My Family
план-конспект урока (английский язык) по теме
Конспект урока английского языка для обучающихся 4 класса. Тема "My Family"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока иностранного языка (английский) для 4 класса
учитель: Дозорова Н.В.
Тема: «Моя семья»
- ЦЕЛЬ: повторение пройденного лексико-грамматического материала в неформальной обстановке при помощи игр и конкурсов
- повторить и активизировать лексический материал по данной теме;
2. применить ранее изученный грамматический материал в новых ситуациях общения;
3. развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь;
4. развивать навыки письма;
5. повышать интерес к изучению английского языка;
6. активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся;
7. развивать уровень креативности через работу над проектом;
8. воспитывать уважительное отношение к семье
- Introduction (the objectives of the lesson).
- Warming-up Activities (What is the date today?, What day of the week is today? …).
- The Crossword.
- Phonetic Exercises.
- Lexical Exercises.
- Game (2 teams: “Yellows” and “Reds”):
- Auction;
- Writing Competition;
- What is Missing?;
- Guess the Character;
- Guess the Person;
- What do the Clouds Look Like?
VII. Projects (the round for leaders).
VIII. The Conclusion of the Lesson:
1. Reflection (Showing your emotions: My family…, My family? My family! and complete the sentences: It was interesting for me…);
2. Homework.
- Introduction (the objectives of the lesson).
Good-afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson. We are going to have a very unusual and interesting lesson today. And now let’s name the goals of the lesson. At first let’s see what you are going to do at the lesson. Complete the sentences, please.
I’m going to …
(I’m going to read the text, to speak English, to translate the text, to play games…)
Are you going to present your projects? Yes, you are. As for me I’d like to listen to you and get pleasure of communicating with you. So, each of us have some wishes and wants. Let’s start.
- Warming-up Activities
Pupils answer the questions:
What is the date today?,
What day of the week is today?
What is the weather like today?
- The Crossword.
And now we must guess the topic of our lesson. Let’s do the crossword.
- It’s a part of body. (face)
- It’s a very tasty fruit. (apple)
- It’s a very little animal. (mouse)
- What is this? (ice-cream)
- It’s a yellow fruit. (lemon)
- What is this? (yoghurt)
So, name the topic: FAMILY.
- Phonetic Exercises.
Let’s read the poem.
Eight little fingers,
And two thumbs,
Ten little toes,
Two little ears,
And one little nose.
Two little eyes,
That shine so bright,
One little mouth
To kiss Mummy Goodnight.
- Lexical Exercises.
I think that your mothers kiss you goodnight too. Please, answer some questions about your family.
- What is your mother’s name?
- What is your father’s name?
- Are your father’s eyes grey or brown?
- Is your mother tall?
- Was your mother in the shop yesterday?
- Where were you on the holidays?
VI. Game.
And now let’s start our game. And first of all we must divide into two teams. Look. This is a magic hat. Each of you should take a card with a colour. Those who choose red will be “Reds” and who get yellow will be “Yellows”. So, choose the cards and take places. This table will be for “Reds” and this one will be for “Yellows”. And this is our jury (жюри). We will have 7 rounds in our game. The jury will put you marks in these lists. This is for “Reds” and this is for “Yellows”.
1. Auction.
So, the first round. Let’s play auction. And we will see how many words you know on our topic “My Family”. You will name the words one by one. Let’s start.
Thank you. You know a lot of words. So, our judges will give your marks.
2. Writing Competition.
And we begin the second round. Look at the blackboard. These words are in English and you should write them in Russian. Take lists, you have 1 minute. Let’s start.
The time is up. Give your lists to our jury and they will put marks for this round.
3. What is Missing?
So, we begin the third round. I will give you lists with some faces. You should guess, draw and write what is missing? (Чего не хватает?). Take lists, you have 1 minute. Let’s start.
The time is up. Give your lists to our jury and they will put marks for this round.
4. Guess the Character.
So, we begin the forth round. You will guess the characters in this round. I will read you the text and you will guess the character? Let’s start. Be very attentive.
Thank you. Give your lists to our jury and they will put marks for this round.
5. Guess the Person.
So, we begin the fifth round. You will think over a description of the appearance of your classmate from your team and put it in the list. Then one of you will read the text, but won’t name the person. The second team will guess who this person is. After that you will change your parts. The second team will read the description and the first team will guess the person.
6. What do the Clouds Look Like.
So, next round. You should guess what the clouds look like and write your opinion. Take lists, you have 1 minute. Let’s start.
The time is up. Give your lists to our jury and they will put marks for this round.
VII. Projects.
So, we begin the last round. It will be the round for your leader. You will present your projects. (PROJECTS) Who will support you?
So, we’ve finished our game, the jury put the last marks and now they’ll say us the result of the game. So, let’s listen to our jury.
VIII. The Conclusion of the Lesson:
I’m very glad with today’s lesson. And what about you? Read the word “MY FAMILY” with some intonation. Showing your emotions.
And let’s complete the sentences, please.
It was interesting for me…
(It was interesting for me to present my project, to play games, to speak about my family, to listen to my friends.)
So, thank you for today’s lesson. You are smart (cool, perfect). Your home task is your projects. See you at the next lesson. You may be free.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
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