Как мы отпраздновали День Яблока
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
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Как мы отпраздновали День Яблока
Развитие социокультурной компетенции является одной из важных сторон изучения иностранного языка. Знакомство с традициями страны изучаемого языка расширяет кругозор учащихся, воспитывает толерантность и делает обучение иностранному языку более мотивированным.
Apple Day – замечательная возможность в игровой форме познакомить учащихся с одной из традиций Англии и провести незабываемый веселый и вкусный праздник.
Мы проводили праздник с учащимися 4-6 классов. Подготовка началась за неделю до назначенной даты. Мы рассказали ребятам об этой традиции, показали презентацию. Потом мы поделили классы на 3 команды: команда Красного Яблока, команда Желтого Яблока и команда Зеленого Яблока. В каждой команде выбрали ответственного. Дети получили домашнее задание: 1) найти стихи, пословицы и (или) песни со словом «яблоко» 2) приготовить блюда из яблок 3) принести самые большие яблоки 4) выучить текст «Apple Day»
Конкурсная программа состояла из следующих конкурсов:
- Стихи, песни, пословицы;
- Взвешивание яблок (провели заранее.) Самое большое яблоко 462 грамма
- Проверка текста (Проверяли члены жюри – восьмиклассники. Каждый послушал по 3 человека)
- Разгадывание «вкусного» пазла. Все слова связаны с темой. Целесообразно дать 4-5 минут и победит тот, кто за это время найдет больше слов.
- Конкурс рисунка «Самое красивое яблоко» (для 4 класса)
- «Вкусный» пазл
с | a | k | e | j | a | b | d | v |
e | p | d | r | i | n | k | j | b |
l | g | a | r | d | e | n | u | r |
e | r | p | w | z | y | p | i | e |
b | e | p | r | e | g | g | c | a |
r | e | l | j | h | k | r | e | d |
a | n | e | a | t | m | g | k | s |
t | e | a | m | h | g | o | o | d |
e | s | y | e | l | l | o | w | h |
Celebrate. 2. Cake. 3. Garden. 4. Pie. 5. Egg. 6. Red. 7. Eat. 8. Good. 9. Yellow.
10. Green. 11. Apple. 12. Jam. 13. Juice. 14. Drink. 15. Tea.
(Есть слова не по теме: neat, team, in, at, be, go, am, ice, read)
- Текст для пересказа
Apple Day is a new holiday in Great Britain. It is twenty four years old. British people began to celebrate it in 1990. They celebrate it in the end of October. Apple is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic variety (разнообразие). It contains vitamins and makes people healthy (здоровый).There are about 7000 (thousand) kinds of apples in the world. On Apple Day people organize fairs (ярмарки), games and competitions (соревнования). You can buy apples, little apple-trees and get good advice (совет) how to grow them The most popular competition on Apple Day is the Longest Peel Competition. Guinness World Record is 52 meters 51 centimeter. You can taste dishes (блюда) and drinks with apples and take recipes. Apple Day is a good, funny and kind holiday.
- Идиомы со словом Apple
Adam's apple — адамово яблоко
Apple of discord - яблоко раздора
The apple of somebody's eye . Так говорят о человеке (или предмете), которого любят больше всего на свете или которым безумно гордятся. Русский эквивалент: «зеница ока», «любимое детище».
To polish the apple (полировать яблоко) - льстить кому-либо, подлизываться, «рассыпаться мелким бисером» или «вливать мёд в уши».
Apple pie order (порядок яблочного пирога) - идеальный порядок.
As easy as apple pie - так же просто, как яблочный пирог, "Проще пареной репы", "Проще простого".
- Пословицы, песни, стихи
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
An apple never falls far from the tree!
Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.
По два яблока с утра – не нужны нам доктора.
Кто яблоко в день съедает, о докторах забывает.
Apples juicy, apples round,
On the tree or on the ground.
Apples yellow, apples red,
Apple pie and juice and bread!
Apples crunchy, apples sweet,
Apples are so good to eat!
Pick some apples off my tree!
Pick some apples off my tree!
Pick some apples off my tree!
Pick them all for you and me!
One little, two little, three little apples,
Four little, five little, six little apples,
Seven little, eight little, nine little apples –
All for an apple pie!
Apples here, apples there,
Apples, apples everywhere
Some are high! Some are low!
You will see apples wherever you go!
Apples on the left, apples on the right,
You will see both day and night!
One apple, two apples, three apples, four,
Five apples, six apples, seven apples more.
