Открытый урок на тему "Особенности профессии"юрист"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Урок для 1 курса с использованием ИКТ и работы в группах.
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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «Особенности профессии «юрист» в 15 группе 21 апреля 2014 года (3 пара).
Преподаватель: Спиридонова Елена Викторовна.
Цель урока: развитие интереса к будущей профессии, осознание ее сущности и социальной значимости.
Обучающий аспект: активизация лексики; расширение лексического запаса; формирование специальных умений (чтение, аудирование, говорение), формирование общеучебных умений.
Развивающий аспект: развитие памяти, мышления, познавательной активности, самостоятельности в ходе выполнения творческих заданий, позитивного отношения к выбранной профессии, развитие общих компетенций
Воспитательный аспект: воспитание положительных черт характера, трудолюбия, стремления к образованию, чувства ответственности, умения работать в коллективе и команде, чувства толерантности к чужой культуре.
Оснащение урока: учебники, тетради, дидактический материал, творческие работы, ноутбук, магнитофон, видео- и аудиоматериалы.
Место урока: один из уроков в теме «Профессии. Система социальной помощи».
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа в парах и группах.
Ход урока.
I.Организационный момент.
1) Рапорт дежурного;
2) Ознакомление с планом урока.
II. Подготовка к основному этапу.
1) Фонетическая разминка.
Чтение пословиц , подбор соответствия русских и английских пословиц.
2) Речевая разминка.
Проведение опроса о будущей профессии.
III. Основной этап.
1)Проверка домашнего задания – защита творческих работ.
2) Закрепление лексического материала по теме «Профессия «юрист».
Просмотр видеофильма, выполнение лексических упражнений на тему «Черты характера».
3) Рекламная пауза. Профессия «Юрист».
4) Релаксационная пауза.
Прослушивание песни. Заполнение пропусков в тексте.
5) Чтение текста, выполнение задания.
IV. Обобщение и контроль усвоения материала.
Проведение теста. Проверка результатов.
V. Домашнее задание – подготовить письменное сообщение о будущей профессии.
VI. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
I. Организационный момент.
Teacher:-Good afternoon, students!
(-Good afternoon, teacher!)
-Take your seats, please. How are you? (I’m fine).The weather is fine and you are fine, too. Let’s begin our lesson. It’s an unusual lesson. We have guests today. But stay calm and don’t worry.
We studied the descriptions of different jobs at our last lesson. But today we are going to devote this lesson to your future job. In the first part of the lesson we are going to find out why you chose this job, listen to your presentations, learn about the most important features of your job from the videofilm. And in the second part of our lesson we develop some good work habits while listening and reading. The information that you’ll get at the lesson will be useful for the examination. So, let’s start. During the lesson I want you to find answers to these questions: 1) What makes your future job special?
2) What makes a good lawyer?
If you want to be like the people in this short presentation, you should know some secrets of success.
A video presentation.
II. Подготовка к основному этапу.
1)Фонетическая разминка.
Teacher: And as we speak about jobs today I’d like to start with some proverbs, because they are connected with work. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.
Students repeat the proverbs.
Teacher: Now work in pairs and match the Russian and the English equivalent of the proverb. Pay attention to the words that are the same. They will help you guess.
Students: 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-e, 5-b.
Teacher: Yes, you are right. Do you think it’s a good piece of advice? If you want to be successful in your job you should develop these habits.
2) Речевая разминка.
Teacher: So, you decided to become a lawyer. What made you decide it? Work in groups and answer these questions. One student will be the leader and write down your answers on the sheet of paper. He or she is going to report the results.
Students report the results.
Teacher: summing up the results.
III. Основной этап.
1)Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: Now it’s time to listen to your presentations. Each group was given a topic to study and we would like to see what you have prepared.
Students’ presentations.
2) Закрепление материала по теме «Профессия «юрист».
Teacher: Thank you very much. This work helped you to understand your future profession better. If you want to be a lawyer you should have some necessary qualities for this job. Open the books, page 128, ex.11.Read the characteristics that fit your future job and on p.18 (for the weaker students)
Students read out the characteristics.
Teacher: What qualities are necessary to make a brilliant career? Watch a video and pay attention to these characteristics.
Now watch again and fill the blanks in your worksheet with the words from the film.
Teacher: Right you are. Now look at exercise 5 in your worksheet. Work in pairs again and find the person who is more likely to get the job.
Why do you think so? Did we answer these questions?
3) Рекламная пауза. Профессия «Юрист».
Teacher: And now a minute of advertisement.
4) Релаксационная пауза. Прослушивание песни.
I see you are tired. You like songs, don’t you? I want you to listen to the song and while enjoying wonderful music do the task. Listen and choose the correct word to complete the lines.
Students listen and complete the lines.
Teacher: Did you like the song? If you are happy in your job can you “fly without wings”?
Teacher: Quotation. It’s very important to understand that this is the right profession for you, then you can be successful and happy.
Our students don’t only prepare for the profession of a lawyer, they know how important are the leads when investigating a crime and they learn to do it. This is their nice work. And let’s play a detective now. Read the pieces of the text and match them to the statements. One statement is not used.
Students read the text and match the text and the statements.
Teacher: Who is ready with the text? Who is the winner? What are the right answers? Why do you think so?
IV. Обобщение. Проведение теста. Проверка результатов.
V. Домашнее задание.
Teacher: So you studied enough information about your profession today and you are to write the topic (exam. card 12) at home and as we also mentioned some secrets of success , I want you to think of other ways of success and share your ideas at the next lesson because the theme of it is “How to be successful”. Is everything clear?
VI. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: You worked hard today and you deserve good marks. Your marks are:
… Did you like the lesson? What did you like? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You may be free.
- Match the words on the left and the words on the right.
- earn a) people in need
- help b) job
- well-paid c) long hours
- work d) money
- Match the words and the translation.
- full-time job a) браться за работу
- part-time job b) работа на полной ставке
- to take on a job с) быть без работы
- to be out of a job d) работа на полставки
- Underline the correct variant.
A (police officer/lawyer) is a person who can help people with the law or talk for them in a court.
The more visible tasks of a lawyer are (drawing up legal documents/trying cases in a court).
4. Put the words in these questions in the correct order.
1) living do do what for you a?
2) you do much how earn?
3) your what involve does job?
4) overtime your office is normal working at?
5) much do get holiday you now?
5. Match the questions with these answers.
1) $60,000 a year.
2) 28 days.
3) I work for an international bank.
4) Yes, it is.
5) I deal with overseas clients, mainly.
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