Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме: "Как разнообразен мир, в котором я живу" по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева
методическая разработка (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме
Урок посвящен истории происходения Ростовской области. Учащиеся знакомятся и сами рассказывают об уникальных местах, явлениях и памятниках культуры Ростовской области.
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МБОУ Екатериновская сош
( разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по учебнику Кузовлева В.П.)
учитель английского языка
Бедирханова М.Б.
2013 -2014 учебный год
Урок по региональному компоненту в 10 классе по теме “How Different the World Is Where I Live”
Цель урока: развитие познавательного интереса и воспитание чувства патриотизма, гордости за свою малую родину.
Задачи урока. Социокультурные задачи: - знакомство с историей и раскопками Танаиса, Кобякова городище, с историей Азовской крепости и некоторыми историческими фактами Ростовской области.
Развивающие задачи: 1. Развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия (умение пользоваться речью: монологической; умение слушать и слышать); 2. Развитие способности к формулированию выводов из прочитанного и услышанного.
Воспитательные задачи: 1. Воспитание чувства любви и уважения к своему родному краю. 2. Воспитание уважения к памятникам культуры.
Учебные задачи: 1. Развитие умений и навыков монологической речи. 2. Развитие грамматических навыков (употребление артикля). 3. Развитие умения читать с полным пониманием содержания текста и аудирования текста с нахождением конкретной информации.
Оборудование: компьютер; мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска Оснащение урока: презентации « Как разнообразен мир, в котором я живу» и «Викторина о Ростовской области»; листы с текстом о Танаисе, осколки амфор из керамики с раскопок Танаиса и образец амфоры, слайд с заданием по грамматике.
План урока
1.Приветствие и определение цели урока.
2. Развитие навыков и умений монологической речи. Рассказы учащихся об истории происхождения Ростовской области.
3. Повторение грамматического материала: употребление артикля the/a(an) (с географическими названиями, с профессиями)
4. Чтение с полным пониманием содержания текста. Introducing with the State Administration of the Rostov region "Archaeological museum-reserve "Tanais".
5. ВИКТОРИНА о Ростовской области.
6. Аудирование текста о городе Азове с нахождением нужной информации.
7. Заключение.
Ход урока
1.Приветствие и определение цели урока.
Teacher: Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you.
Class: Good morning. We are glad to see you too.
Teacher: Do you know where your village is situated?
P: Yes. It is situated in the southern part of Rostov region.
T: I’d like to know when you celebrate the day of your village. P: On the 4th of November we celebrate the day of our village. But this year we celebrated it on the 20th of September. We had a very interesting concert on that day. At school we had a fair on that day.
T: Could you tell me what is the relief of your region?
P: Rostov region is a hilly plain. The main part of it is covered with steppes. You can see forests only in Vyoshensky and Oblivsky districts.
T: Got any idea what the theme of our lesson is?
P: I think we are going to speak about our region.
T: You are quite right. Last lesson we introduced with the past of our region. You can use that text and retell me it. What do you know about the place where you live? Slide1
2. История происхождения Ростовской области.
The past of Rostov region.
Рассказы учащихся:
Slides 2-3. Puil1. The history of the Don land is very interesting and thrilling. The archaeologists suppose that the first people appeared on the Don lands about 100-150 thousand years ago and the first Russian settlements came into being in 10-11th centuries. There are many legends about our wonderful land. In the 5th century B.C. the Don had the name of Amazoniya because of the warlike tribes of the Amazons. Later it got the name of Tanais. The Wild Field was called Tanais too by ancient Greeks and Romans. There is an interesting legend concerning the origin of this geographical nomination. They say Tanais was a son of Amazon Lizippa and the warrior Beross. He was a skilful warrior and was very handsome. He gave the oath not to marry. Goddess Venus fell in love with him. But Tanais didn’t notice her. She was forbidden and decided to punish him and made him fall in love with his mother. He couldn’t bear this and rushed into the river which got its name after him.- Tanais.
