Конспект урока по теме "My home is my castle"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
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Конспект урока по теме
"English Houses"
Автор: Калекова Елена Алексеевна
учитель английского языка, МБОУ СОШ №11
г.о. Спасск-Дальний
Приложение 4 Учебный проект «Мой дом-моя крепость»
Вторая неделя «зелёная» (говорение)
Третий урок недели «Монологический»
Конспект урока по теме "English Houses"
Класс: 6
Тема урока: "Мой дом-моя крепость"
Практическая цель обучения: построение монологического высказывания типа описание.
Образовательная: получение учащимися языковых знаний; формирование познавательных способностей учащихся.
Развивающая: развитие способностей личности (догадки, внимания, памяти); развитие мотивационной сферы ребёнка; развитие интереса к языку; формирование умений анализировать, обобщать.
Воспитательная: воспитание способности взаимодействовать в группе; формирование качеств личности (взаимопомощи, усидчивости, самостоятельности); формирование ответственности и добросовестного отношения к исполнению порученного задания; формирование способности адекватно реагировать на реплику.
Задачи урока:
- Активизировать изученную лексику по теме “Rooms”, “Furniture”.
- Обучить реактивно, рецептивным репликам.
- Развивать навыки монологической речи.
Методы и приемы:
- метод эвристической беседы;
- метод монологического изложения
Оснащение: проектор, компьютер, экран, презентация Power Point, DVD Oxford University Press (клип с песней “Home, Sweet Home”), worksheets.
Языковой материал: на повторение – лексика по теме “Rooms”, “Furniture”.
Актуальность использования средств ИКТ: зрительное восприятие материала легче для учащихся и разнообразит урок.
Структура урока
I. Начало урока. Приветствие. (0,5 мин)
II. Организационный момент.
- Беседа с классом. (0,5 мин)
III. Введение. (3 мин)
IV. Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин)
V. Цель урока. (2 мин)
VI. Контроль лексического навыка говорения. (4 мин)
VII. Описание дома. (3 мин)
VIII. Обучение монологическому высказыванию. (7 мин) Описание гостиной. (3 мин)
IX. Физкультминутка. (2 мин)
X. Описание собственных комнат. (Обучение проектной деятельности учащихся) (5 мин)
XI. Активизация навыков монологической речи. (5 мин)
XII. Обучение сравнению. (3 мин)
XIII. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание. (5 мин)
План урока
Этап урока | Цель данного этапа | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся | Мотивация (приёмы, средства обучения) |
I. Начало урока. Приветствие. (0,5 мин) |
| T: Good morning, boys and girls! T: I’m glad to see you! How are you? T: I’m OK. Thank you. T: Sit down, everybody. | Ps: We are fine, thank you. And you? | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. |
II. Организационный момент. 1. Беседа с классом. (0,5 мин) |
| T: Are you ready? Let’s begin our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What day was yesterday? What day will be tomorrow? | Отвечают на вопросы | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. |
III. Введение. (Слайд 2, 3) (3 мин) |
| T: Look! I got a letter from the country mouse in the morning. Do you remember it? T: Here this letter is. I think you want to know what the letter is about (Слайд 2, 3). Listen carefully! Then you should answer some questions. T: Dear children, are you ready to help him? Answer my questions! (The understanding of the main idea of the letter is checked up by asking general questions) What does he ask us to do? Where does he want to have a house? T: We answered these questions and what is the main aim of our lesson? | The supposed answers: P1: It is a mouse. P2: It lives like a leaf in a tree. P3: We read about it in our home– reading book. P4: The main aim of our lesson is to find the house for the country mouse. | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. Мозговой штурм |
IV. Фонетическая зарядка (Слайд 4,5) (2 мин) |
| T: But before we find him a house let’s have a phonetic exercise. T: First, look at the blackboard and pronounce the words you will need this lesson. Are you ready? Be attentive in your pronunciation, please. На слайде 4 следующие слова: Bathroom, fireplace, mirror, curtain, wardrobe, armchair, traditional, vase, lovely, cosy. Will you repeat them after me? …………read these words without me. ………… repeat after me. I see you can pronounce these words correctly. T: Boys and girls, do you know what English families say about their home. | Повторяют слова P1: “East or West home is best”. P2: “There is no place like home”. P3: “Home, sweet home”. | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. |
V. Цель урока. (Слайд 6, 7) (2 мин) | T: Can you guess what the theme of our lesson is? T: You are right. We'll revise the words on the topic “Rooms”, “Furniture” and sing the song. T: You'll learn how to make the plan of the flat and describe the flat. T: The next task is to revise the words on the topic “Rooms”, “Furniture”. | Ps: Today we are going to talk about English Homes. | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. | |
VI. Контроль лексического навыка говорения. (Слайд 8, 9) (4 мин) |
| T: Let’s check how well you know the names of the rooms. T: My dear would you tell me please what comes to your heads when you hear the name “house”. Remember only rooms of the house. T: Well, what rooms can you name? T: Fill in the network. T: Please, come to the blackboard and write down the rooms of the house. Итог этапа: We revised the words on the topic “The place we live in” and now we should explain the meaning of these words. T: Can you explain the meaning of these words? T: Task: First look at the network. Say what it is. Итог этапа: I see you know the names of the rooms very well. So you are ready for talking about English homes. | (Заполняют паутину из слов по теме) (Работают с диаграммой) | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. Паутина из слов |
