Урок в 8 классе "Олег Митяев: "...Сделать благо для другого"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
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Урок разработала: Преснякова Лариса Валентиновна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ №4»
г. Южноуральск
Методическая разработка к проекту
«Моя прекрасная Родина – Южный Урал. Олег Митяев: «…Сделать благо для другого».
(в рамках УМК Биболетовой М.З. “Enjoy English” для 8 класса)
План урока
Цели урока:
1.Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию в разных сферах речевой
2.Воспитывать чувство патриотизма, гордости за своих земляков.
3.Приобщать учащихся к культурным традициям родного края.
Задачи урока:
1.Совершенствовать навыки и умения чтения с полным пониманием.
2.Продолжить формировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи на примере творческой деятельности Олега Митяева.
3.Расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме « Успешность личности в современном мире».
1) АРМ учителя
2) слайды (для корректной работы презентации необходимо скопировать папку “Конкурс: Преснякова Л.В.” с электронного носителя в корень диска “C:\”)
3) ватман, маркеры
4) фотографии с видами уральской природы
5) раздаточный материал (Приложение “Appendix”)
Дополнительная литература:
- Л.П. Коробицына «Серебряный Ильмень», Челябинск 2001г.
- Статьи газет и журналов.
- Сборники песен.
- Интернет, сайты: www.mityaev.ru, http://fond.mityaev.ru/, www.ilmenka.ru, www.svetloeproshloe.ru/
Ход урока:
1. Lead-in. (4-5 mins)
There are many professions in the world. (Slide 2 - professions)
What famous people of these professions do you know?
What outstanding people of Chelyabinsk Region are known for you?
The person we are going to talk about is an actor, an artist, a teacher, a sportsman, a poet, a composer at one and the same time. Do you know his name?
Now look at the pictures, listen to some songs and try to guess.
Who is he? (Slides 3-14 – photos of O. Mityaev)
b) He’s Oleg Mityaev. (Slide 15 – Yu. Kukin’s words)
What do you know about him?
2. Reading ( 7-8 mins).
Read the texts (Appendix 1) and be ready to answer the questions. Work in 3 groups.
a) Imagine: one of you is a teacher, answer the teacher’s questions.(Slide 16 – questions to the texts)
1. When was O. Mityaev born?
2. What were his parents?
3. Does Oleg love animals? Why do you think so?
4. Where did he get education after school?
5. He didn’t serve in the army, did he?
6. Is he a talented person? Prove that.
7. He has got skilled partners in his work, hasn’t he?
8. Were the 1970s romantic? Why?
9. What is Ilmen Festival famous for?
10. Is Oleg’s first song popular only in Chelyabinsk?
b) What information are you impressed by most of all?
c) I would like you to pay attention to the words of Bulat Okudzhava. (Slide 17)
It is important for every person, isn’t it?
d) Oleg is famous not only for his songs. He is a founder of the Charity Fund of Oleg Mityaev and an organiser of some projects.
Why is he successful?
Why are his songs popular?
What kind of person is he?
Work with some texts in mini groups (15-17 mins).
1st group. Read the text. Do you know the occupation of these people? What are they? Complete the sentences with the words. (Appendix 2.1) Answer the questions in the task.
2nd group. Read the text (Appendix 2.2). Advertise the ceremony of presenting the “Light Past” prize.
3rd group. Read the text (Appendix 3.1). What new information about Ilmenka have you found? Advertise the festival.
4th group. Read the text (Appendix 3.2). What projects does Oleg Mityaev suggest? Find information and tell us about it. Use key words.
5th group. Read the text (Appendix 4.1), find nouns and adjectives describing Oleg’s songs (pupil 1) and some other ones connected with the description of people’s character (pupil 2). Answer the questions in the task.
6th group. Read the text (Appendix 4.2), make a project. (Write captions for the photos: nature of the Urals. Use the text.)
e) Let’s check your work. (Slides: 18 - famous people,19 - projects,20 – people ,21 - songs,22-29 - photos: nature of the Urals.)
f) There is a line from one of O. Mityaev’s songs. Read it. (Slide 30)
Do you agree with the words?