The Apple Song
Red delicious, Macintosh,
Granny Smith, Ida Red, York!
Golden delicious, Jonathan,
Nothern Spy, Honey Crisp, Gala!
I love apples, I love apples! Yes, I do!
An apple a day makes me smile at you!
I love apples, I love apples! Yes, I do!
An apple a day makes me smile at you!
A is for Apple,
Round and Sweet,
Red Red Apple,
So good to eat.
(sung to tune of "Are you Sleeping?")
Picking apples
picking apples
one by one
one by one
Put them in a basket
Put them in a basket
Oh what fun!
Oh what fun!
Apples in the attic,
Apples in the hall.
Apples in the summer,
Apples in the fall.
Apples make you healthy.
Apples make you tall.
I will eat some apples.
I will eat them all.
Apples, apples,
One, two, three,
Apples for you,
Apples for me.
Apples big,
Apples small,
Apple trees tiny,
Apple trees tall.
Apples sour,
Apples sweet,
Apples, apples,
are nice to eat.
If I Were An Apple
If I were an apple
And grew on a tree
I think I'd drop down
On a nice boy like me.
I wouldn't stay there
Giving nobody joy
I'd fall down at once
And say, "Eat me, my boy."
Apples, Apples
(Tune: "Twinkle, Twinkle")
Apples juicy, apples round,
On the tree or on the ground.
Apples yellow, apples red,
Apple pie and juice and bread!
Apples crunchy, apples sweet,
Apples are so good to eat!
APPLES OFF MY TREE (Sing to the tune of "Skip to My Lou")
Pick some apples off my tree,
Pick some apples off my tree,
Pick some apples off my tree,
Pick them all for you and me.
Хороводная игра ROUND THE APPLE TREE
(The tune of "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.")
Children skip in a circle, holding hands, while singing the first verse.
Verse 1:
Here we go round the apple tree,
The apple tree, the apple tree.
Here we go round the apple tree,
So early in the morning.
Verse 2: This is the way we plant the seeds.
Verse 3: This is the way the little seed sprouts.
Verse 4: This is the way it grows to a tree.
Verse 5: This is the way the flowers blossom.
Verse 6: This is the way the apples grow.
Verse 7: This is the way the apples are picked.
Apple Song
(Sung to the tune of "Have You Ever Seen a Lassie")
Have you ever seen an apple, an apple, an apple
Have you ever seen an apple, that grows on a tree?
A red one, a yellow one, a red one, a yellow one
Have you ever seen an apple, that frowns on a tree?
Apples here (point to yourself)
Apples there (point away)
Apples are growing everywhere (hands form a circle...the world)
Some are high (point up)
Some are low (point down)
You will see apples wherever you go (point to eyes)
Apples on the left (extend left arm)
Apples on the right (extend right arm)
You will see (point to eyes again)
Both day and night (Hands together and head down on them)
(To the tune of "Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star).
Way up high in the apple tree (stretch arm up high)
Two red apples smiled at me (hold up 2 fingers)
I shook that tree as hard as I could (make a shaking motion)
Down came the apples, (make a downward motion)
Mmmm--were they good! (smile and rub stomach)
This is the tree
With leaves so green.
(make leaves with fingers outstretched)
Here are the apples
That hang in between.
(make fist)
When the wind blows
The apples will fall,
(falling motion with hand)
Here is the basket to gather them all.
(use arms to form basket)
(Sing to the tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little apple, short and round,
I make a munchy, crunchy sound,
If you bite into me you will see -
I'm delicious as can be!
(Sing to "Five Little Monkeys" )
Five little apples swinging in a tree
I sure wish one would fall to me
One fell down
And hit the ground
Now how many apples do you see?
Keep singing until all apples have fallen.
(Tune: Five Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree)
Five little apples sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Slinky worm "Can't eat me",
Along comes Mr. Slinky worm quiet as can be...
and...CRUNCHED that apple right out of the tree.
(Repeat with:)
Four little apples...
Three little apples...
Two little apples...
One little apple...
Apple Song
(Tune: 'Boom Boom Ain't it great to be crazy")
Verse 1
Way up high in the apple tree
I saw two eyes lookin' at me
I reached for the apple, it started to squirm
Oops! I found Willy the worm!!
Willy the worm is a friend of mine
We eat apples all of the time
I let him crawl back to that tree
Oops! I see Willy looking at me!
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Как мы отпраздновали День Яблока
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