Развитие пейзажа
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Комендантова Наталия Григорьевна

Этот урок разработан в качестве учебного материала к элективному курсу по Искусству. На этом уроке мы узнаем о том, как создавался этот вид живописи, этапы его развития, о художниках пейзажистах.


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Слайд 1

Landscape painting The word "landscape" entered the modern English language as landskip (variously spelt ). Landscape painting, also known as landscape art, describes natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests. It developed at European art in the 17 centure . Sky is almost always included in the view, and weather is often an element of the composition . Joachim Patinir (1480-1524) He was a Flemish Northern Renaissance history and landscape painter who pioneered the "world landscape" type of view. Joachim Patinir (1480-1524), Landscape with Charon Crossing the Styx, 1515-1524, oil on wood, Prado. Titian, La Vierge au Lapin à la Loupe (The Virgin of the Rabbit), 1530, Louvre, Paris. Idealized Italianate landscape background.

Слайд 2

History Ivan Aivazovsky , 1863, The Caucasus. Late Romanticism Camille Pissarro, Lordship Lane Station, c. 1870. Impressionism Paul Cézanne, Mont Sainte- Victoire , 1882-1885, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Post-Impressionism John Constable, 1821, The Hay Wain . Early Romanticism

Слайд 3

History The earliest forms of art around the world be called landscape.The mountains, trees or other natural features are included. The earliest "pure landscapes" with no human figures. Both the Roman and Chinese traditions typically show grand panoramas of imaginary landscapes, generally backed with mountains – in China often with waterfalls and in Rome often including sea, lakes or rivers.

Слайд 4

Isaac Levitan and Ivan Shishkin opened the beauty of our earth for us. Landscape is a poetry and a musical painting. Ivan Shishkin , Rain in an Oak Forest, 1891, Russian Landscape painter Isaac Levitan , Above Eternal Peace, 1894

Слайд 5

Western tradition . Medieval. During the 14th century Giotto di Bondone and his followers began to study nature in their work , introducing elements of the landscape as the background setting for the action of the figures in their paintings. Artists were often solving the problem by showing a landscape background from over the top of a parapet or window or reproducing effects of light.

Слайд 6

Renaissance Landscape backgrounds for various types of painting became increasingly prominent and skilful during the century . The Italian development of graphical perspective was now known all over Europe, which allowed large and complex views to be painted very effectively.

Слайд 7

17th and 18th centuries The popularity of exotic landscape scenes can be seen in the success of the painter, who spent the rest of his life painting Brazilian landscapes. T he Romantic movement pure landscapes became more common. P ainted landscape watercolours developed.

Слайд 8

19th and 20th centuries The Romantic movement intensified the existing interest in landscape art, and remote and wild landscapes, which had been one recurring element in earlier landscape art, now became more prominent . I n the 19th century, as other nations bigan to develop national schools of painting.

Слайд 9

Landcape painting

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