План-конспект урока в 11 классе по английскому языку на примере текста«Тhе devoted friend» (Module 1, Literature) с применением критического мышления учащихся
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме

Шевченко Наталья Ивановна

В данном уроке представлены несколько видов критического мышления, которые подготавливают учащихся к написанию письма-рассуждения


Предварительный просмотр:

              Урок  в   11-х классах (12.09.2014 г.)

Тема урока: «Тhе devoted friend» (Module 1, Literature)

 (урок с применением технологии критического мышления)

Учитель английского языка   МОУ СОШ № 32 г.Подольска

                                                          Шевченко Наталья Ивановна


  • Вызвать в учащихся потребность в общении по заданной теме;
  • развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи учащихся, навыков чтения и    аудирования с полным пониманием прочитанного и услышанного;
  • совершенствование фонетических навыков;
  • осознание учащимися сущности языковых явлений иной системы понятий;
  • расширение знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка;
  • формирование эмоционально-оценочного отношения к различным жизненным ситуациям, умения анализировать, высказывать и отстаивать собственную точку зрения;
  • активизировать в речи учащихся лексический материал по теме, разговорные клише.

                                                            Ход урока:

  1. Greeting

Teacher: Good morning, students!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

T: Sit down, please! How are you, dears?

S: We’re  fine, thanks.

  1. The beginning of the lesson

T: Our lesson is devoted to the Friendship.

  And now let’s remember some Russian and English equivalents to the following proverbs:

  • Better late than never;
  • Кто старое помянет, тому глаз вон;
  • Everything is good in it’s season;
  • Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда;
  • Every dog has his day;
  • Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе;
  • The rotten apple injuries its neighbours;
  • Не всё то золото, что блестит;
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  1. The entertaining of the topic (Listening Comprehension and reading skills)

T: Well, listen to the short story and try to guess what we are going to speak about today.

(Прослушивается запись на магнитофоне)

                                              The devoted friend.

“Oh! I know of nothing in the world,” said the Water-rat, «that is either better or higher than a devoted friendship.” «And what is your idea of the duties of a devoted friend?” asked a green little bird who was sitting on a tree and had heard the conversation.

«Yes, that is just what I want to know,” said the Duck, and she swam away.

«What a silly question!” cried the Water-rat. «My devoted friend must be devoted to me, of course.” «And what will you do in return? Said the little bird.

«I don’t understand you,” answered the Water-rat.

T: And what are we going to speak about?

P1: We are going to speak about friendship. Am I right?

T: You are quite right! The Water-rat doesn’t know what she must do to her devoted friend in return. And do you know, students?

P2: I believe so.

P3: I suppose so.

T: Then let’s help the Water-rat to understand some important things about friendship.

  1. The work on the main idea of the text. Discussion.

(На доске слова, касающиеся темы «Friendship». Учащиеся повторяют их за учителем. Затем предлагается прочесть текст)

Here is the text which will help us to discuss what real friendship is.

«If you want to have a friend».

Let us suppose that everybody here in this group has a good friend. Friendship between two people grows when they do something useful together and when they have the same interests.

Their friendship is still better if they understand each other well. Do you remember English proverb «A friend in need is a friend indeed,”? We agreed that you cannot live without friends, that real friends are always ready to help each other. Let us also agree that the real friendship is possible only when people respect and trust each other.

So you can see that friendship between two people is a very great thing. As English people say,” A friend is as the sun in winter.” A good proverb, isn’t it? Your friend is dear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time.

And there is another thing which no less important: if you want to have a friend, you have to be good friends yourselves.

T: So, when does friendship between two people grow?

P1: In my opinion, friendship between two people grows when they do something useful together and when they have the same interests.

P2: When they understand each other well.

T: And when is real friendship possible?

P3: I think, the real friendship is possible when people respect and trust each other. When they can keep a secret.

T: What does the proverb say:” A friend is easier lost than found mean?

P4: To my mind it means that it is difficult to find a good friend. We may lose a friend quickly if we do something wrong. We must always think how to keep friendship.

T: I quite agree here. And what is your opinion, Sasha?

Sasha: I don’t believe it. The .real friendship is impossible.

T: Lena, have got many friends or just a few?

Lena: I’ve got many friends and one real friend. We becаme friends two years ago and now we can’t spend a day without each other.

T: Do you think she is a true friend?

Lena: I know she will never betray me, I trust her, she is always ready to give a hand.

P5: I have many friends but…

T: And what do you think about this proverb? “A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody”.

P6: That may be true but…

Lena: I fully agree. Some people think that they have a lot of friends but they may not have a friend who is ready to help when you are in trouble. I have one real friend. We like to work, to play and walk together. We understand each other well.

T: I see your friendship means a lot to you. The English proverb says: ”A friend is easier lost than found”

When I was a student, there were two boys at our faculty. They were bosom friends, real friends.

Everybody dreamt of such a friendship. But suddenly one of them betrayed another and they parted. Nobody believed in such an end. «False friends are worse than bitter enemies”.

And what would you do if your friend betrayed you?

(На доске вывешивается плакат.)

If my friend betrayed me I

  • forgive him (her)
  • take my revenge
  • never forgive him (her)
  • try to find another one

(Учащиеся выбирают один из предложенных вариантов либо высказывают свой)

T: Now I want Sasha and Dima, Lena and Masha to make up short dialogues using these key-words:




to help with translation;


to be in trouble;

to be helpful;


spare cash;

don’t mention it.


they must be left alone.

T: And we students are going to match the opposites:



















T: Now, it’s time to listen to the dialogues. Well, the first situation:

Lena: Hello, Masha!

Masha: Hi! Lena! How are you?

L: I’m fine, thanks.

M: Lena, could you help me with my translation?

L: With pleasure.

M: Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.

L: Don’t mention it. Good buy.

M: See you.

T: The second situation:

Sasha: Good morning, Dima.

Dima: Good morning.

S: What are you doing here?

D: I’m waiting for Lena.

S: What for?

D: She is in trouble. She’s lost money and I want to help her.

S: You have spare cash, haven’t you? I think when people are in trouble they must be left alone.

D: I don’t think so. I should go .Good buy.

S: Buy-buy.

Teacher: What do you think about these situations?

P1: As for me, I think that Dima and Lena are true friends.

P2: I agree with P1. Sasha can’t be a good friend and probably he has no friends at all.

T: «A friend in need is a friend indeed”, says English proverb.” Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him”.

Let’s now remember the story about the Water-rat. She can’t understand what she must do to her devoted friend in return.

This crossword will help us to explain her what traits of character a devoted friend should have.


P1: The Water-rat should be first of all a devoted friend herself in order not to lose her friend.

P2: She must be always ready to help her friend.

P3: She mustn’t be selfish.

T: The Scottish proverb says: «Friendship cannot stand always on one side”.

In conclusion I want to say that not everybody has a real friend. But if we have such a friend it makes our life happier and more interesting. It’s dear to us and we should care for friendship. Especially nowadays it’s necessary, perhaps more than ever to have a devoted friend. Let’s be patient and love each other. “Real friendship cannot be bought at a fair”.

These are proverbs you’ve learnt today:

  • A friend is easier lost than found.
  • A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
  • Friendship cannot stand always on one side.
  • Real friendship cannot be bought at a fair.
  • Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him.
  • False friends are worse than bitter enemies.
  1. The conclusion

T: Let’s draw the line and write a cinquain about friends and friendship!


                                       GENEROUS, TRUE

                                   TRUST, BELIEVE, LOVE

                     A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED.


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