presents long before Christmas. This time is the busiest time of the year.
P5: Christmas tree and decorations. People decorate Christmas tree and their homes with colourful balls, tinsel, lights. They send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends. (P6, P7, P8 ….)
P10: Santa Clause. Christmas isn`t Christmas without him.
Teacher: Let’s play a Snowball fight. (Pupils take turns at asking questions about Santa)
- Does Santa Claus really exist?
- Who are Santa’s neighbours?
- How does he remember who wants what for Xmas?
- Where does Santa go shopping?
- What kind of house does Santa live in?
- What does Santa do between December 26 and December 23?
- How does Santa have so much energy?
- How does he get into houses that have no chimneys?
- Does Santa have any bad habits?
- How many languages can he speak?
- Why does he wear red and white?
- What’s his favourite sport?
- If Santa could choose a present, what would he choose?
- Is he married?
- What’s Santa’s favourite Xmas song?
- What’s Santa’s native language?
- Is Santa always on time when he delivers his presents?
- If Santa could change career, what would he choose to do?
- What are Santa’s hobbies?
- Does Santa prefer a white Xmas, or one without snow?
- Does Santa like the new computer toys or the traditional wooden ones best?
- If Santa had one wish for the world, what would it be?
- Does Santa prefer to give toys, clothes or books?
- What does ‘ho-ho-ho’ mean?
Teacher: Very good! Now let`s play «The Best SANTA» .Students take turns at being Santa. Their task is to introduce themselves, laugh «Ho-ho-ho!” and ask their partner what they would like for Xmas and why? (The best Santa gets a present)
(Roles might include: Santa, a snowman, Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer, a North Pole penguin, the Xmas tree fairy, the Christmas turkey)
Teacher: It`s high time to have a rest and sing the famous Xmas song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ with the revised lyrics below:
1st day – an iPod and a PlayStation 3
2nd day – two Chanel gloves
3rd day – three soccer balls
4th day - four teddy bears
5th day – five gold rings
6th day – six Barbie dolls
7th day – seven cans of Cola
8th day – eight Burberry bags
9th day – nine mobile phones
10th day – ten boxes of Lego
11th day – eleven electric guitars
12th day – twelve pairs of Levi’s
Teacher: Well, on holidays we usually congratulate our parents, relatives and friends. But how do we do it? What do we say? Do you know some congratulations in English? Now let’s look at our New Year Trees. There are some cards on them. Do you see? Let’s take these cards and read them to our guests. But some our guests don’t know English. That’s why they need an interpreter. Each team should choose their interpreter.
(Pupils from each team read greeting cards in English, interpreters translate them into Russian)
- Happy New Year! Happy Christmas!
- I wish you a very Happy New Year!
- Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year!
- Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
- With all wishes for the New Year!
- We wish your days be filled with happiness and joy this year!
- New Year – new beginning! Lots of hugs and kisses for the New Year!
- Hope this New Year will be happy for you.
- New Year knocks on the doors! Happy New Year!
- Warmest wishes for the New Year!
Yes, we all like New Year and Christmas. We like to get presents, greeting cards. Let’s congratulate each other with the help of a New Year Card. Each team will make a card for the other team. You may use all poems and congratulations we mentioned today.
Teacher: Let’s play a game «Who wants to be rich» devoted to Christmas. But before we`ll start, please name your teams. The names should be connected with the theme of our lesson.
Teacher: Our lesson is coming to the end. Thank you for your work. I hope, you enjoyed our lesson.
Christmas means the spirit of giving peace and joy to you,
The goodness of loving,
The gladness of living;
These are Christmas too.
So, keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
Save some Christmas cheer,
These precious moments,
Hold them very dear
And keep Christmas with you
All through the year.
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