Slide4 P2. In ancient times the area of the modern Rostov Region was settled by tribes of Cimmerians, who were later drived (derived) out by the Scythians who came from the east. In the 4th century B.C. near the Taganrog Bay a Greek settlement was founded. In the 3rd century B.C. Hellenes founded the city of Tanais. In the early 7th century A.D. most of the territory was occupied by the Khazars Slides 5-7 P3. In the year 965 Kiev prince Svyatoslav put to rout the Khazars and seized the old fortress Sarkel. It was situated in the place of the present- day Tsymlyansk Storage Lake. After this victory the Slavs began to settle on the Don land. But their life was full of danger and they even to sleep with their arms because different tribes constantly raided their domains. They courageously defended their sacred lands. These events were vividly described in the poem “The Song of Igor’s Campagn”. The author states that this battle took place on the Don. Now near the town of Belaya Kalitva there is a monument to the glorious Igor’s warriors. It is a huge memorial stone weighing 17 tons. The inscription on the stone reads: “To the Warriors of Igor’s Host – the Brave Russians. 1185” this memorial stone rises on the top of the mountain Karaul.
Slides 8. T: I’d like to add some information about the fortress Sarkel. It was a large limestone-and-brick fortress built by the Khazars with Byzantine assistance in the 830s. The prince Svyatoslav named it Belaya Vezha. Here you can see the excavations of fortress made in 2009. The grand fortress of Sarkel, located near the Don River, was built in the 830s by a joint team of Greek and Khazar architects. Its Turkic name, sar-kel, means "White Fortress", and was named this because the fortress' bricks were made of white limestone. Some of the bricks from the Sarkel site were decorated with Turkic tamgas (tribe symbols) or images of horses and armored riders. P4. In the 12th century the lands were occupied by the Mongol-Tatar people; in the 15th century the coast of the Azov Sea was under governance of Ottoman Empire. As far back as the 14th century in the lands of the Rostov region Cossack outlaws appeared, who later defended borders of the southern Russia from the Turks and Tatars. The first Russian outposts on the Don appeared in 18th century. Slides 9. P5. Голубые просторы, туманы, Ковыли, да полынь, да бурьяны … Ширь земли да небесная лепь! Разлилось, развернулось на воле Припонтийское дикое поле, Темная киммерийская степь!
This is an extract from the poem “The Wild Field” by Maximillian Voloshin. At that time the luxuriant vegetation covered the virgin soil. A rider was buried in verdure like a green sea. Along the rivers one could see thick forests with oaks, elms, maples, ash-trees, poplars hornbeams, wild apple-trees…
Slide 10. P6. A gigantic oak, a mute witness of the former thick forests, grows in Kolundaev forestry near stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. They say it is about 400 years old. The oak’s height is 23 metres, the diameter of the trunk is 2,5 metres and it is 6,5 metres in the circumference.
Slide 11. P7. In different documents of 16th- 17th centuries we meet another name – “The Land of the Don Cossacks “. Since 1920 up to 1924 it was a part of Donskaya region, later a part of north Caucasian region and then a part of the Azov- Black Sea Territory. And only since September, 13th, in 1937 it bears its present name – Rostov Region.
P8. Many great writers and poets sang the beautiful of the Quiet Don Land. The greatest Russian poet A.S.Pushkin passing through the Don Land wrote:
Блеешь среди полей широких, Как прославленного брата, Вот он льется! Здравствуй Дон! Реки знают тихий Дон;
От сынов твоих далеких От Аракса и Евфрата
Я привез тебе поклон. Я привез тебе поклон.
Thus he greeted the Don land. He admired the scenery, the cordial people living there. Our great countryman A.P.Cherhov called our native region “a fantastic land”.
I am sure all people who have ever lived on the Don or visited it fall in love with our beautiful Don Land. Beyond all doubt you will like with all your heart this marvelous land and you will never forget it.
Slide 12. P9. Когда-то здесь казачья вольница гуляла
Станичный край лихих сорвиголов
Сердца их доблестью хмельной пылали
И неприступность крепостных валов
Азовской крепости и Алексеевских ворот,
История о том и до сих пор живет.
Ростов на Доне - порт пяти морей
Горжусь тобой, историей твоей,
Серебряной подковой Дона.
3. Повторение грамматического материала: употребление артикля the/a(an) (с географическими названиями, с профессиями)
Grammar revision: Articles.(Работа по интерактивной доске.)
Task. Use the articles the/a(an) , where necessary. (Slide 13)
1. …Tanais was founded in … 3rd century BC and over a short period of time grew into a major trading center between …. Greeks and nomadic tribes who dwelled in the steppes in … north of … Black Sea.
