Разработка урока "Оливер Твист"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Разработка урока 6d Literature "Oliver Twist" к учебнику Spotlight для 10 класса. Данное занятие разработано c использованием видеоматериала, а именно фрагмента фильма Романа Полански "Оливер Твист". К сожалению, сам фильм не закачивается. Можно найти его в сети интернет.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson Plan
Teacher: Kaidarakova E.G.
Level: 10th form
Objective: to develop listening skills with the help of a video fragment of R. Polanski’s film “Oliver Twist”, based on Ch. Dickens’ novel.
- Organizational part (2 min).
- Good morning, children! How are you today? Do you like watching films? Today we will watch a fragment of the film “Oliver Twist” directed by R.Polanski. Your task is to understand the main content of the film and listen to the necessary information.
- Introducing Charles Dickens and predicting content. (5 min)
- What do you know about the story of Oliver Twist?
- Who wrote this novel?
- Read the biography to find out.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory. Dickens's good, bad, and comic characters, such as the cruel miser Scrooge, the aspiring novelist David Copperfield, or the trusting and innocent Mr. Pickwick, have fascinated generations of readers.
Oliver Twist is about a boy born in the workhouse for the poor. Some of the boys make him ask for more food. As the result, Oliver is then sold. Suffering terrible cruelty, he runs away and joins a young criminal who teaches him how to steal wallets. The general theme of the novel is that of selfishness and dishonesty as most people take advantage of Oliver. Few people show him love and kindness.
- Explaining the meaning of new vocabulary (5 min)
- workhouse, the Board, the beadle, an orphan, an apprentice, a coffin
(giving a synonym, example, explanation or translation)
Workhouse was a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employment.
The board – a committee.
The beadle - a minor official who carries out various civil, educational, or ceremonial duties.
An orphan - a person, especially a minor, both or (rarely) one of whose parents have died.
An apprentice n. 1 learner, starter, beginner, greenhorn: John served as an apprentice in the soap factory.
A coffin n. casket, pall, (pine) box; sarcophagus: The coffin was slowly lowered into the grave.
- Match the columns to make idioms and give Russian equivalents.
- call a) question
- for God’s b) your tongue
- out of the c) sake
- hold d) names
- Watching a fragment of the film (20 min)
- Fill in the missing words
- Here, Charlotte, give this boy … that were put by for the dog. (some of the cold bits)
- - I beg your pardon, sir. Did you knock?
- I … .(kicked)
- There's an … in his face, my dear. (expression of melancholy)
- - He must be mad.
- It's not madness, ma'am, it's… . (meat)
- Who says what? Write names of the speakers.
(Oliver Twist, Mr. Limbkins, Mr. Bumble, Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry, Mrs. Charlotte, Mr. Noah Claypole)
- “Now, as you are to meet your new master, pull that cap off your eyes.”
- “Help, Mrs. Charlotte! He'll murder me. Help!”
- “I name all our foundlings in alphabetical order.”
- “Workhouse boys always cost more to keep than they're worth.”
- Correct some words in the sentences.
- You know you’ve got no father or mother and that you were brought up by your aunt, don’t you?
- Do I understand that he asked for more after he had given his supper to the neighbour?
- Please don’t send me away with the beadle, sir.
- You don’t mind sleeping upstairs, I suppose.
- Checking the answers (10 min)
- Conclusion. Teacher’s commentary on the lesson (3 min)
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson Plan
Teacher: Kaidarakova E.G.
Level: 10th form
Objective: to develop speaking skills with the help of a video fragment of R. Polanski’s film “Oliver Twist”, based on Ch.Dickens’ novel.
- Organizational part (2 min)
Good morning, children! How are you today? Do you like watching films? Today we will watch a fragment of the film “Oliver Twist” directed by R.Polanski. Your task is to understand the main content of the film and then we will discuss it.
- Watching a fragment of the film(20 min)
- Choose A, B or C for the following questions
- Each mealtime, the boys …
- were happy to get one spoonful of gruel.
- had to wash their bowls and spoons.
- wanted to eat more.
- Before they could eat, the boys had to …
- take their chairs to the table.
- say a prayer of thanks.
- serve out the food.
- When Oliver asked for more, the master …
- turned white with fear.
- gave him another portion of food.
- was shocked.
- How did the main character get his name?
- It was the name of his grandfather.
- Mr. Bumble invented his name.
- Oliver’s mother had named him before she died.
- Mr. Bumble supposed that Oliver became violent and beat Noah because
- he turned mad.
- he was overfed with meat.
- he stood for the name of his mother.
- Checking the answers (5 min)
- Discussing the film (15 min)
- How are these names related to the main character.
Mr. Bumble, Mr. Sowerberry, Mr. Noah Claypole, Mr. Gamfield
- Put the events in the correct order.
- In the morning there was a loud noise at the shop door.
- Mr Sowerberry punished Oliver to keep his wife happy.
- Oliver became a delightful mute to attend children funerals.
- Oliver was chosen to ask for more food.
- Mr Sowerberry took Oliver to live and work with him.
- Oliver picked out the oakum from the old ropes.
- The governors offered five pounds to anyone who would take Oliver away and put him to work.
- When Oliver was nine he was sent to the workhouse.
- Oliver beat Noah.
- Conclusion. Teacher’s commentary on the lesson. Next lesson’s homework. (3 min)
- Choose the proverb that describes the main idea of the video fragment. Give reasons.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
He was an English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory. Dickens's good, bad, and comic characters, such as the cruel miser Scrooge, the aspiring novelist David Copperfield, or the trusting and innocent Mr. Pickwick, have fascinated generations of readers. Oliver Twist is about a boy born in the workhouse for the poor. Some of the boys make him ask for more food. As the result, Oliver is then sold. Suffering terrible cruelty, he runs away and joins a young criminal who teaches him how to steal wallets. The general theme of the novel is that of selfishness and dishonesty as most people take advantage of Oliver. Few people show him love and kindness . Charles Dickens
Workhouse was a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employment. The board – a committee. The beadle - a minor official who carries out various civil, educational, or ceremonial duties. An orphan - a person, especially a minor, both or (rarely) one of whose parents have died. An apprentice - learner, starter, beginner, greenhorn: John served as an apprentice in the soap factory . A coffin - casket , pall, (pine) box; sarcophagus: The coffin was slowly lowered into the grave . Vocabulary
It’s time to watch the film
Each mealtime, the boys … A) were happy to get one spoonful of gruel. B) had to wash their bowls and spoons. C) wanted to eat more. Before they could eat, the boys had to … A) take their chairs to the table. B) say a prayer of thanks. C) serve out the food. When Oliver asked for more, the master … A) turned white with fear. B) gave him another portion of food. C) was shocked. How did the main character get his name? A) It was the name of his grandfather. B) Mr . Bumble invented his name. C) Oliver’s mother had named him before she died. Mr. Bumble supposed that Oliver became violent and beat Noah because A) he turned mad. B) he was overfed with meat. C) he stood for the name of his mother. Choose A, B or C for the following questions
In the morning there was a loud noise at the shop door. Mr Sowerberry punished Oliver to keep his wife happy. Oliver became a delightful mute to attend children funerals. Oliver was chosen to ask for more food. Mr Sowerberry took Oliver to live and work with him. Oliver picked out the oakum from the old ropes. The governors offered five pounds to anyone who would take Oliver away and put him to work. When Oliver was nine he was sent to the workhouse. Oliver beat Noah. Put the events in the correct order.
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