VII. Описание дома (Слайд 10, 11,12) (3 мин) |
| T: – – – – – – – – – Masha– – – – – asks – – – – – – – – Misha– – – – – How many floors there are in the traditional English house. T: – – – – – Nina– – asks – – – Alex– – what rooms are usually upstairs or downstairs. Итог этапа: I see you know a lot about English house and now let’s try to make up a plan of the English house. T: Task: Take the picture and put in the proper place. T: Task: Let’s describe the house using the next structure. Example: The hall is downstairs. T: What is the largest room in the traditional English house? | P1: How many floors are there in the traditional English house? P2: There are two floors in the traditional English house; the ground floor and the first floor. P3: What rooms are usually upstairs or downstairs? P4: The bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs. The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and the hall are downstairs. (Описывают дом, используя структуру) P5: The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. | Метод эвристической беседы Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. |
VIII. Обучение монологическому высказыванию (7 мин) Описание гостиной. (3 мин) (Слайд 13, 14) |
| T: The country mouse is interested in the sitting room. He wants to know what pieces of furniture there are in it. (Работа с worksheet) (Слайд 13) T: Make up some sentences to describe the sitting room. The pictures can help you. Discuss it using the next structures: (Слайд 14) T: What do English people do in the sitting room? T: The task is to describe your sitting rooms Don’t forget to use the adjectives. | (Описывают дом, используя структуры) There is/ are…………… We can see ……………. The sitting room has …………. (Описывают 2 ученика) | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. Концептуальное колесо |
IX. Физкультминутка (DVD video Oxford English Video “The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse”) (2мин) | T: Now it's time to have a rest. Let’s remember our song “Home, Sweet home”. Итог этапа: We had a rest and I think you have a good mood and we can go on our work. | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. | ||
X.Описание собственных комнат. (Обучение проектной деятельности учащихся) (5 мин) |
| T: Task: Let's work in teams. All of you have a map of a room on your desks. But this room is empty. You have also little pieces of furniture. You must decorate your room, and then you must describe your rooms. Remember all the words. Let's do this work. T: The first task is to decorate your sitting room. Read and furnish the sitting room. | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. | |
XI. Активизация навыков монологической речи. (5 мин). |
| T.: Now let’s tell him about our houses. We have pictures of our favourite rooms. Who will describe his or her favourite room? | P1: My favourite room is a living room. It is big and nice. There is a sofa on the left of the door. There is a picture on the wall. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a bookcase near the sofa. There are books in it. P2: My favourite room is a bedroom. It is not big but it is comfortable. There is a bed next to the door. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a TV in the corner of the room. | Метод монологического изложения Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, ученик 2 и т.п. |
T.: Children, I have a favourite room too. Please guess what room it is. | P1: Is it a living room? P2: Is it a kitchen? | |||
T.: Yes, it is a kitchen. Look at the kitchen and help me to describe it. | P3: The kitchen is not big. There are three windows. There are curtains on the windows. There is a cooker in the corner of the room. There is a sink next to the cooker. There is a cupboard on the left of the door. | |||
T.: Yes, it is a kitchen. Look at the kitchen and help me to describe it. | P3: The kitchen is not big. There are three windows. There are curtains on the windows. There is a cooker in the corner of the room. There is a sink next to the cooker. There is a cupboard on the left of the door. | |||
XII. Обучение сравнению (Слайд 15) (3 мин) |
| T: So we have two sitting rooms. What rooms can you offer to the country mouse? T: Let's decide what room is better and why? Structures: There is …………. whereas there is………. There is …………. unlike the second room. T: What do you think what room is better and why? T: Does this room suit the country mouse? T: OK. I think we chose a good room for him. And now write down your home task “To write an answer to the country mouse and describe a house, the sitting room that we bought for the mouse”. T: I want you to write down your home task in your diaries. | P–s: I think that the first room is better, because there is a fireplace in it… there is a cosy … Yes, of course! | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. |
XIII. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание. (Слайд 16, 17) (5 мин) |
| T: Well, children, are you glad that we helped our friend the country mouse? T: Do you remember the English proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”? Is it proper here? T: As for me, I’m so pleased with your wish to help those who ask you for help. You were so active today. T: Dear boys and girls. I am sorry, but we must stop here. Our time is up. T: Well, you worked very well today. Thank you. T: Do you like our lesson? What did we do at the lesson? Домашнее задание. T: I wonder if we know everything about the typical English house. Find the information about it in the Internet. Выставление оценок. T: Now your marks. I think today you will get only good marks. T: That’s all for today. Good bye | P–s: Yes, of course. He can live now in his own sitting room. Ученики записывают домашнее задание (в т.ч. проектное задание). | Режимы работы: учитель – класс, учитель – ученик 1, учитель - ученик 2 и т.п. |
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