3.Auding. (4-5 mins)
a) Let’s relax a little and listen to his first song in Russian. (Slides 31-33 - Ilmenka)
b) You have the text of this song translated into English by Nikolay Lavrov (Appendix 5).
Listen to the song again and find these words in the English text: (Slide 34)
- Let’s sing it in English. (Slide 35)
- Answer my questions:
Do you like the translation?
Is it close to the original?
Do you like the song?
Would you like to invite Oleg Mityaev to our town?
Would you like to go to Ilmenka?
Make up a dialogue. (7-8 mins)
- You want to invite O. Mityaev to our town. You have to advertise the event. Phone his promoter to get as much information about O. Mityaev as it is possible.
- You are going to invite your friend from abroad to Ilmenka.
Convince your friend that it is wonderful to go there.
5. Homework.
Write a project (2 groups).
1. What famous people of Chelyabinsk Region awarded with the “Light Past” prize are interesting for you? Why? What can you tell us about them?
2. What people of our town can you suggest for the “Light Past” prize? Why?
Appendix 1.
Text 1.1. Read the text. Be ready to answer the questions.
Oleg Mityaev was born on the 19th of February 1956 in Chelyabinsk. His father was a worker. His mother was a housewife*. He went to school in 1963.
When he was a child Oleg took care of homeless dogs in his yard. He fed them, built houses for them and took them to a safe place when it was necessary. At that time he wanted to become a dog-breeder*.
At 15 he went to a technical secondary school* to get a profession of an electrician.
Then he served* in the army.
In 1977 he entered the Institute of Physical Education in Chelyabinsk. He was going to teach children swimming.
*** housewife - домохозяйка, dog-breeder - собаковод, technical secondary school - техникум, serve – служить
- When was O. Mityaev born?
- What were his parents?
- Where did he get education after school?
- Does Oleg love animals? Why do you think so?
Text 1.2. Read the text. Be ready to answer the questions.
It was the time when young people took their rucksacks* and guitars and went hiking* in their free time. They liked songs at the fire in a good company and decided to organise Ilmen Festival, which appeared* in Miass on the lakeside of the Ilmen. In 1978 Oleg decided to visit it too. He was greatly impressed by the nature, the people, the songs and the atmosphere of Ilmenka, so one spring day he wrote a song and took part in the festival. He had a great success. His first song became popular at once*. You could hear everywhere “It’s so great that all of us are here and now today!” Now the song is a kind of anthem* of bard music and the festival. Every tourist and every intelligent company not only in Chelyabinsk Region but also all over the country and even abroad know the song very well. They also add: “It was created by Oleg Mityaev.” In 2009 the song has its birthday – the 30th anniversary.
*** rucksack – рюкзак, hiking - поход, appear – появляться, at once – сразу, anthem - гимн
- What is Ilmen Festival famous for?
- Were the 1970s romantic? Why?
- Is Oleg’s first song popular only in Chelyabinsk?
Text 1.3. Read the text. Be ready to answer the questions.
Every talented person is gifted* almost in everything. Oleg Mityaev had a lot of hobbies in his childhood. He used to go to the local House of Culture where he joined as many clubs as he could. He drew and painted, did wrestling* and fencing*, went rowing* and swimming and played hockey. When he was a student at the institute, he tried many professions: he was a teacher, a fitter*, an artist, a musician, a manager and what not. In 1990s he graduated from the second institute in Moscow and became an actor. O. Mityaev acted the part of Vladimir Mayakovsky in the performance* “Great Vladimir”, starred in some feature films and a documentary film “Two Hours with Bards”.
He came to Moscow in 1987. There he met Konstantin Tarasov, a brilliant musician, a master of improvisation, and they began working together. Bulat Okudzhava said: “Oleg Mityaev has a constant wish to improve himself - that is very important because the work goes on, new great things appear.”
Now he works with Leonid Margolin, a multi musician.
*** gifted - одаренный, wrestling - борьба, fencing - фехтование, rowing - гребля, fitter - монтажник, performance – спектакль
1. Is he a talented person? Why do you think so?
2. He has got skilled partners in his work, hasn’t he?
Appendix 2.
