Coolers для уроков английского языка
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Баландина Марина Александровна

Coolers-игры для уроков английского языка


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Предварительный просмотр:


Chinese translations


Step one – (before the lesson). The teacher writes sentences on slips of paper. These sentences are

designed to possibly give the learners some translating difficulties.

Step two – If necessary the teacher divides the class up into subgroups of, say, 12 students (whatever

the number it must be even).

Step three – The teacher gives the first slip(s) to the first student(s) who must not show it to their

colleagues but must translate it into the mother tongue of the class on another slip of paper.

Step four – He/she then passes the translation on to the next member of the team who must translate it

onto another slip of paper into English and pass this translation on to the next student.

Step five – this process continues with the sentence being translated into and out of the learners’

mother tongue until it reaches the last person in the group.

Step six – The teacher retrieves the original and final English versions and, on the board or by dictating

them elicits comparison and discussion – if possible points in the multiple translation process where

significant changes occurred should be identified and discussed. N.B. Significant changes in this activity

are by no means always errors and the teacher must be careful to praise really good translation as

well as pointing out and correcting errors and noting changes that make little or no difference.

Note: This can sometimes be a rather slow process and the purpose of the readers is to give people

something to do while they are waiting for their turn or have had their turn and are waiting for the

feedback stage. The activity can also be played as a “background activity” while something else is going


Anticipated problems: none

Word searches


Level: all levels

Ages: all ages

Time 10 – 20 minutes

Materials: prepared word search grids – one for each student, OHT with the results

Purpose: Practice and revision of recently studied vocabulary

Type: cooler


Step one – (before the lesson). Prepare the grid. The framework can be made using the

Table facility on Microsoft Word but in the example on the next page there are 11 cells each

way. Alternatively a perfectly good framework can be made with a ruler and biro!

Step two – Fill in, say, ten words in the grid randomly placed and interlocking where


Step three – fill in the remainder of the cells with fragments of words from the lexical set

being revised. Of course, you can make this more manageable for low level learners if you

list the target words at the bottom of the page.

Step four – if you are preparing on a word processor, colour the target words and use this

either via an OHP or an interactive white board.

Step five – distribute the completed grids and allow individuals five minutes to find the


Step six – invite the students to pair up and share what they have found.

Step seven – Conduct a short feedback session using the OHP or interactive white board.


Level: All

Ages: all ages

Time 10 – 15 minutes

Materials: board & board marker

Purpose: vocabulary review

Type: cooler but can get competitive


Everyone already knows this game.

tip: Many teachers find a quick burst of hangman a neat way of introducing the topic

of a lesson.

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