2. In … mouth of … Don River researchers have unearthed an ancient cemetery of … Old Greek town … Tanais.
3. … Tanais was founded by … Greeks from … Kingdom of … Bosporus.
4. Main relations of … Tanais before …. first centuries A.D. are traced with the cities and countries of …. Balkan Peninsula and … Asia Minor, with the islands of … Aegean Sea, …. Khersones and …. Bosporus. 5. In the lower reaches of … river Don there are two … small islands: … Pereboiny and … Cherepashka. 6. On … island Pereboiny there is … building of one of … first radiostations on … Don invented by … famous Russian scientist A.S.Popov. 7. In 1901 … great Russian scientist, … inventor of radio A.Popov worked in our river port. 8. The man-made island … Cherepashka is 3 kilometres away from … Taganrog. 9. It was made by … order of … Peter … Great. In … past there was … lighthouse. 10. The island was made of … cockle-shells, which are called “cherepashky” by … native population.
5. Чтение с полным пониманием содержания текста. Introducing with the State Administration of the Rostov region "Archaeological museum-reserve "Tanais". T: I think everybody heard about the archaeological museum-reserve "Tanais". May be somebody of you visited it. Now we’ll read the text and speak about Tanais, then you’ll see the slides about it. Slides 14-18.
Tanais is the museum-reserve in the open air, the most northern inhabitant area of the ancient civilization in the Don lowers. Tanais was founded in the 3rd century BC by the Greeks of the Bospor Kingdom on the high bank of the River Myortvy Donets and over a short period of time grew into a major trading center between the Greeks and nomadic tribes who dwelled in the steppes in the north of the Black Sea. In 237 AD the town was destroyed by the Goths (Germanic people who lived in 2-9th centuries) but 140 years later it was rebuilt by the Sarmatians. Tanais has gradually become the centre of agricultural and artisan production. The population of Tanais was mixed and consisted of Greeks, Scythians, Sarmats and Meots. The Meot Sea (now the Azov sea), where the River Myortvy Donets flows, was near the town and created favorable conditions for the development of trade, not only with Bospor, but also with the other towns of continental Greece and Asia Minor. At the beginning of the 5th century A.D. ancient Tanais ceased to exist (went to ruin) having witnessed a heyday and then a decline. The first attempt to find Tanais was made by the archaeologist, Stempkovsky, who was at the time a colonel in the Russian Army. He visited the Don Mouth in 1825. Stempkovsky’s expedition and the subsequent ones achieved insignificant results. In 1955 an expedition under the supervision of D. Shelov was organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Rostov Museum of Regional Study and Rostov University. They made another attempt to find the town and 4 years later the settlement and the burial mound were declared as a national reserve. And in 1961Russia’s largest archaeological reserve was opened. It occupies the territory about 3 hectares. The territory of the museum-reserve comprises monuments of history and culture of different times and people. There you can see remains of fortress walls, of towers, and citizen’s houses. Within the reserved territory there is the necropolis, archeological dig, a fortress model, the Museum of Ancient Military Art with a unique collection of arbalests and the Museum of Excavations with a collection of amphorae, coins, objects of work and everyday life of Greeks and Sarmats. The most striking are amphorae of different sizes. They were brought to Tanais in the 3rd century B.C. from the island Rodos. There are also different local ceramics: plates, mugs, lanterns, beads. Many things are made of silver. Each exhibit taken from the ruins carries the unique features of its time and says much of the population. The well-known ancient Greek writer and traveller, Strabon, characterized ancient Tanais ‘as the Centre of Civilization in the Don Region”, the largest commercial centre of barbarians after Pantikapei. Our Don Region is a “fantastic region” as Chekhov called it, rich in legends and history.
Task1. Answer the questions. 1. What is Tanais and where is it situated? 2. By whom and when was Tanais founded? 3. Who lived in Tanais? 4. Who made the first attempt to find Tanais? 5. What can you see in the museum – reserve in Tanais?
Task2. Complete the following sentences.
1. The town was destroyed …. 2. The mixed population of Tanais consisted of …… 3. The Meot Sea created…….. 4. Completely the town was destroyed ….. 5. The most striking sight in this museum is ….. 6. The well-known ancient Greek writer…..
