Выступление на городском мероприятии по английскому языку по теме "Глобализация"
материал по английскому языку на тему
Рассуждение о процессе глобализации для науки и технологии
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Текст выступления на городском мероприятии
по английскому языку.
Тема: Глобализация.
Саша: …a nice meeting. We live in a wonderful time. The progress of science and technologies is fascinating.
Полина: I can’t say it’s really wonderful. It was predicted 50 years ago that by 2008 we'd vacation on the moon, drive flying cars and wear wristwatch-sized video conferencing systems. Science isn't delivering on those promises, yet. So, the development of technologies is the waste of time and money. I wish the government would spend this money on building hospitals, making food cheaper and medicine and medical checkups free.
Саша: I am afraid you are wrong. All money they spent 20 years ago we see now in real projects and people benefit today in many fields. Take health protection for example. Who would have guessed back then that in 2010 we'd have do-it-yourself DNA test kits, Nanotechnology Robots, Visual Phone for the Deaf? Let’s show some of them to the meeting.
Полина: Researchers from Kansas State University are combining biological materials with graphene, a recently developed carbon material that is only a single atom thick to produce DNA sensors that could identify cancer in patients.
Саша: Have a look at Nanotechnology Robots that are as small as bacteria
The tiny spiral-shaped robots ere invented, manufactured at the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at Zurich.
They can only be observed under a microscope and perform, ironically, the opposite function of real bacteria - to help cure disease.
Полина: A researcher at MIT has developed a continuously wearable blood pressure monitor that does not require a cuff.
The device is worn on one finger, with the processor being worn on the wrist. The device then transmits the readings via Wi-Fi.
Саша: Visual Phone for the Deaf converts voice into text, and text into voice. To communicate, the person writes in the text onto the touchscreen display. People with hearing loss in one ear have trouble locating sounds. The system has a small unit that is worn behind the ear, and an in-mouth device that fits on the back teeth. The ear piece transmits signals to the mouth piece which sends vibrations via the teeth.
Let’s watch a video about the electronic device that allows blind people to 'see' using their tongue. (видео)
Полина: Honda has developed 2 wearable devices that assist the wearer in climbing and walking. The mobility devices are meant to be used for anyone who, whether from age or injury, has lost the momentum, the musculature, or the strength to walk.
The Strider is a scooter that provides mobility when you have a leg injury. Just rest your leg on the scooter and away you go.
Саша: Here you see wireless child location device. It works from over 150-Feet away. It is stylish and fun. You will never lose your child!
Полина: Nursing robot is not a surprising device but as nobody wants to take care of elderly people the Japanese invented a robot. Shoes with GPS-navigator is a blessing for those families where the disabled have lost memory and leave the house. It will be easier to find them.
Саша: Sogo & Seibu has announced plans to sell two humanoid robots custom-built to look like the people who buy them.
The robot copies the owner's face, body, hair, eyes, facial expressions and movements. Its speech is based on recordings of the owner's voice.
But the scientists not only create robots, but want to make an exact copy of a person by cloning.
Полина: Yes, I’ve heard about it. Do you think it is good?
Саша: Let’s watch a video and learn whether it is a blessing or a curse.
Саша: Cloning is using genetic engineering to make exact copies of living plants and animals. It has been in science fiction for years. Since 1997, with the cloning of a sheep, Dolly, it has become part of real life and the subject of public debate.
For some people, human cloning is acceptable in medicine despite the criticism that it is unnatural. For example, human tissue can be cloned for use in organ replacement or gene therapy. Also, organs provided by human clones could be 100% donor compatible whereas organs provided in other ways might not be as successful. Moreover, couples who can't have children might be able to clone a child from themselves. Finally, endangered animals could be cloned to increase their numbers.
Полина: However, there are many arguments against cloning. One of the main reasons is that cloning is against the laws of God. Although many people saw the cloning of Dolly as a major breakthrough, now they have to face the fact that the sheep is no longer alive. Thus, in spite of what some say, scientists have no idea of the long-term effects of genetic engineering. A growing number of genetically created creatures might be acceptable to society.
On the other hand, creating 'perfect' plants and animals could eliminate the great variety of natural species on our planet. Furthermore, even though organs from cloned animals could be transplanted into humans, the risks to health are enormous, and some people find the idea repulsive.
Саша: It is difficult to say if cloning deserves banning or not. Every person has his own opinion. Of course cloning has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of dilemmas which we are to face before solving the problem of human cloning. Science should be allowed, and even encouraged, to develop at all costs. If there are dangers, these are simply the price we have to pay for progress, but progress cannot be stopped. We should all live in the present and look to the future.
Полина: You’ve convinced me of the truth of your words. Now I see that public health protection is really developing and ordinary people will soon enjoy the fruits of the development of science and technologies.
Вопросы для учащихся:
1. What is the effect of new technologies and inventions on the people? If yes, is there anything that can be done to make their use safer for living beings?
2. What is the real aim of cloning to your mind?
- We live more comfortable nowadays. We can’t imagine our life without mass media, TV and the Internet, mobile phones and medical check-ups. Robots and different devices do dangerous and hard work for us.
- The real aim of cloning is lengthening of the age of man making tissues for transplantation organs to reduce sorrows and diseases of mankind. Therapeutic cloning will give the possibility of extending human lifespan (to 100, 120 perhaps 140 years).
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