Text 2.1. Do you know the occupation of these people? What are they? Read the text. Complete the sentences with the words: engineer, spaceman, teacher, composer, actress, minister, president, chess player, hockey player, skate runner, ski runner, film director, musician, poet.
Charity Fund of Oleg Mityaev
He created the Charity Fund* of Oleg Mityaev. Its money is spent to organise Ilmen Festivals and to award famous people of Chelyabinsk Region with a prize called “Light Past”. It is given for the development of culture, science, sport, economics and politics. The ceremony is held* on January, 17 – the birthday of Chelyabinsk. The winners are presented with a diploma and a figurine of Centaur* made by a famous sculptor Ernst Unknown who was also born in our place. Those people who receive the award live not only in towns and cities of Russia but also all over the world now, but some time they used to live or succeed at our place. They are Anatoly Karpov, a …, Sergey Makarov, a …, Alexander Maslyakov, the … of KVN, Alexander Pochinok, a …, Lidiya Skoblikova, a …, Victor Makeev, an …, Yury Galtsev, an …, Sergey Gerasimov, a ..., Vladimir Karakovsky, a …, Konstantin Feoktistov, a …, Nina Usatova, an …, Svetlana Ishmuratova, a …, Anatoly Kroll, a jazz … and others.
The 5th ceremony of awarding outstanding people is devoted to the 75th anniversary of Chelyabinsk Region (2009).
*** Charity Fund – благотворительный фонд, is held - проводится, Centaur – кентавр
Be ready to answer the questions:
1. What do people receive the “Light Past” prize for? 3. When does the ceremony take place?
2. What is given to them?
Text 2.2. Read the text. Advertise the fifth ceremony of presenting the “Light Past” prize.
(Use a sheet of paper and pens)
Charity Fund of Oleg Mityaev
He created the Charity Fund* of Oleg Mityaev. Its money is spent to organise Ilmen Festivals and to award famous people of Chelyabinsk Region with a prize called “Light Past”. It is given for the development of culture, science, sport, economics and politics. The ceremony is held* on January, 17 – the birthday of Chelyabinsk. The winners are presented with a diploma and a figurine of Centaur* made by a famous sculptor Ernst Unknown who was also born in our place. Those people who receive the award live not only in towns and cities of Russia but also all over the world now, but some time they used to live or succeed at our place. They are Anatoly Karpov, a chess player, Sergey Makarov, a hockey player, Alexander Maslyakov, the president of KVN, Alexander Pochinok, a minister, Lidiya Skoblikova, a skate runner, Victor Makeev, an engineer, Yury Galtsev, an actor, Sergey Gerasimov, a film director, Vladimir Karakovsky, a teacher, Konstantin Feoktistov, a spaceman, Nina Usatova, an actress, Svetlana Ishmuratova, a ski runner, Anatoly Kroll, a jazz musician and others.
The 5th ceremony of awarding outstanding people is devoted to the 75th anniversary of Chelyabinsk Region (2009).
*** Charity Fund – благотворительный фонд, is held - проводится, Centaur – кентавр
Appendix 3.
Text 3.1 What projects does Oleg Mityaev suggest? Read the text, find information and tell us about the projects, use the key words below.
Oleg always tries to support young gifted people. He cares for young talented artists. He introduces young musicians to Ilmen Festival which takes place every year in the first half of June. Discovering young talents in different styles of music: bard, jazz, rock, classic, O. Mityaev offers some projects. For example, he is going to form a band of young musicians performing modern music, though texts of songs are based on the lyrics of such poets as Nikolay Rubtsov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Nikolay Gumilev.
Veniamin Smekhov is his partner in one of the projects devoted to A.Pushkin.
O.Mityaev is a participant of the project “Songs of Our Century”, a collection of popular bard songs written by Yury Vizbor, Bulat Okudzhava, Victor Berkovsky, Vladimir Lantsberg, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Leonid Sergeev, Yury Kukin and others. These men were and are respected members of the jury of Ilmen Festival.