Task3. Put in the missing words. 1. …. 5th century A.D. ancient Tanais ceased to exist. 2. Stempkovsky visited the Don Mouth in …… 3. The territory of the ….. comprises monuments of ….and …. of different times and people. 4. There are also different local …. : plates, mugs, lanterns, beads. 5. Amphorae of different sizes were brought to … in the 3rd century B.C. from the island … .
Slide 19. Teacher: I want to introduce you with the other archeological discovery in our region. This is the Kobyakov settlement. The first scientific studies on the hills of Kobyakov settlement was made by the geologist V.V. Bogachaev in 1901, which was located on the territory of the modern city of Rostov-on-Don. First he found the necropolis of the ancient inhabitants of the settlement, it was cleared 20 skeletons. In 2007 the archeologists found the burial which was carried out 5 thousand years ago, in the Bronze Age. An important element of the meot’s funeral rite is a bowl under the head of the deceased.
6. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: Now I want to check your knowledge about the history of your region. I think that you could find the answers to the questions of the quiz.
ВИКТОРИНА (презентация) 1. How was the river Don called in ancient times? (the Amazoniya, the Greeks named –the Tanais, Khazars –the Buzan, Scandinavians – the Girgis) 2. What is the origin of the word “Don”? (The word “Don” may be of the Ossetic origin. The ancient Ossets were the descendents of the Allans – brave and skilful warriors, lived in the southern Russian steppes. The word “Don” meant “water” or “river”) 3. When and what places in our region were visited by the Great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin? (He visited Don Land twice: in 1820 and 1829. Cherkassk (now stanitsa Starocherkasskaya), Aksai, Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don he visited in 1820. Taganrog, Azov, Nakhichevan and Starocherkassk in 1829 ) 4. How many rivers have the same name “the Don” in the world? ( The fact is that the Don has 5 namesakes. You can find the Don in France, in India, in Scotland near the town Aberdeen, in England- on the bank of this Don river there is a town Doncaster, and in Canada, which flows into the lake Ontario. And what is more in the Azov Sea there is the Don peninsula.) 5. Who says the next words: “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature only my mistress”.? (A.P.Chekhov) 6. By whom was Rostov officially called Rostov and when? (in 1806 by Alexander I) 7. In Bauman Street № 35 there is a plaque in commemoration of one of the outstanding people of Rostov. Who and what was this man? (Caesar Kunikov- the courageous major was born in this house. He organized a naval infantry battalion and he was very talented commander. From Azov to Taman Kunikov broke out of the enemy encirclement 5 times. In 1943 the gallant major was fatally wounded and died in Gelendzhik.) 8. This man was born in the Don region. There is a museum in Cherkassk dealing with his immortal deeds. Who is he? (This is Stepan Razin , a gallant ataman, who was born in the former town Cherkassk and now it is stanitsa Starocherkasskaya. In 1921 in Starocherkassk the museum named after him was opened thanks to the local teachers, a mother and a daughter Grinyovas. Nowadays this museum works as a museum of the history of the Don Cossacks.) 9. What town is “the old nest” of the Cossacks? (Cherkassk) 10. This man is a famous Russian sculptor, who created his monuments directly influenced by his experience in the war victories. His diploma work sculpture is situated in Theatre Square near the Gorky Drama Theatre in Rostov-on-Don. (His sculptures you can see in Tremptov park in Berlin, in Volgograd- the main monument Motherland on the top of Mamaev hill, in New York the world famous composition in front of the building of the United Nations. In Rostov-on-Don you can see the architectural fountain complex in Theatre Square near the Gorky Drama Theatre, Sholokhov and Budyonny busts, the monument to the heroes of the Civil War erected in front of our region administration building. This is Yevgeny Vuchetich) 11. The Don River mouth area played an important commercial and cultural role since the ancient times. Why? ( Because such settlements as Tanais (Greek colony), Tana (Genoese state fort), Azak (Turkish fortress) were situated in the region.
7. Аудирование текста об Азове с нахождением нужной информации.
T: Now we’ll continue introducing with town Asov. Listen to the text about the history of Asov town and fill in the gaps. I’ll read the text twice.
In the Middle Ages Azov was the Italian factory (trading settlement) -Tana.
In the XIII century the Genoeses made the city of Azov a large trading base for trade with India and China. Then they had strengthened it.
