In the World of Animals 5 form. В мире животных 5 класс.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Открытый урок 5 класс "В мире животных".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока по английскому языку
«В мире животных»
“In the World of Animals”
5 класс
Учитель английского языка
Соколова Е.А.
Открытый урок «В мире животных».
“In the world of animals”
Формирование языковых и речевых навыков на материале животный мир зоопарка.
Задачи урока:
- Учебные: формировать лексические навыки, совершенствовать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи
- Развивающие: развивать интерактивные и исследовательские навыки, развивать умение использовать слова в речи.
- Воспитательные: формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к животным.
Оборудование урока: рабочая тетрадь, презентация, магнитофон, компьютер, проектор, экран, памятки «Как ухаживать за домашними питомцами», мелодии «В мире животных», «Танец утят».
Ход урока
- Организационный момент. Слайд 1.
Вступительное слово учителя и речевая зарядка.
-Good morning, children!
-Good morning , teacher!
-I`m glad to see you. Today we will speak about animals. You will do my tasks and at the end of our lesson I will give my presents from this box. But first of all I want to introduce myself. I am Elena Aleksandrovna and I have a cat. Its name is Fortune.
-What is your name?
-Do you like animals?
-Is your pet a cat or a dog?
-What is your favourite animal?
-Do you like a cat?
-Have you got a pet at home?
-What wild animals do you know?
-What domestic animals do you know?
-What is your favourite animal?
- Актуализация лексических навыков. Cлайд 2.
Look at the blackboard. You can see a lot of pictures of the animals. Please, children. Let`s name these animals.
For example: It is a cat.
Would you say which animals live: слайд 3.
a) on a farm
b) in the zoo
c) in the forest
d) in the river
a fox, a hen, an elephant, a bear, a lion, a cockerel, a wolf, a giraffe, a parrot, a pig, a monkey, a horse, a sheep, a tiger, a rabbit, a duck, a cow.
For example: A hen lives on a farm.
Do you know that animals are divided on wild and domestic animals?
I have a lot of toys. In my opinion it would be important to divide these animals into two groups: wild animals and domestic animals. Now please, let`s divide. Who want to begin.
Ok. You are great. We have two groups. But first we will speak about wild animals.
Where can you see the wild animals? Hand up who likes to go to the zoo?
Let`s go to the zoo by bus. (слайд 4 автобус и звучит музыка в мире животных).
Слайд 5. We are at the zoo!! And you can see a lot of animals.
- Активизация навыков диалогической речи.
But you know every Zoo has some rules for visitors. To my mind it is very important to know these rules. Do you know it?
Would you say these rules. (дети называют)
Слайд 6. And now let`s read the rules for visitors of the zoo? What rules didn`t you know?
Rules |
You can`t feed the animals. |
You can`t open the doors of cages. |
You can`t shout of the animals. |
You can`t bring your own dogs or other pets into the zoo. |
В конце урока памятка поведения в зooпарке.
- How do you think what`s better for the animals: either living in the Zoo or in nature?
Ok. You are for living in the zoo. List down your arguments for this statements.
First for living in the zoo. Ok. Well done … I think it would be better reading other arguments at the blackboard.
And now let`s read list down your arguments against it. Well done, dear
boys and girls but now let`s read other arguments at the blackboard.
Слайд 7.
Against | For |
People are cruel sometimes. Animals can`t run and jump as they like. Animals are afraid of people. People keep animals in the cage. | People feed animals regularly. People wash and brush them. People play with animals. People clean their cages. |
Our excursion is over. It is time to come back to our class. Слайд 8.
I think you are tired and now it is time to rest. (duck`s dance). Let`s do physicalexercises.
What`s name of this dance? (It is duck`s dance) Is a duck domestic or a wild animal? You know a duck is a domestic animal and wild which lives in the rivers and lakes.
4. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
Riddles about animals.
(Now I will read the riddles. You will write down your answers into your copy-books. Then we will check together. Слайд 9.
- It can jump. It can run. It is funny. It lives in a house. It likes milk. What is it? (a cat)
- It may be black or white. It lives in the forest. It likes berries. What is it? (a bear)
- It likes milk. It is cat’s baby. What is it? (a kitten)
- It likes bones. It is dog’s baby. What is it? (a puppy)
- It likes seeds. It is hen’s baby. What is it? (a chicken)
- It is a domestic animal. It is pink and dirty. It is very fat. What is it? (a pig)
- It has a bell on the neck. It gives milk. What is it? (a cow)
Совершенствование навыков письменной речи. (слайд 10)
And now would you make up some sentences and write them into your copy-books, please. home, have, I, a cat, got
2.Murka, name, is, My, cat`s
3.with, I, time, a lot of, with, my pet, spend feed, wash, I, her, and, like
5.much, I, very, my, love, cat
You are great! It is a short story about the pet. Would you read this story and translate. Who wants to read? Well done … let`s translate.
6. Совершенствование навыков чтения. (слайд 11).
Now I want you read a small text about domestic animal. Then answer the questions.
Hello! My name is Nastya. I am from Kypanskoe. It is a village not far from Moscow. Every year many people from different towns spend their holidays here. Some of them take small puppies for their children. This summer one family took a small puppy Spot for their boy and stood him in the village at the end of the summer. Spot was six months. He was very funny, kind and clever puppy. He stood alone after summer in the wet and cold street. Spot wanted to eat and play with the boy. He missed very much and whined every day. I love this puppy very much and now Spot lives with me. But I can`t help all dogs which stay alone. I want everybody who takes dogs or cats takes them after their holidays.
- Who wrote this article?
- About what animal did you read this text?
- What does the girl want?
- What does she ask people?
Well done, children.
Now I want to give my present from this box. It is a memo “How you should take care about pets”. Слайд 12.
Memo “How you should take care about pets”
Children, love their pets. |
7. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. Слайд 13.
And now at the end of our lesson answer on my questions please.
- What do you think of the lesson?
- What was interesting for you?
- Who was the best at the lesson?
Dear children! I’m glad to work with you. I’m happy to make friends with you today. Thank you! Our lesson is over. Stand up. Clap your hands. (Дети аплодируют своей работе на уроке)
- Газета «Первое сентября. «ENGLISH». № 4. 2009.
by Elena Sokolova
School No.492 Moscow
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
In the world of animals
- Riddles – загадки.
- Make up some sentences and write them into your copy-books. home, have, I, a cat, got ______________________________________
2.Murka, name, is, My, cat`s______________________________________
3.with, I, time, a lot of, with, my pet, spend___________________________ feed, wash, I, her, and, like____________________________________
5.much, I, very, my, love, cat _____________________________________
- Read a small text about a domestic animal. Then answer the questions.
Hello! My name is Nastya. I am from Kypanskoe. It is a village not far from Moscow. Every year many people from different towns spend their holidays here. Some of them take small puppies for their children. This summer one family took a small puppy Spot for their boy and stood him in the village at the end of the summer. Spot was six months. He was very funny, kind and clever puppy. He stood alone after summer in the wet and cold street. Spot wanted to eat and play with the boy. He missed very much and whined every day. I love this puppy very much and now Spot lives with me. But I can`t help all dogs which stay alone. I want everybody who takes dogs or cats takes them after their holidays.
- Who wrote this article? _________________________________________
- About what animal did you read this text? ___________________________
- What does the girl want?_________________________________________
- What does she ask people?________________________________________
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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