Традиция Англии "День яблока"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
"День яблока - это одна из новых традиций Англии, родившаяся не так давно
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Оформление кабинета, оборудование, реквизит.
а) плакаты (дерево - яблоня)
б) рисунки детей
в) музыкальное сопровождение:
video Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
video Apple Tree
video Celtic Music Dance with Trees
video Relaxing Gothic Music Night Mist
video Apple – Bobbing
г) постеры: - яблоки в геральдике
- яблоки в фольклоре и литературе
- яблоки в науке
- загадки примеры
д) приглашения (в форме яблока)
е) стихи на листочках (в форме яблока)
ж) саженцы для посадки
з) призы
Сценарий к одной из новых традиций Англии «День яблока».
“Apple Day”
I. Introduction. The song: “Jesus Christ the Apple Tree”.
1. Today we are going to get acquainted with one of the new traditions of England. Apple Day, which is celebrated on the 21st of October or at the nearest weekend. Today we are going to find out why the English began to celebrate this day.
2. The Apple is a fleshy fruit from the apple tree. It is in the species Malus domesticus in the rose family. The apple is one of the most grown tree fruits. The apple-tree came from Central Asia. Its wild ancestor is still there today. There are more than 7500 kinds of different apple trees. The apple is a small leaf-shedding tree that grows up to 3 to 12 meters tall, has a broad crown with thick twigs. The leaves are alternately arranged as simple ovals. They are 5 to 12 centimeters long and 3-6 cm wide. It has a sharp top with a soft underside. Blossoms come out in spring and at the same time leaves begin to bud. The flowers are white and have a slightly pink colour. They are 5 petaled. The fruit matures in autumn. It is usually 5 to 9 centimeters in diameter. There are five carpels arranged in a star in the middle if the fruit. Every carpel has one to three seeds.
3. Apple Day is an annual activity which is dedicated to tasty fruit, orchards, and local sights. It has been celebrated since 1990. People consider that the holiday is demonstration of variety and riches of nature and more over it is another way of trying to make people remember that we ourselves are responsible for health of our planet, that we are capable to influence the events that are taking place around us.
The main idea of the day is that the apple is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic diversity and we are to remember it.
If you happen to be in London on the Apple Day you will have a chance to see and taste a lot of different species of apples many of which are not sold in the shops. Farmers offer some rare sorts of apple trees and try to grow apple trees in their own gardens. There is an identification service which can define what sort of apples you have bought. And an apple doctor will help you with his advice in solving any problems of you garden.
The apple tree has the most ancient history. It was the apple that caused troubles of Adam and Eve. It was the apple which was the reason for the Trojan war to begin. And it was the apple which helped Newton to discover the law of gravity. The Newton tree under which this happened vanished in 1814. However, its branches were engrafted with the apple trees in the garden of Lord Brownlow in Belton. In 1940 some grafts of those apple trees were brought to New Zealand. One of the apple trees grown from these grafts is the old tree in the garden of the Geology-Atomic Research Institute in a New Zealand town Lower- Hutt. It is still growing and fruting there and its fruit are nice and juicy. The juiciest apples contain almost all the elements of Mendeleyev Table which are necessary for good work of the heart; there is a unique complex of sugar, organic acids, vitamins, pectins, catekhins, which are necessary for good work of different organs of the man.
In ancient myths the apple is the symbol of knowledge, wisdom and warmth of the sun. The apple thee is considered to be a sacred tree of God of the Sun – Apollo, whose name has the same root with the word apple.
4. In persian countries there is a legend about 40 apples. They suppose, that if you think of a wish and then eat 40 apples one after another having blown on each of them before you make a bite, you wish will certainly come true. But if you stop eating even having eaten 39 apples, magic will disappear and your house and household will face misery.
Thanks to apples Archimedes discovered the law of hydrostatics According to the legend he got angry with his maid who had not brought the apples in time and, when she did, he began to drown the apples in water and during the procedure he made his most important discovery.
Ancient Irish and Scots had a custom of a defining future husband or a bride. A young man or a young girl threw apple peel over his/her shoulder to the ground, where it took some shape of a letter and this very letter was at the beginning of the name of a man/woman who would be his/her promised wife/husband
A lot of myths are connected with apples and apple-trees. According to European symbolics the apple is a symbol of life. In the folklore of many people’s there are legends connected with fruit of this tree. These are Greek golden apples, Celt Island of Apples and, of course, the Slav “molodilnye” apples (making look younger).
Many people know the ancient Greek legend about “the Apple of Discord”. Tsar Pelei and Nereida Phetida did not invite Erida, the goddess of quarrels and arguments, to their wedding. The goddess got furious and to take revenge, she put a golden apple to the guests stealthily. The apple had an inscription: “To the most beautiful”. Aphrodite, Athena and Gera began to fight for the right to possess this magic fruit. Each wanted to be called the most beautiful. Aphrodite used cunning. She promised Paris, the Trojan Tsar and the judge in the three goddesses’ argument, to help him marry the girl he chose. Paris agreed and so Aphrodite won. Later she helped Paris to steal the Spartan Beauty Helen and take her to Troja which led to the Trojan war. There are some other legends connected with apples and apple-trees.
5. Poems and Songs
Apples fruit in autumn. So our poems will be connected with this season and the apple-tree.