In 1395 Tamerlane captured the town, and destroyed it to the ground, but in1400 the Genoeses rebuilt the colony again.
In 1471 the city was taken by the Turks. Since then,Turks created a ban to entering the region for the European ships. Trade in Azov came to a complete collapse, and the town became insignificant.
Turks had there the garrison of about five thousand warriors (yanichars).The only task of Tukish fortress Azak was to keep a barrier between Osmans and the Don Cossacks and the whole European civilization.
In June 1637 the Don Cossacks, showing remarkable engineering ability - exploding mines and digging of fortifications and towers, took the fortress.
In 1641 Turks, angered by the loss of Azak( Azov) and the raids of the Cossacks on the Black Sea coast, sent a strong fleet and army for the capture of Azov, but after a siege lasting several months (the siege of Azov), they were forced to retreat from its walls. In 1695, Russian Tsar Peter the Great couldn’t fulfill his plan to turn Russia into a great maritime power of Azov.
But the following year Peter the Great with the assistance of the Voronezh shipyards established the new Azov flotilla and captured the fortress.
After an unsuccessful campaign of Prut, Azov again passed to the Turks, but in 1736 it was again taken by the Russian troops and it will remain in Russia forever.
In 1775, the town of Azov became the administrative center of the newly established province of Azov.
Task. Listen to the text attentively and fill in the gaps.
1. In the XIII century Azov was a large trading base and the Genoeses called it … 2. The town was rebuilt again by the Genoeses in … . 3. Trade in Azov came to a complete collapse after when the city was taken by the … in … . 4. Azov became the Turkish fortress …. which kept a barrier between Osmans and the Don Cossacks and whole European civilization. 5. In June 1637 … took the fortress Azak. 6. In … Azov became the Russian town forever.
The answers: 1. In the XIII century Azov was a large trading base and the Genoeses called it - Tana. 2. The town was rebuilt again by the Genoeses in 1400. 3. Trade in Azov came to a complete collapse after when the city was taken by the Turks in 1471 . 4. Azov became the Turkish fortress Azak which kept a barrier between Osmans and the Don Cossacks and whole European civilization. 5. In June 1637 the Don Cossacks took the fortress Azak. 6. In 1736 Azov became the Russian town forever.
Teacher: Collect the papers, please.
7. Заключение Teacher: Thanks all of you for your work. Your marks … I want to finish our lesson reciting the next extract from the poem My Native Land by Georg Philipp Schmidt (1766–1849)
BEFORE all lands, in east or west, I love my native land the best; With God’s best gifts ’t is teeming; No gold or jewels here are found, Yet men of noble soul abound, And eyes of joy are gleaming.
To east and west I reach my hand; My heart I give my native land; I seek her good,—her glory; I honor every nation’s name, Respect their fortunes and their fame But I love the land that bore me.
Goodbye. See you after your holidays. Have nice holidays!
Это задание можно дать как домашнее задание.
Task. Cross out unnecessary words and make up a proverb out of them. Goddess Diana life was a patroness of the Don population . She is symbolized chastity and beauty. There is not an interesting a legend about this goddess. Once a bed foreigner looked very sceptically at the goddess Diana’s nakedness. The goddess became of angry with him and turned him into a deer roses and then speared him. The legend gave birth to the seal of the Don cossacks.
(The answer: Life is not a bed of roses. – Жизнь не ложе из цветов. Ср. Жизнь прожить –не поле перейти.)
1. Книга «My Native Land, I Love You!» Румянцева И.В., Заварская Т.Н. и Близнюк Г.У.
2. Фотографии и некоторый материал взяты из интернета.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Principalities of Kievan Rus ' (1054-1132).
Khazar fortress Sarkel (Belaya Vezha , Russia).
Near the town of Belaya Kalitva there is a monument to the glorious Igor’s warriors. It is a huge memorial stone weighing 17 tons. The inscription on the stone reads: “To the Warriors of Igor’s Host – the Brave Russians. 1185” this memorial stone rises on the top of the mountain Karaul .
