План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 «Д» классе МБОУ лицей № 64
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Учитель - Лазаренко Анастасия Сергеевна.
План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 «Д» классе
МБОУ лицей № 64.
Дата:29.04.2014 год.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Учитель - Лазаренко Анастасия Сергеевна.
План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 «Д» классе
МБОУ лицей № 64.
Дата:29.04.2014 год.
План-конспект урока по английскому языку
Тема урока: The Place We Live in.
Оборудование: учебник, раздаточный материал.
Цель урока: Развитие и совершенствование навыков и умений в аудировании, говорении и письменной речи.
- Задачи урока:
- 1. Практиковать учащихся в чтении на основе текста "Holidays in Brighton".
- Развивать умения говорения на основе темы "Holidays in Brighton."
- Ввести новый грамматический материал по теме.
- Совершенствовать умения учащихся в аудировании на базе текста.
- УМК: English для 5 кл. (Афанасьева, Михеева.)
- План урока:
- Приветствие и орг.момент – 45 сек.
- Речевая зарядка – 2 мин.
- Обучение поисковому чтению на основе текста "Holidays in Brighton" – 10 мин.
- Повторение и тренировка грамматического материала (конструкция to be going to) – 7 мин.
- Обучение диалогической речи на основе диалога – 8 мин.
- Аудирование текста "English Homes." – 10мин.
- Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания и выставление оценок – 2 мин.
Ход урока:
1.T: Good morning, children!
Ch: good morning, teacher!
T: sit down, please. Who is on duty today?
P1: i`m on duty today.
T: who is absent?
P1: everybody is present today!
T: very good! Thank you. Sit down please.
2.T: let`s start. I`m sure, that you like holidays very much. P1, how did spend your last holidays?
P1: i was at the saeside with my parents.
T: Thank you, and what did you do during your holidays, P2?
P2: I was at my granny in the village.
P3: And i went camping to the forest with my parents and there friends.
3.T: very good. Now let`s read the text "Holidays in Brighton" and be ready to answer following questions.
- When did the boy and his father were in Brighton?
- Whre did they live?
- What can you say about the room of the hotel?
- What were the beds?
- Were there any curtains in the rom?
- What can you say about the bathroom?
- Does the boy want to come back to Brighton?
- Holidays in Brighton.
Last summer my father and I went to Brighton. Brighton is a lovely place in the South of England. There are a lot of hotels in Brighton. We lived in a small hotel at 41 High Street, on the forth floor in a "double". A double is a room eith two beds. Our room in the hotel was comfortable and rather large. There was not much furniture in our room. We had a small table, two beds, two chairs and an armchair, a sofa and a TV set in the corner of the room. The table was in the middle of the room. My father`s bed was on the left and my was on the right by the window.
There was a mirror and two lovely pictures of Brighton on the wall. The curtain on the windows were yellow and they made the room bright and nice indeed. It was rather quiet in the room as it was at the back of the hotel.
The bathroom was small. There we had a bath, a toilet and a wash basin. We could take a shower in the bathroom, and i usually had one in the afternoon after my swim in the sea.
The hotel was on the hill and the view was lovely. There were a lot of green trees and beautiful flowers behind the hotel and the sea was in front of it. We came to Brighton by car and spent two wonderful weeks there. We want to spend our next summer there again.
T: the first question, P1?
P1:Last summer they were in Brighton.
T: very good! Anything else?
P2: Brighton is a lovely place in the South of England. There are a lot of hotels in Brighton. .
T: fine. The 2nd question is for you, P3.
P3: They lived in a small hotel at 41 High Street, on the forth floor in a "double"..
T:Thanks. What is a "doube"? P2?
P2: A double is a room eith two beds.
T: Good, next one P4,please.
P4: There room in the hotel was comfortable and rather large. There was not much furniture in our room. We had a small table, two beds, two chairs and an armchair, a sofa and a TV set in the corner of the room. The table was in the middle of the room.
T:thanks. Next P8
P8: His father`s bed was on the left and his was on the right by the window.
T: ok. Next please, P9
P9: The curtain on the windows were yellow and they made the room bright and nice indeed.
T: P6
P6: The bathroom was small. There we had a bath, a toilet and a wash basin.
T: P5
- P5:Yes, they want to spend there next summer there again.
- 4.T: now,children, let`s revise grammar material – конструкция to be going to. P7, please, remind us, when do we use this construction.
- P7: Для выражения действия в будущем.
T: Good. А как эта конструкция будет переводиться в предложении, P3?
