Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: «What do you know about cinema?” в 12 классе
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему:
«What do you know about cinema?”
в 12 классе
Учебник «English 10-11» под редакцией Кузовлев В.П.
Раздел №6 «What helps you to enjoy yourself?»
-усовершенствовать речевые навыки чтения учащихся в процессе формирования знаний по теме «Кино»
-развивающий аспект-развитие дедуктивного мышления, воображения, внимания;
-познавательный аспект-продолжение знакомства с новыми фактами из жизни кинематографа;
-воспитательный аспект- воспитывать уважительное отношение к чужому мнению, чужой культуре;
-учебный аспект- совершенствование навыков говорения по теме «Кино»на основе чтения и аудирования.
Для повышения мотивации и контроля изученного материала используется компьютерная презентация.
Тип урока: повторение и обобщение материала.
Форма урока: урок – экскурсия.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
One of the earliest motion-picture machines was Kinetoscope invented by Thomas A. Edison and W. Dickson. It was a cabinet showing unenlarged black-and-white films running about 90 seconds. An individual watched through a peephole as the film moved on spools. Kinetoscope parlours opened in several cities. However, they were soon replaced by projection machines that threw greatly enlarged pictures on a screen. These new machines allowed many people to watch one film at the same time.
In the mid-1910-s the first new theatres opened in the USA and Europe. They were called “dream palaces” because of the fantastic luxury of their interiors.
Lumiere Brothers were inventors who invented the first film projector and motion camera in 1985. That year on the 28 th of December they demonstrated the first three minutes film “Arrival of the train”. In that film, a train came towards the camera. People ran out of the cinema, thinking it was a real train.
Do you know who made the first film? What was it about?
Charles Chaplin (1889-1977) ,British-American actor and filmmaker of early XX century. One of the most famous “movie stars” of early 1900s was Charles Chaplin.
But Chaplin did most of his work in the United States His “little man” was a tramp with a small black moustache and bowler hat ,who walked with the backs of his feet together .
By 1916, Charlie Chaplin had what was probably the best-known face in the world. The public transformed him from a star into a mythic figure. С artoons , poems and comic strips under the Chaplin name appeared in newspapers. Chaplin dolls, toys and boots were manufactured. This little man made the whole world laugh with his films. Like many silent film stars, he didn’t succeed in “talkies”.
In 1911, the first studio was opened in Hollywood, Los Angeles. It became the Film-making capital of the world. By the 1920s, 80 percent of world films were Produced in Hollywood.
Marilyn Monroe was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. Her great beauty made her a world-famous sex symbol. But in spite of her success in films, Monroe had a tragic life. She died at the age of 36 from an overdose of sleeping pills. Since her death she has become one of the most written-about film stars in history.
The twentieth century may be called the century of film making. Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. But not everyone knows when and how cinematography appeared.
Color was used in only a minority of films until the 1950s; color movies had become the standard by the 1960s .
Popular blockbuster films, enhanced by computer graphic imagery, continued to attain unprecedented worldwide attention . At the same time, films of artistic and cultural interest from throughout the world are available .
Look at the list of words and say which words are similar in Russian? And then make up as many word combinations with these words as you can Actor Actress Character Costumes Dialogues Situation Music Part Photography Plot Scene Special effects
Types of films A thriller A historical film A fantasy A horror film A western A comedy A love story A documentary Исторический фильм Фантастика Фильм ужасов Вестерн Комедия Фильм о любви Документальный фильм Триллер
Listen to the information to check if you are right The inventors of the cinema were the Americans . The first film projector was invented in 1885 . The first three minutes was demonstrated film “Arrival of the Bus” In that film, a plane came towards the camera. FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
FILMS 1 4 2 3 5 Pretty Woman Titanic Snow White Ghostbusters Interview With the Vampire
The biggest film companies:
Actors 1 6 5 4 3 2 Charlie Chaplin Jean Paul Belmondo Kevin Kostner Michelle Pfeiffer Marlene Dietrich Richard Gere
The century of film making
FILM GENRES Western Science fiction Thriller Comedy Horror Cartoon Musical A film with lots of music and dance. A film in which unnatural and frightening things happen, such as dead people coming to life, people turning into animals, etc. 3. An action-packed film about cowboys, horses and gunfights. 4. A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future. 5. A film made by photographing a set of drawings . 6. A suspense film full of violence and crime. 7. An amusing film with a happy ending.
What type of film is it?
1.Bonny and Clyde a. Кинг - Конг 2 . Little Caesar b. Волшебник стран Оз 3. The birth of a nation c. Бонни и Клайд 4. King Kong d. Рождение нации 5 . The wizard of Oz e. Маленький Цезарь Match films with their Russian equivalents
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему:
«What do you know about cinema?”