Organisers of Ilmen Festival also invite some famous people. D.Kharatyan, T. Gverdtsiteli, Yu. Stoyanov, V. Smekhov, A. Ivashchenko, “Uma2rman”, “Ariel” were guests of the festival.
support band devoted to
gifted perform jury
introduce are based
Text 3.2. . Read the text. Find information about Ilmen Festival. Write an advertisement inviting people to join the festival. (Use a sheet of paper and pens)
Oleg always tries to support young gifted people. He cares for young talented artists. He introduces young musicians to Ilmen Festival which takes place every year in the first half of June. Discovering young talents in different styles of music: bard, jazz, rock, classic, O. Mityaev offers some projects. For example, he is going to form a band of young musicians performing modern music, though texts of songs are based on the lyrics of such poets as Nikolay Rubtsov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Nikolay Gumilev.
Veniamin Smekhov is his partner in one of the projects devoted to A.Pushkin.
O.Mityaev is a participant of the project “Songs of Our Century”, a collection of popular bard songs written by Yury Vizbor, Bulat Okudzhava, Victor Berkovsky, Vladimir Lantsberg, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Leonid Sergeev, Yury Kukin and others. These men were and are respected members of the jury of Ilmen Festival.
Organisers of Ilmen Festival also invite some famous people. D.Kharatyan, T. Gverdtsiteli,
Yu. Stoyanov, V. Smekhov, A. Ivashchenko, “Uma2rman”, “Ariel” were guests of the festival.
Appendix 4.
Text 4.1. Read the text. Find nouns and adjectives describing Oleg’s songs (pupil 1) and some other ones with the description of people’s character (pupil 2).
His songs are very kind and a bit sad though he likes jokes very much. Oleg has a good sense of humour. He considers that a funny joke is a pressed form of genius* thoughts of people.
He likes nature and notices every beautiful detail. It can be a picturesque sunset*, unusual fog, “a yellow leaf* stuck to the glass of the window”. Nature is always alive* and very sensitive*: “August can pat fir-trees on* their heads”, “quietly falling leaves can whirl* the trees”. You can be touched with white snow and red berries on it, you can feel “the happy” warm May opposed* to “the black smoke” of the war and the cold of death. His poems are very impressive: you can listen to “the wind playing the amber-coloured* strings” or “the flute* crying quietly in the dark of the night”, you can enjoy “the beauty of the dancing autumn” and hear “the leaves of the trees whispering tenderly*”, you can see “the yellow paradise* of the blue February” when the author describes Africa thinking about Russia. Every time his characters go anywhere, they look forward to* returning to their native place: the country, the city, the town, the street, home. In his songs people are courageous, strong-willed but at the same time kind, careful and sympathetic. His songs are rich in philosophy, romantics, they are moving*, touching*, expressive, full of love, great love of life. O. Mityaev tries to enjoy every minute, every moment of his life.
*** genius - гениальный, a picturesque sunset – яркий, живописный закат, leaf - лист, alive - живой, sensitive – нежный, чуткий, pat on - погладить, whirl - кружить, oppose - противопоставлять, amber-coloured - янтарный, flute - флейта, tenderly - нежно, paradise - рай, look forward to – с нетерпением ждать, moving - волнующий, touching - трогательный
Be ready to answer the questions:
1. Why is he successful?
2. Why are his songs popular?
3. What kind of person is he?
Text 4.2. Read the text and make a project. (Write captions for the photos: nature of the Urals. Use the text, a sheet of paper and pens)
His songs are very kind and a bit sad though he likes jokes very much. Oleg has a good sense of humour. He considers that a funny joke is a pressed form of genius* thoughts of people.