Down, down
Yellow and brown
The leaves are falling
Over the town
September is a time
Of beginning far all
Beginning of school
Beginning of fall.
The sunflower children
Nod to the sun
Summer is over
Fall has begun.
“Come out, little leaves”
Said the wind one day
Come over the meadows with me and play
Put on your dressed of red and gold
For summer is gone and the days grow cold
A little Elf
Sat on a tree
Painting leaves
To throw at me
Leaves of yellow
And leaves of red
Come tumbling down
About my head.
I love Fall
I love Fall! Fall is exciting
It’s apples and cider
It’s an airborne spider
It’s pumpkin in bins
It’s burrs on dog’s chins
It’s wind blowing leaves
It’s chilly red knees.
It’s nuts on the ground
It’s a crisp dry sound
It’s green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning
It’s cloudsin the sky
It’s fall. That’s why…
I love fall.
Red leaves and yellow leaves
Orange leaves and brown
Leaves are dancing everywhere
Happily dancing down.
The breezes taste
Of apple peel
The air is full
Of smells to feel
Ripe fruit, old footballs
Burning brush
New books, erasers
Chalk and such
The bee, his hive
Well-honey hum
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds the days
Are polished with
A morning haze
October leaves are lovely
They rustle when I run
Sometimes I wake a heap
And jump in them for fun
October is the month
When the smallest breeze
Gives us a shower
Of autumn leaves
Bonfires and pumpkins
Leaves sailing down
October is red
And golden and brown.
Autumn leaves float quietly down
And form a carpet on the ground
But when those leaves are stepped upon
You hear a crackling sound
In November Dark comes soon
We turn on the lights
In the afternoon
No sunshine, lots of rain
No warm days, snow again!
No bugs or bees
No leaves on trees
You must remember
This is November!
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
School is here and fall is near
The leaves are falling down.
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
Some are red and some are brown
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
They tickle your nose and touch your toes
The leaves are falling down
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
A little red apple
Hung high in a tree
I looked up at it
And it looks down at me
“Come down, please”. I called
And what do you suppose?
That little red apple
Dropped right on my nose
Six little apples are on the tree
Andy goes up the tree
Down come three
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Apples, apples, one, two, three
Apples for you, apples for me
Apples for big, apples for small
Apple trees tiny, apple trees tall
Apples sour, apples sweet
Apples, apples are nice to eat.
Poem with actions
This is the tree
With leaves so green (fingers stretched)
Here are the apples
That hang in between (fists)
When the wind blows (blow)
The apples will fall (falling motion with hands)
Here is the basket to gather them all
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Picking apples
Picking apples
One by one
One by one
Put them in the basket
Put them in the basket
Oh! What fun!
Oh! What fun!
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Apples in the attic
Apples in the hall
Apples in the summer
Apples in the fall
Apples make you healthy
Apples make you tall
I will eat some apples
I will eat them all.
Take an apple round and red
Don’t slice down
Slice through instead
Right inside it you will see
A star as pretty as can be
Take an apple round and red
Don’t slice down
Slice through instead
Look inside and you will see
A special star for you and me.
Here we go round
The apple tree, the apple tree, the apple tree
Here we go round the apple tree
So early in the morning.
This is the way,
We plant our seeds, plant our seeds, plant our seeds
This is the way, we plant our seeds
So early in the morning.
This is the way
The little seed sprouts, the little seed sprouts, the little seed sprouts
This is the way the little seed sprouts
So early in the morning.
This is the way
It grows to a tree, it grows to a tree, it grows to a tree
This is the way it grows to a tree
So early in the morning.
This is the way
The flowers blossom, the flowers blossom, the flowers blossom
This is the way the flowers blossom
So early in the morning.
This is the way
The apples grow, the apples grow, the apples grow
This is the way the apples grow
So early in the morning.
This is the way
The apples are picked, the apples are picked, the apples are picked,
This is the way the apples are picked,
So early in the morning.
6. Activities
There are a lot of activities which are held on the Apple Day in England. Now we shall try to take part in some of them.
- Task I. Contest (III groups).
Make a toy out of an apple. Materials: buttons, pins, boxes, apples, a doll.
- Task II.
Carving a picture on an apple (a flower, a butterfly, a face)
- Task III.
Eating an apple (two students of each team try to eat a hung apple without touching it with their hands)
- Task IV.
Peeling an apple (a grown-up for each team peels an apple the longer the peel, the more scores the team gets)
- Task V.
Making a hedgehog.
Materials: apples, toothpicks
- Task VI.
Finish the Russian proverbs
Яблоко от яблони (недалеко падает)
Яблоню за яблочки любят (а пчелку – за мед)
Только глупец рубит яблоню (чтобы достать яблоко)
В незрелом яблоке (вкуса нет)
Не срывай яблоко пока зелено (созреет – само упадет)
Кто яблоко в день съедает (про того доктор забывает)
7. Apples are very tasty and there are a lot of recipes and while our jury are counting the scores you can read the recipes: there are hot dishes, salads, desserts, drinks like sider. Some of the dishes can be tasted at the celebrations but the main thing is learning about nature, trying to help it and getting a lot of good spirit we hope you got the same good spirit from our party too.
Now after the jury announces the results of the contest, we will plant some apple trees in our school garden.
Thanks to everyone!
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