Фонетическая зарядка "Времена года"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

В данную подборку включены стихи, песни, короткие пьески на английском языке по теме «Времена года». Учителя смогут использовать эти материалы на уроках при изучении соответствующей темы, при подготовке новогоднего вечера, составлении стенных газет, на занятиях кружков и т. п.


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В данную подборку включены стихи, песни, короткие пьески на английском языке по теме «Времена года». Учителя смогут использовать эти материалы на уроках при изучении соответствующей темы, при подготовке новогоднего вечера, составлении стенных газет, на занятиях кружков и т. п.


January comes with frost and snow,

February brings us winds that blow,

March has winds and happy hours,

April brings us sun and showers,

Pretty is the month of May,

June has flowers sweet and gay,

July begins our holiday,

August sends us all away,

September takes us back to school,

October days begin to cool,

November brings the leaves to Earth;

December dying sees the birth Of the New Year and all its mirth.


We're the twelve little men Who make the year go,

Starting over again.

We re the twelve little men —

Do you remember them? —

Making sunshine and snow.

We’re the twelve little men Who make the year go.

(Twelve months)



There's a song in the wind,

There’s a song in the sea.

And a song in the tops of the Tallest pine-trees.

There's a song in the rain,

And the robin’s clear call;

But the song of the snowfall Is the softest of all.


Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.

Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

Snowflakes fall into my hand.

Snowflakes brighten up our land.


It’s snowing, it’s snowing.

What a lot of snow!

Let us make some snowballs We all like to throw.

It’s snowing, it’s snowing.

Let us sledge and ski!

When I’m dashing downhill Clear the way for me!


The hills are calling,

“Come away, come away.

Snow is falling.

Come and sleigh.”

The pond is calling,

“Come, don’t be late,

Water’s freezing,

Come and skate.”

The fields are calling,

“We’re covered white,

Snow is falling,

Children's delight.”


Stars are twinkling, sleigh-bells are twinking,

Now, boys and girls, come out and be gay.

Pleasure's waiting—sledging, skating,

Boys and girls, come out to play.


When I went to play.

Out came the sunshine,

Dancing and gay; But shy Mr. Snow-man

Ran softly away.


The rivers have frozen, the streams cannot flow,

The ground Is quite hard and covered with snow.

Please, don’t forget Robin and throw him a crumb,

For he is so hungry now, as winter has come.


In winter-time

When the days are chill,

A robin seats on my window-sill.

I put out bread

For him to eat,

And cake-crumbs too

As a little treat.

He picks them up

So prettily,

Then sings a “Thank you”

Song for me.


Sing a song of winter,

The chilly north winds blow,

Over hills and valleys

Down comes the snow.

Let us make* a snow-man,

Build'flim straight and tall,

Put his hat and jacket on

While winter snowflakes fall.

Sing a song of winter,

Be happy and gay,

Dance around the snow-man,

Come out and play.

Robin Red is whistling

Such a merry tune.

Winter days are going by

And Spring is coming soon.



“Is it time to come?

Is it time to stay?”

Asked a shy little snowdrop

One cold day.

"No," shrieked the wind,

“It’s not time for you;

It isn’t spring yet,

So go away, shoo-o!”

“Yes,” piped a robin,

“Stay and I’ll sing;”

Then the snowdrop stayed,

And so came Spring.


(A song)

Little red bird in the tree,

Pass the happy news along,

Sang a song so cheerily,

Pass the happy news along;

Pass the happy news along.

Listen to the red bird’s song: “Spring is coming, winter’s gone!’

Pass the happy news along.


I heard a cuckoo gaily sing.

In springtime, in springtime.

I heard a cuckoo gaily sing,

And this is what he sang:

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo!”

I saw him singing as he flew In springtime, in springtime.

I saw him singing as he flew,

And this is what he sang:

“Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo!”

I heard his song from far away, In springtime, in springtime.

I heard his song from far away,

And this is what he sang:

“Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!”


Sing a song of springtime,

Green is all around,

Green buds on the tree-tops,

Green grass on the ground;

Green along the hedges

Where new leaves are found.

Sing a song of springtime,

Songs are all around,

Singing in the tree-tops,

Singing on the ground;

Singing in the hedges;

Songs where birds are found.


’Tis springtime, ’tis springtime,

Cold winter is past.

Warm breezes are blowing,

And May’s here at last.

The birds are returning,

Their songs fill the air,

And meadows are smiling

With blossoms so fair.


How soon will the streams softly flow?

I don’t know.

When will the first daffodils gently blow?

I don’t know.

Where do the roaring winds suddenly go?

I don’t know.

Why do the grasses quietly grow?

I don’t know.

But streams will flow,

Daffodils blow,

Winds go,

Grasses grow

Whatever I say, or know.


It’s good to be back

At the soil again,

Out in the garden

To work again.

It’s good to plant

And to sow again,

To dig and to rake

And to work all day.

I’m happy and merry,

I sing again,

Because today

It is spring again.


He is down in the glen,

I hear him at ten,

“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.”

I call him and then,

He answers again,

“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.”

He is singing in April,

He is singing in May.

When June days are done,

He is flying away,

“Cuck-cuck-cuck- Cuckoo-cuckoo-cuckoo.”



Summer’s here!

Days are long,

And the sun Is high and strong.

Long live, summer! Golden-bright,

Full of warmth And sweet delight!


Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

In comes Summer,

Out goes Spring.

Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Welcome, Summer,

Good-bye, Spring.


The wind is blowing lightly,

The sun is shining brightly;

High up in the cherry-tree

Sings a blackbird merrily.

The cherry is so white now,

The blossom is so bright now.

When the blackbird comes to sing,

All the world is glad for spring.

The blackbird loves for cherry

And he will soon be merry.

When the fruit is ripe and red,

He will come to cat instead.


Come, my children, come away

For the sun shines bright today;

Little children, come with me.

Birds and brooks and flowers see;

Get vour hats and come a*wa\y,'

For it is a pleasant day,

Let us make a merry ring,

Talk and laugh and dance and sing!

Quickly, quickly, come away,

For it is a pleasant day.


"Come, little leaves,” said the wind one day,

"Come over the meadows with me and play,

Put on your dresses of red and gold.

For summer is gone and days are cold.”

Dancing and whirling the little leaves went:

Winter called them and they were content,

Soon, fast asleep in their earthy beds,

The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.


The autumn wind ran through the woods

And whispered merrilv,

"Come, little leaves of red and gold,

Who’ll dance along with me?

We’ll find so many things to do

As fast we fly away,

So many things to talk about

On such a lovely day.”

The little leaves began to nod,

And soon began to fall,

Not one was left upon the oak,

Or on the willow tall.

"We’re coming!” cried the little leaves;

And out from woodlands brown.

They danced along the country roads,

And scampered through the town.


“Will you dance? Will you dance?”

Called the wind to the tree;

"If you will, if you will,

Will you please dance with me?”

And the tree bowed her head

To the wind as he said,

"All my leaves love to dance

So, please, take them instead.”

Then the wind and the leaves

Danced away up the hill,

And the tree went to sleep:

She is sleeping there still.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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