He likes nature and notices every beautiful detail. It can be a picturesque sunset*, unusual fog, “a yellow leaf* stuck to the glass of the window”. Nature is always alive* and very sensitive*: “August can pat fir-trees on* their heads”, “quietly falling leaves can whirl* the trees”. You can be touched with white snow and red berries on it, you can feel “the happy” warm May opposed* to “the black smoke” of the war and the cold of death. His poems are very impressive: you can listen to “the wind playing the amber-coloured* strings” or “the flute* crying quietly in the dark of the night”, you can enjoy “the beauty of the dancing autumn” and hear “the leaves of the trees whispering tenderly*”, you can see “the yellow paradise* of the blue February” when the author describes Africa thinking about Russia. Every time his characters go anywhere, they look forward to* returning to their native place: the country, the city, the town, the street, home. In his songs people are courageous, strong-willed but at the same time kind, careful and sympathetic. His songs are rich in philosophy, romantics, they are moving*, touching*, expressive, full of love, great love of life. O. Mityaev tries to enjoy every minute, every moment of his life.
*** genius - гениальный, a picturesque sunset – яркий, живописный закат, leaf - лист, alive - живой, sensitive – нежный, чуткий, pat on - погладить, whirl - кружить, oppose - противопоставлять, amber-coloured - янтарный, flute - флейта, tenderly - нежно, paradise - рай, look forward to – с нетерпением ждать, moving - волнующий, touching - трогательный
Appendix 5.
It’s So Great… (Как здорово )
Translated into English by Nikolay Lavrov
The yellow curve of guitar you’ll embrace so softly,
The string like echo splinter will pierce the endless space.
The sky dome will sway round, so big and starry-snowy…
It’s so great that all of us are here and now today!
Appendix 4. (variant 2)
Text 4.1. Read the text. Say which nouns and adjectives describe Oleg’s songs and people’s character (pupil 1) and find he phrases in bold in the original texts of his songs (pupil 2).
His songs are very kind and a bit sad though he likes jokes very much. Oleg has a good sense of humour. He considers that a funny joke is a pressed form of genius* thoughts of people.
He likes nature and notices every beautiful detail. It can be a picturesque sunset*, unusual fog, a yellow leaf* stuck to the glass of the window. Nature is always alive* and very sensitive*: August can pat fir-trees on* their heads, quietly falling leaves can whirl* the trees. You can be touched with white snow and red berries on it, you can feel the happy warm May opposed* to the black smoke of the war and the cold of death. His poems are very impressive: you can listen to the wind playing the amber-coloured* strings or the flute* crying quietly in the dark of the night, you can enjoy the beauty of the dancing autumn and hear the leaves of the trees whispering tenderly*, you can feel the yellow paradise* of the blue February when the author describes Africa thinking about Russia. Every time his characters go anywhere, they look forward to* returning to their native place: the country, the city, the town, the street, home. In his songs people are courageous, strong-willed but at the same time kind, careful and sympathetic. His songs are rich in philosophy, romantics, they are moving*, touching*, expressive, full of love, great love of life. O. Mityaev tries to enjoy every minute, every moment of his life.
*** genius - гениальный, a picturesque sunset – яркий, живописный закат, leaf - лист, alive - живой, sensitive – нежный, чуткий, pat on - погладить, whirl - кружить, oppose - противопоставлять, amber-coloured - янтарный, flute - флейта, tenderly - нежно, paradise - рай, look forward to – с нетерпением ждать, moving - волнующий, touching - трогательный
Be ready to answer the questions:
1. Why is he successful?
2. Why are his songs popular?
3. What kind of person is he?
Фрагменты песен
Август макушки еловые
Ветром лиловым своим
Гладил, как детские головы,
И я позавидовал им.
Мне показалось расшибся я
В солнца закатного цвет,
Но оказалось ошибся я –
Это был сон и рассвет.
В осеннем парке городском
Вальсирует листва берез,
А мы лежим перед броском,
Нас листопад почти занес.
Занес скамейки и столы,
Занес пруда бесшумный плес,
Занес холодные стволы
И бревна пулеметных гнезд.
А на затвор легла роса,
И грезится веселый май,
И хочется закрыть глаза,
Но ты глаза не закрывай.
И ахнет роща, накренясь,
Сорвутся птицы в черный дым,
Сержант лицом уткнется в грязь -
А он таким был молодым...
«В осеннем парке городском»
За Полярным кругом вдаль
Мчатся сани,
И озера, как хрусталь, все до дна.