в 12 классе
Листратова Ольга Владимировна,
учитель английского языка
Учебник «English 10-11» под редакцией Кузовлев В.П.
Раздел №6 «What helps you to enjoy yourself?»
-усовершенствовать речевые навыки чтения учащихся в процессе формирования знаний по теме «Кино»
-развивающий аспект-развитие дедуктивного мышления, воображения, внимания;
-познавательный аспект-продолжение знакомства с новыми фактами из жизни кинематографа;
-воспитательный аспект- воспитывать уважительное отношение к чужому мнению, чужой культуре;
-учебный аспект- совершенствование навыков говорения по теме «Кино»на основе чтения и аудирования.
Для повышения мотивации и контроля изученного материала используется компьютерная презентация.
Тип урока: повторение и обобщение материала.
Форма урока: урок – экскурсия.
-организационный момент (3 минуты)
-постановка темы и цели урока(2 минуты)
-повторение материла (доклады)(15 минут)
-активизация познавательной деятельности (задания)(10 минут)
-рефлексия(5 минут)
-поведение итогов (5 минут)
-компьютерная презентация;
-синквейны подготовленные учениками;
-изображения с портретами разных актеров;
-лист заданий для каждого учащегося.
Ход урока:
-Hello! Cinema is a part of everyday's life and we can't imagine even a day without cinema. And I want today to talk with you about cinema.
Выступление Клыкова Павла об истории возникновения кинескопа.
«One of the earliest motion-picture machines was Kinescope invented by Thomas A. Edison and W. Dickson.
It was a cabinet showing unenlarged black-and-white films running about 90 seconds. An individual watched through a peephole as the film moved on spools. Kinescope parlours opened in several cities. However, they were soon replaced by projection machines that threw greatly enlarged pictures on a screen. These new machines allowed many people to watch one film at the same time.”
Выступление Павла Клыкова о театрах.
«In the mid-1910-s the first new theatres opened in the USA and Europe. They were called “dream palaces” because of the fantastic luxury of their interiors.»
Выступление Клыкова Павла о братьях Льюмер.
«Lumiere Brotherswere inventors who invented the first film projector and motion camera in 1985.
That year on the 28th of December they demonstrated the first three minutes film “Arrival of the train”.
In that film, a train came towards the camera. People ran out of the cinema, thinking it was a real train.»
Просмотр фильма “Arrival of the train”.
Выступление Шевчука Дениса о Чарле Чаплине.
«One of the most famous “movie stars” of early 1900s was Charles Chaplin. But Chaplin did most of his work in the United States His “little man” was a tramp with a small black moustache and bowler hat who walked with the backs of his feet together . By 1916, Charlie Chaplin had what was probably the best-known face in the world. The public transformed him from a star into a mythic figure.Сcartoons, poems and comic strips under the Chaplin name appeared in newspapers. Chaplin dolls, toys and boots were manufactured. This little man made the whole world laugh with his films.
Like many silent film stars, he didn’t succeed in “talkies”.»
Выступление Шевчука Дениса о Голливуде.
In 1911, the first studio was opened in Hollywood, Los Angeles. It became the Film-making capital of the world.
By the 1920s, 80 percent of world films were Produced in Hollywood.
Выступление Шевчука Дениса о Мэрлин Монро.
Marilyn Monroe was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. Her great beauty made her a world-famous sex symbol. But in spite of her success in films, Monroe had a tragic life. She died at the age of 36 from an overdose of sleeping pills. Since her death she has become one of the most written-about film stars in
Просмотр отрывка фильма «В джазе только девушки»
Выступление Клыкова Павла о современном кинематографе.
The twentieth century may be called the century of film making. Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. But not everyone knows when and how cinematography appeared.
Выступление Шевчука Дениса о блокбастерах.
Popular blockbuster films, enhanced by computer graphic imagery, continued to attain unprecedented worldwide attention. At the same time, films of artistic and cultural interest from throughout the world are available.
Просмотр отрывка фильма «Терминатор»
- Look at the list of words and say which words are similar in Russian? And then make up as many word combinations with these words as you can.
Actor, Actress, Character, Costumes, Dialogues, Situation , Music, Part, Photography, Plot, Scene, Special effects.
Ребятам разданы листы заданий, которые они выполняют во время просмотров слайдов с заданиями.
Задание№1. Заполнение таблицы надостоющими словами по теме жанры фильмов.
Задание№2.Соедините название фильмов с изображениями.
Задание№3.Подберите к названиям фильмов русские эквиваленты.
Задание№4.Подберите прозвучавшую музыку к изображениям фильмов.
Задание№5.Подберите Имена актёров к изображениям на фото.
Ребята разгадывают необычный интерактивный кроссворд.
Подведение итогов. Оценивание работ учащихся.
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