P3: Собираться что-то сделать.
T: Right you are. Now I`m going to hand out the cards with the questions. In two minutes be ready to answer them, using construction to be going to.
- Where are you going to have breakfast?
- 2. Where are you going to have lunch?
- 3. Where are you going to take shower?
- 4. Where are you going to watch television?
- 5. Where are you going to sleep?
T: P1, where are you going to have breakfast?
P1: I`m going to have breakfast, at my granny.
T: Very good! And where are you going to have lunch, P2?
P2: I`m going to have lunch at school.
T: Thank you. P4, where are you going to have lunch?
P4: I`m going to have lunch at school too.
T: Good. Next question is for you, P5.
P5: I`m going to have shower after gym.
T: Thanks. Next, P7
P7: I`m going to watch TV at home.
T: Good. And where are you going to watch television, P8?
P8: I`m going to watch TV at home too.
T: Thank you. And the last one for P9.
P9: I`m going to sleep at home.
T: Thank you guys!
5. T: very good! Now, i`ll read the dialogue in which a boy speaks with his mum about lunch. Listen to me carefully and after reading i will ask you some questions you are to answer, so be attentive.
Раздаю вопросы:
- Is Peter hungry?
- Where do they want to have lunch?
- Who is in a hurry?
- Who is in a hurry?
Mum: Let`s have lunch, Peter. Are you hungry?
Peter: Yes, I am. Shall i set the table in the kitchen or in the dining room?
Mum: Let`s eat in the kitchen. I`m in a hurry. What are you going to have?
Peter: Some cold meat and salad, a sandwich and a glass of orange juice. What are you going to have?
Mum: Cold meat, salad, juice... That sound good. I think I`ll have the same.
T: Is Peter hungry?
P2: Yes, he is.
T: yes, you are right.And where do they want to have lunch , P4?
P4: They are going to have lunch in the kitchen.
T: good, who is in a hurry?
P9: Mum is in a hurry.
T: right. P8, What are they going to eat?
P8: ...
T: give him a help, P7.
P7: They are doing to eat me cold meat and salad.
a sandwich and a glass of orange juic
T: you are right. Who can add something about this?
P3: a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.
T: well done. And now listen and repeat the dialogue in pauses.
Now you are to make up the dialogue on the basis of this one.
I will give you 2 minutes. Well, P7 and P9
P7:hello, Mum! How are you?
P9:hello, Kate, i`m fine, and you?
P7: me too. Do you want to eat anything?
P9: yes, i do, I`m hungry. What are you going to eat? I`m going to have chicken, potatoes, apple juice and banana!
P7: Chicken, potatoes, apple juice... That sounds good. I think I`ll have the same.
- T: thank you. Well done!
6.T: very good. Children, what do you know about English home? P1, what can you say?
P1: The families in the Unite Kingdom are nice.
P2: The English home is flat or house.
T: very good! Now listen to the text "English Home" and answer the following questions.
Раздаю вопросы:
- Do all English people live in flats?
- How many floors are there in the traditional English house?
- What rooms are usually upstairs/gownstairs?
- What is the largest room in traditional English house?
- What do usually English people do in their sitting room?
- What do English people think of their homes?
English Homes.
Many English families live in flats, but a lot of people have got there own houses. There are two floors in the traditional English house, the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and bathroom are upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs on the ground floor.
The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs, and armchairs in it. There is often carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. English people usually have a fireplace in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to the music or sit around and talk. People in England like their homes and often say, "Est or West , home is best."
T: P1, the first qustion is for you.
P1: No, many English families live in flats, but a lot of people have got there own houses.
T: Right. P2, answer the second question.
P2: There are two floors in the traditional English house, the ground floor and the first floor.
T: Good. P3, continue.
P3: The bedrooms and bathroom are upstairs on the first floor. ....
T: P4, help him. What rooms are usually downstairs?
P4: The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs on the ground floor.
T: Right you are. P5.
P5: They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire.
T: Good. Anything else?
P6: English people read books, watch television, listen to the music or sit around and talk.
T: And the last quwstion is for P7.
P7: People in England like their homes and often say, "Est or West , home is best."
T: Very good!
7.Your homework is Ex. 10,11 on page 39.
Does everybody understand the homework?
Ch: yes.
T: well, P-ls 2,9,7 get excellent marks. P2 and 3, you read well and made a few mistakes. P7, your speaking is better today. P-ls 3,5,8 get good marks,you`ve also worked well, but still need improve your reading skills.
Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.
Ch: good bye!
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