конспект урока английского языка 7 класс по теме спорт "Бассейн Ревери"
методическая разработка (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме
урок составлен по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой для 7 класса 3 раздел. Тема "Спорт"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка
Чтение текста «Ревери»
Цель: чтение с полным пониманием теста «Бассейн Ревери»
Задачи: 1) закрепить активную лексику по данной теме, формировать коммуникативную культуру общения школьников;
2) развивать коммуникабельность, самостоятельность, способности к связному высказыванию по теме;
3) вооспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать мнение другого человека;
4) практиковать лексико–грамматические навыки
Форма урока: традиционная
Технические средства обучения: компьютер, проектор.
Дополнительные пособия: презентация к уроку, карточки с заданиями
Аспекты языка: лексика, грамматика, аудирование.
Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, письмо, аудирование.
Ход урока:
1. Огрмомент
Учитель: Good morning, boys and girls! I’ m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? I am fine. Thank you. The topic of our lesson is “Reading text “Swimming-pool Reverie””. Today we are going to demonstrate our possibilities to discuss what helps you to keep fit and what destroys our health, listen to your classmates talking about health and food. Open your exercise-book and write down date and theme of our lesson
2. Речевая разминка. Совершенствование навыков разговорной речи (отработка ранее изученного материала, овладение различными видами речевой деятельности):
Учитель: But first of all, I’d like to ask you some questions:
What do you do in your free time?
Why do people go in for sport?
Can you swim?
Do you go at swimming pool?
Have you got a swimming pool in your school?
Why people go at swimming pool?
Введение в иноязычную среду (фонетическая зарядка):
Учитель: Now we must prepeare our tongue for work. Let’s remember sounds [s], [tS], [t]. Look at the screen, listen to me and repeat after me.
Save it, save it
Put it in the bank.
Change it,
Take it out of the bank.
Save it – Change it
Save it – Change it
Save it – Change it
Put it in the bank.
Проверка домашнего задания.
1. It’s time to check our hometask. At home you learned to name British, American and Russian money.
What names of coins do you know?
Do you collect coins?
What coins have you got?
How many coins are there in your collection?
Very good!
Now, please, listen to me. I’ll read you name of coins and you must write it.
5 pounds
14 dollars
100 rubles
60 cents
200 kopecks
7 pennies
100 pence
1 penny
Check up the task in pairs, look at the screen. Thank you for your work.
2. The second exercise. As I know, children like to play different games. Do you want play with me? We shall check if you know the English words well.
In this table you may read russian words. I’ll name for you english equivalents. Please, scratch it. Understand?
Check, Please.
What’s your mark?
5. Чтение текста ответы на вопросы
1. People spend their money on different things. If a person wants to be healthy, he will spend his money to be healthy. We shall read the advertisement of the Reverie swimming pool and answer the questions from the task of ex. 30, p. 107
We have 2 minutes.
Your time is up. Are you ready?
Please, read the question (If you would like to visit the Reverie swimming pool what offering you would like to use, what time you would choose?)
Are you tired? We must rest. _______, go to the blackboard.
Stand up!
Hands up – clap, clap, clap.
Hands down – shake, shake, shake.
Hands on hips,
Band left, bend right.
1,2,3 stop!
Sit down, please!
2. The next task will be ex 31, p. 107
6.Закрепление материала по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» в
устной речи
It is important to keep fit. Work in groups and answer the questions from ex 32 p 107. you will 3 minutes to discuss in groups of four.
Your time is up. Anibody feels like speaking?
7.Ознакомление с английскими пословицами по теме «Здоро-
вый образ жизни»
- What Russian рrovегbs оn the topic "Keeping Fit" do уоu know? Let's learn the English proverbs. Уоu саn read them in exercise 33, page 107. Саn уou translate the proverbs?
Примерный перевод пословиц:
Аn apple а day keeps the doctor away. This рroverb means that healthy food and especially fruit and vegetables help уоu to bе healthy. Одно яблоко в день - и доктор не нужен.
Eat with pleasure, drink with measure. This рroverb means that
уоu should eat уоur favourite healthy food, but уоu shouldn't drink
alcohol. Ешь с удовольствием, пей в меру.
8.Relax for eyes (звучит спокойная музыка)
Учитель: Now your eyes must rest. Wink your eyes! 1,2,34… Close your eyes! Image, you are in the wonderful forest. You see a beautiful batterfly. Open eyes and look after batterfly. (Учитель показывает бабочку, за которой глазами следят ученики).
9.Работа над техникой выразительного чтения на материале
стихотворения. Формирование навыков чтения и перевода
- Look at the blackboard, please. Уои саn see different pictures of оnе mаn. His nаmе is Robin the Воbbin. Do уоu know him? Let's listen to the English роет about him. Let's read the роеm after me. Read the роеm in pairs, please.
Who wants to read the роеm aloud?
Two poets translated this popular роеm. _____ will read the first translation.____- will read the second variant of this роеm in Russian. It's уоur turn to translate this роеm.
10.Аудирование текста о спорте
Listen to the text about sports in Britain and be ready to match two parts of the sentences.
I. Match two parts of the sentences.
1. Football is the most popular sport in… a. Wembley Stadium
2. During the football season most
professional footballers play… b. the English national game
3. The Cup Final is played at… c. the Scottish national game
4. Cricket is… d. 2 matches every week
5. Golf is… e. the United Kingdom
Listen to text once more and be ready to complete the text using the words from the box
II. Use the words from the box to complete the text.
stadium, sports, matches, cricket, national, football, golf, popular |
British people are fond of __________. The two most popular games are _______ and ___________. Football is the most ________sport in the United Kingdom. During the football season (August to May) most professional footballers play 2 _________every week. The Cup Final is played at Wembley ________in May.
Cricket is the English _________ game. _______ is the Scottish national game.
11. Подведение итогов урока
- Thank you for your work at the lesson. You were very good. Everybody was very active today. I give you only good and excellent marks today. And I want you to work this way at every lesson. That's аll fоr today. Open your diaries and write down your homework.Your home task will be to Next lesson we shall listen to the роеm"Robin the Воbbin". Уоu'll have to translate the роеm at home. Наvе уоu got аnу questions?
- Now tell me, please, what did you like best today?
- What did you know?
- What have you known?
- Want do you want to know in future?
- Is there anything that you didn’t understand?
- What did you remember?-
Good-bye, girls. Good-bуе, boys.
12. Домашнее задание: учебник: упр. 34 (выучить стихотворение
наизусть), 35, стр. 108.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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