Spotlight 10 Literature 1D "Little Women"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Полозова Елена Алимовна

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10 SPOTLIGHT 1D Literature

 “Little Women”


  1. L. M. Alcot was from a poor family and had three sisters.
  2.  The plot of the novel is set in America.
  3. Jo was beautiful, with brown locks and hands she was very proud of?
  4. Jo had long arms and legs and was clumsy like a small animal.
  5. Elizabeth was a young girl of fourteen.
  6. Everybody thought Amy was the most important person in the family.
  7. Amy was polite and well-manned.
  8. The sisters were sitting near the fireplace talking about the presents for their mother.
  9. Beth warmed nice, new slippers for mother.
  10. Mother’s slippers were old and shabby.

10 SPOTLIGHT 1D Literature

“Little Women”


  1. The novel “Little Women” mirrors the author’s own life and knowledge of the world.
  2. Mr. March is in the war.
  3. Meg was the youngest of all the sisters.
  4. Jo had beautiful hair which she put away from her eyes.
  5. Beth was always calm and unsociable.
  6. The girls decided to give Christmas presents to each other.
  7. Amy was the youngest.
  8. Amy was plump and strong.
  9. Everybody was glad to see the mother.
  10. The girls were waiting for their mother near the fireplace.

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