Khazar fortress Sarkel (Belaya Vezha , Russia). Excavations in 2009
Task. Use the articles the/ a(an ), where necessary. 1. … Tanais was founded in … 3rd century BC and over a short period of time grew into a major trading center between …. Greeks and nomadic tribes who dwelled in the steppes in … north of … Black Sea. 2. In … mouth of … Don River researchers have unearthed an ancient cemetery of … Old Greek town … Tanais . 3. … Tanais was founded by … Greeks from … Kingdom of … Bosporus. 4. Main relations of … Tanais before …. first centuries A.D. are traced with the cities and countries of …. Balkan Peninsula and … Asia Minor, with the islands of … Aegean Sea, …. Khersones and …. Bosporus. 5. In the lower reaches of … river Don there are two … small islands: … Pereboiny and … Cherepashka . 6. On … island Pereboiny there is … building of one of … first radiostations on … Don invented by … famous Russian scientist A.S.Popov . 7. In 1901 … great Russian scientist, … inventor of radio A.Popov worked in our river port. 8 . The man-made island … Cherepashka is 3 kilometres away from … Taganrog. 9 . It was made by … order of … Peter … Great. In … past there was … lighthouse. 10 . The island was made of … cockle-shells , which are called “ cherepashky ” by … native population.
The State Administration of the Rostov region "Archaeological museum - reserve " Tanais ".
Kobyakova settlement
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What is the origin of the word “Don”?
The word “Don” may be of the Ossetic origin. The ancient Ossets were the descendents of the Allans – brave and skilful warriors, lived in the southern Russian steppes. The word “Don” meant “water” or “river”
How was the river Don called in ancient times?
First it was called the Amazoniya , the Greeks named – the Tanais , the Khazars called- the Buzan , the Scandinavians – the Girgis .
How many rivers have the same name “the Don” in the world?
The fact is that the Don has 5 namesakes. You can find the Don in France, in India, in Scotland near the town Aberdeen, in England- on the bank of this Don river there is a town Doncaster , and in Canada, which flows into the lake Ontario. And what is more in the Azov sea there is the Don peninsula. in Canada in England in England in India in Scotland in France
When and what places in our region were visited by the great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin ?
He visited Don Land twice: in 1820 and 1829. Cherkassk (now stanitsa Starocherkassk aya ), Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don he visited in 1820.
Taganrog Taganrog, Azov, Nakhichevan and Starocherkassk in 1829.
Who says the next words: “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature only my mistress ”?
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
By whom was Rostov officially called Rostov and when?
The Russian tsar Alexander I, in 1806
In Bauman street № 35 there is a plaque in commemoration of one of the outstanding people of Rostov. Who and what was this man?
Caesar Kunikov Caesar Kunikov - the courageous major was born in this house. He organized a naval infantry battalion and he was very talented commander. From Azov to Taman Kunikov broke out of the enemy encirclement 5 times. In 1943 the gallant major was fatally wounded and died in Gelendzhik .
This man was born in the Don region. There is a museum in Cherkassk dealing with his immortal deeds. Who is he?
Stepan Timofeevich Razin This is Stepan Razin , a gallant ataman, who was born in the former town Cherkassk and now it is stanitsa Starocherkasskaya . In 1921 in Starocherkassk the museum named after him was opened thanks to the local teachers, a mother and a daughter Grinyovas . Nowadays this museum works as a museum of the history of the Don Cossacks.
What town is “the old nest” of the Cossacks?
This man is a famous Russian sculptor, who created his monuments directly influenced by his experience in the war victories. His diploma work sculpture is situated in Theatre Square near the Gorky Drama Theatre in Rostov-on-Don.
Yevgeny Vuchetich His sculptures you can see in Tremptov park in Berlin, in Volgograd- the main monument Motherland on the top of Mamaev hill, in New York - the world famous composition in front of the building of the United Nations. In Rostov-on-Don you can see the architectural fountain complex in Theatre Square near the Gorky Drama Theatre , Sholokhov and Budyonny busts, the monument to the heroes of the Civil War erected in front of our region administrative building .
The architectural fountain complex in Theatre Square near the Gorky Drama Theatre i n Rostov-on-Don. The main monument - Motherland on the top of Mamaev hill in Volgograd.
The Don River mouth area has been an important commercial and cultural centre since the ancient times. Why?
Because such settlements as Tanais (Greek colony), Tana (Genoese state fort), Azak (Turkish fortress) were situated in the region.
Azov (ancient names: Asgoard , Azup,Tana , Azak kalesi )
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