Развитие навыков чтения по роману Ч.Диккенза"Оливер Твист"
план-конспект урока (10 класс) на тему
Разработка открытого урока по творчеству Ч.Диккенза построенна по УМК Афанасьевой О.В,Дж.Дулитл"Английский в фокусе",10 класс.Урок представляет интерес для тех, кто интересуется творчеством Ч.Диккенза.Урок составлен в свете требований ФГОС
Вложение | Размер |
![]() | 22.01 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Технологическая карта
Организационная информация | |
Автор урока | Кадиева Л.И |
Должность | Учитель английского языка |
Образовательное учреждение | МКОУ СОШ пос.Мизур |
Методическая информация | |
Предмет | Английский язык |
Класс | 10 класс |
Тема урока | Урок-развитие навыков чтения по роману Чарльза Дикенза «Оливер Твист» |
Тип урока | Комбинированный |
Цель урока | Развитие навыков чтения с охватом всего содержания |
Задачи урока | образовательные: ознакомление с творчеством Ч.Дикенса практические: активизация употребления лексики по теме в различных видах речевой деятельности в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей: чтение (с полным пониманием содержания) развивающие: развивать интерес к литературе изучаемого языка; развивать творческие способности учащихся; развивать ИКТ грамотность учащихся; развивать коммуникативные способности обучающихся. воспитательные: привить интерес к литературе изучаемого языка; воспитание культуры общения. |
Планируемые результаты | Предметные умения: -знать лексику по теме; -уметь извлекать полное содержание текста; -уметь креативно высказываться на заданную ситуацию; -уметь выражать в письменной форме свои мысли. УУД Личностные: -дальнейшее формирования интереса к изучению иностранного языка; -формирование ответсвенного отношения к чтению. Регулятивные: -формировать умение прогнозировать результаты своей учебной деятельности; -осуществление самоконтроля и самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке. Коммуникативные: -формировать умения продуктивного взаимодействия и сотрудничества со всеми участниками учебного процесса; -формировать умения выражать свои мыслив соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации. Познавательные: -формирования умения извлекать информацию, ориентироваться в своей системе знаний и осознавать необходимость нового знания; -формировать умения перерабатывать информацию для получения необходимого результата, в том числе и для создания нового продукта, преобразовывать информацию из одной формы в другую. |
Образовательная программа, УМК | О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули ,И.В.Михеева »Английский язык в фокусе».Изд-во «Просвещение»,2015 |
Оснащение урока | Диск, презентация, раздаточный материал, проектор, компьютер |
Ход и содержание урока, деятельность учителя и учеников | |
1.Оргмомент. Приветствие учителя. Good morning boys and girls! I am glad t see everybody! 2.Целепологание,мотивация Teacher:Оpen your books on page 109. Have you read any books by English writers? And whose portraits do you see at this picture? Children: the portrait of Charles Dickens, etc Teacher: So how do you think what is the topic of the lesson? Children: Charles Dickens and his novel ‘’Oliver Twist’’ Teacher: So what is the algorithm of our work today? Children: Reading and analyzing the biography of Charles Dickens and one of his best books “’Oliver Twist’’ 3.Актуализация знаний T: So let’s watch the presentation done by Polina Zhelonkina.(biography of Charles Dickens) T: You may add any facts if you want. I`ll tell you about him with pleasure. But I want you to ask me questions about him . OK? Who`s the first? P1: When and where was Ch. Dickens born? T: he was born in 1812 at Portsmouth. His father was a clerk and a happy –go-lucky, irresponsible man. He had eight children. P2: I think, Charles childhood was not happy. Did he get any education? T: He went to school not more than two years, but his mother was a well- educated woman and she tought him to read and write. At nine he could read «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The family moved to London and soon Charles` father was taken to prison, for debt. Mrs. Dickens with her younger children went to prison too, to join the husband, because they could not provide their living, P3: How did he begin to write? T: It was a long way to it. Being nine years old, Charles went to work at a factory. He was very human, very clever and without clever friends. He was very unhappy. Every day he went to prison to have breakfast and supper. At last he managed to enter a lawyer`s office. He learnt shorthand. He could make short reports in the House of Commons for newspapers. And only at the age of 22 he was taken to work in the newspaper “ The Morning Chronicle”. He went all over the country getting news, writing up stories, meeting people and using his eyes. From that time his career began. 2 P 4: Would you tell us what are his most popular novels? T: His first novel was “ The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club”, “Oliver Twist”, “ Nickolas Nickleby”, “ The Old Curiosity Shop”, “ Little Dorrit”, “ The bleak House”. “David Copperfield is his bestseller because Charles Dickens was the prototype of David Copperfield. T: So thank you very much,Polina.We came to second point of our work – the work over the novel “Oliver Twist” T: What do know about this novel? ( presentation of Z.Marzoeva) It was your task to read it .It’s ex.2 on page 108. What are your results? Answer Key 1-C 2-C 3D 4-C 5-A 4.Контроль и самоконтроль. Контроль T:While reading the extract you came across with highlighted words .Now match them with their meaning( ex.3a,p.109) Suggested Key: Companions-friends Entirely-completely Task-job Paralyzed-unable to move Wonder-amazement Shrieked-cried Взаимоконтроль(ex.3b,p,109) It seems to me that ‘’licked fingers’’ means….. And what do you think about….. Развитие навыка письма Teacher: How do you think what happened further? These word will help you. Useful Vocabulary POLICEMAN ARRIVED DEMANDED TO KNOW HAD BEEN CALLED OUT AT THIS LATE HOUR CRIME ASKED FOR MORE FOOD FELT SORRY FOR THE BOY MASTER INSISTED MADE AN EXAMPLE OF HIM WOULD BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR MORE FOOD TOOK HIM AWAY SPENT THE NIGHT ON THE FLOOR OF THE CELL 5. Рефлексия T:So we have listened to some variants of the story. What difficulties did you have? How do you find the lesson? Interesting So-so Boring 6.Homework Write a letter to your pen-friend about the accident in th workhouse(100-140 words)
T: |
I`ll tell you about him with pleasure. But I want you to ask me questions about him . OK? Who`s the first?
P1: When and where was Ch. Dickens born?
T: he was born in 1812 at Portsmouth. His father was a clerk and a happy –go-lucky, irresponsible man. He had eight children.
P2: I think, Charles childhood was not happy. Did he get any education?
T: He went to school not more than two years, but his mother was a well- educated woman and she tought him to read and write. At nine he could read «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The family moved to London and soon Charles` father was taken to prison, for debt. Mrs. Dickens with her younger children went to prison too, to join the husband, because they could not provide their living,
P3: How did he begin to write?
T: It was a long way to it. Being nine years old, Charles went to work at a factory. He was very human, very clever and without clever friends. He was very unhappy. Every day he went to prison to have breakfast and supper. At last he managed to enter a lawyer`s office. He learnt shorthand. He could make short reports in the House of Commons for newspapers. And only at the age of 22 he was taken to work in the newspaper “ The Morning Chronicle”. He went all over the country getting news, writing up stories, meeting people and using his eyes. From that time his career began. 2
P 4: Would you tell us what are his most popular novels?
T: His first novel was “ The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club”, “Oliver Twist”, “ Nickolas Nickleby”, “ The Old Curiosity Shop”, “ Little Dorrit”, “ The bleak House”. “David Copperfield is his bestseller because Charles Dickens was the prototype of David Copperfield.
T: So thank you very much,Polina.We came to second point of our work – the work over the novel “Oliver Twist”
T: What do know about this novel? ( presentation of Z.Marzoeva)
Suggested Key:
Paralyzed-unable to move
Useful Vocabulary
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