Здесь морошка, как коврами,
Укрывает стылый камень
И конечно, - между нами - холодно.
За Полярным кругом смерть
В сорок первом
Расплескала кровь на снег клевером.
Не за ранги и медали
Люди твёрже камня стали,
Не отдали, не предали Севера.
За Полярным кругом снег -
И над тундрою метель мечется.
Воздух пахнет стылым морем
И серьезным рыбным делом,
И на верфях ледоколы лечатся.
«За Полярным кругом»
Как янтарными струнами в пьесе дождя,
Ветер, мачтами сосен играй!
Пусть в походную юность уносит меня
Таганай, Таганай.
Разгоняйся, мой поезд, пусть дождики льют,
Ну, какой же я, к черту, старик.
Это станции взять нам разбег не дают,
И к стеклу желтый листик приник.
«Таганай, Таганай»
Желтый рай февральской бирюзою
Слепит наше северное зренье.
Жаль, что всех цветов не взять с собою
Для тебя с причудливых деревьев.
Жаль, нельзя набрать в ладони ветер
И каскад, сползающий змеею.
Но, быть может я срисую вечер
С ярко-красной вспаханной землею.
«Письмо из Африки»
Что ж ты, осень, натворила?
Под дождем раздетая
Танцевала, ветер злила,
Словно без ума.
Подпевать ты мне любила,
Когда пел про лето я.
Флейта ночью тихо плакала.
А на утро стала осень лютой, как зима.
Стала осень лютой, как зима.
На стерильном на снегу
Гроздь рябины стылая,
Как от дроби, на боку
У пурги прострел.
Отвязаться не могу
Я от мысли, милая,
Флейта знала, чем все кончится,
Да я ее спросить об этом толком не успел.
Да я спросить об этом не успел.
«Что ж ты, осень»
муз. Л. Марголин
А поутру спустилась благодать
Забытых снов и слов из Златоустья,
И невозможно стало дольше спать,
И я открыл глаза на этом чувстве.
И в золотых крещенских куполах,
Заиндевевшей благостью облитых,
Как в запотевших елочных шарах
Все отразилось в линиях размытых.
Как сквозь ограду парка, изумленная,
Смотрела льдинкою цветной, хрустящая,
Зима студеная, слегка влюбленная,
Незабываемо ненастоящая.
Я вспомнил вас среди музейных зал
И худобу работника Сережи,
Который так о прошлом рассказал,
Как будто в те года мы жили тоже.
Как будто мы – свои на том балу
И никогда не знали атеизма,
И вера, не осыпавшись в золу,
Звучит молебном светлым, а не тризной.
А сквозь окно музея, чуть зеленое,
Глядит цветною льдинкою, хрустящая,
Зима студеная, слегка влюбленная,
Незабываемо ненастоящая.
И оказалось счастьем просто жить,
Не формулируя природу в слово,
И если в чем-то изредка спешить,
Так это сделать благо для другого.
И не пускать унынье на порог,
А воспевать текущее мгновенье,
И если Бог пошлет немного строк,
То это в радость или в утешенье.
А между строк, снегами запыленная,
Как с фотографии на нас смотрящая, -
Зима студеная, слегка влюбленная,
Незабываемо ненастоящая.
Январь 2003
Тронется, еще чуть-чуть и поезд тронется,
И с печальным вздохом тихо дверь закроется,
Вянет ночь, сирень ее становится прозрачною,
И среди чужих твое теряется лицо.
Мелочью стучится дождь в стекло, бегут кусты,
На холсте окна пейзаж размыт и взгляд застыл.
И скользят артерии рябин по холоду
Сквозь немую ярмарку сорвавшейся листвы.
Тихо листопад закружит сад,
И уже не повернуть назад,
Канет осень в снег, как в соболя
Венчанная женщина.
Поплывет из серой тишины
Пеной на пожарище травы,
Запорошит отраженья рек
Все забыть, смотреть в глаза и больше не спешить,
И за этот миг совсем недолгий жизнь прожить,
Шаг шагнуть в дверной проем и перестать дышать,
И не думать ни о чем, смотреть сквозь снег и ждать.
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