Spotlight 10 Literature. "The Darling" by Anton Chekhov
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Конспект урока Spotlight 10 Литература. А. П. Чехов «Душечка».
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Предварительный просмотр:
Класс: 10
УМК: «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2014
Уровень обучения: базовый
Тема урока: Литература. А. П. Чехов «Душечка».
Цель урока: развитие речевых навыков.
Задачи урока:
1. Организовать закрепление лексики по теме “Emotions and Feelings”.
2. Организовать чтение текста с полным пониманием прочитанного.
3. Организовать монологические высказывания учащихся в связи с вербальной ситуацией по теме.
Планируемые результаты:
знать: некоторые факты биографии известного русского писателя А. П. Чехова, отрывок из его произведения “The Darling”, лексические единицы по теме «Emotions and Feelings».
уметь: правильно употреблять в речи лексические единицы по теме «Emotions and Feelings», аудировать текст с поиском детальной информации, читать текст с полным пониманием прочитанного (A. P. Chekhov ‘The Darling’ – an extract, the biography of A. P. Chekhov), анализировать текст и делать выводы, догадываться о значении слов по аналогии, контексту и дефиниции, описывать героев художественного произведения, говорить об их чувствах, выражать свое отношение к героям художественного произведения, логически излагать свои мысли, говорить и писать о своих отношениях с родителями и своих чувствах.
Оборудование: учебник, аудиоприложение, рабочая тетрадь.
Содержание урока
1. Организационный момент: Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Warm-up: - to revise topic vocabulary ‘Words denoting feelings’
- to practice reading and pronouncing the words
- Listen and repeat the words all together.
- Read the words correctly (3-4 Pp read the words aloud)
sympathise sorrow annoy responsible
affect dedicate happy peaceful
embarrass irritate shame feel
II. Основная часть:
1. Introduction: - to introduce the topic and objectives
- to practice word formation
- Form other parts of speech from these words, write them down on the blackboard (P who names the word writes it down on the blackboard).
Answer Key sympathy sorrowful annoyance responsibility affection dedication happiness peacefulness embarrassment irritation ashamed feeling |
- Say what these words have in common (Pp come up with ideas)
- You are right. All these words are related to feelings and emotions.
- So today we are going to deal with feelings and emotions.
Feelings and emotions
(write the topic of the lesson on the blackboard)
- We are going to: - to practice and expand topic vocabulary ‘Feelings and emotions’
- to read and talk about a famous writer
- to read an extract from a feature story by this writer
- to practice talking about feelings and emotions
- to practice describing book characters
2. Reading: - to practice reading for detailed comprehension
- to practice predicting information
- to practice completing a text (gap-filling)
- You are taught various school subjects at our school. So answer some questions, please.
1. What are your favourite school subjects?
2. Why do you like them?
3. What emotions do you experience at these lessons?
4. Do you like Literature? Why?
5. What do you do at your Literature lessons?
6. What books of English writers have you read in Russian? Did you enjoy them?
7. Have you ever read books of Russian writers in English?
8. Would you like to read books of Russian writers in English?
- So today we are going to read an extract from a book of a famous Russian writer.
ex. 1 p. 52
- Look at the picture and name the person.
- Say what you know about A. P. Chekhov.
- Read the biography of A. P. Chekhov to see if you can find some new facts in it.
- Say which facts were new to you.
- Answer the questions to the text.
1. When and where was A. P. Chekhov born?
2. What education did he get?
3. Why did he start publishing his works?
4. What kinds of stories did he write?
5. What are his best known works?
6. What are his stories usually about?
7. What story are we going to read now?
Answer Key 1. A. P. Chekhov was born in Taganrog in Russia in 1860. 2. He went to a medical school in Moscow and became a doctor. 3. He began to publish his stories to help support his family. 4. He became famous s a writer of plays and short stories. 5. His works include the pay Seagull and the short story The Steppe. 6. A typical Chekhov story is about the thoughts and emotions of the characters. 7. In The Darling Chekhov describes a woman who uses other people to give her life a meaning. |
ex. 2 p. 52
- Look at the illustration for the story and describe the picture (Pp make sentences about the picture and the objects depicted there).
- Say how the woman and the boy in the picture are related (Pp make suggestions for the relation of the woman and the boy).
- Read the text to find out if your predictions were correct.
Answer Key The woman looks after the boy while his parents are away. |
ex. 6 p. 53
- Look at the picture once more and identify the part of the text that best describes what is happening.
Answer Key The picture shows Olenka looking at Sasha as he enters school. Lines 30 – 37. |
ex. 3 a pp. 52 – 53
- Look at the Study Skills box on p. 52 and read it.
- Look at the seven sentences provided (A – G) and read them.
- These sentences have been left out of the text and must be put back into their appropriate position.
- Read the entire text more attentively and replace the missing sentences.
- Read the text once more to ensure the sentences have been replaced in the correct positions.
- Check your answers with the whole group, say which words helped you decide
Answer Key 1 C abandoned (line 11) 2 G sound asleep (line 16) 3 F breakfast (line 21) 4 A went … to the school (line 28) 5 E ashamed of being followed (line 34) 6 D fable to learn, Latin translation, a problem (lines 51, 52) 7 B dreamed of the far-away misty future (line 58) |
ex. 3 b p. 53
- Listen to the recording to check your answers
3. Vocabulary: - to practice and expand topic vocabulary
- to practice using a dictionary
- to practice defining words
ex. 4 a p. 53
- Find the highlighted words in the text, read them.
- Match the highlighted words in the text with their meanings (pair work).
- Check your answers with the whole group, correct if necessary.
Answer Key abandoned – left alone fixed up – set up, organized sound – deeply (asleep) shoved – pushed quickly and carelessly stout – rather fat aroused – awakened difficult – hard |
ex. 4 b p. 53
- Use a dictionary (if it is necessary) and explain the exact meaning of the words in bold in the text (Pp work in four groups)
commercial tuck ashamed maternal instinct
inspect sorrowfully stare dimple
superfluous cross tie overflow
learn by heart mutter misty purr
4. Speaking: - to practice talking about feelings and emotions
- to practice describing book characters
ex. 5 p. 53
- Review the words in the list and clarify the meanings.
- Decide who felt these feelings and emotions and complete the diagram.
- Complete the spidergram on the blackboard and give your reasons.
Answer Key Olenka sympathy: It seemed to Olenka that Sasha was completely abandoned (l. 10-11). ‘How could a little fellow do all that? (C) affection: How she loved him (l. 37), overflowing with love (l. 44) happiness / joy: so cheerfully, tears of joy (l. 41), smiled and beamed (l. 45-46) sorrow: both crying at hoe difficult it was (l. 56) responsibility: You must try hard and learn (l. 25-26) dedication: Never before had she given herself up so completely (l. 38-39), given her life (l. 41) peacefulness: content, peaceful (l. 44) Sasha irritation: he was a little cross (l.22), Leave me alone (l/ 27) embarrassment: ashamed of being followed by a tall woman (l. 34) sorrow: both crying at hoe difficult it was (l. 56) |
- Say why the characters feel these emotions.
- Say what you have found out about Olenka and Sasha (Pp describe Olenka and Sasha using the text)
- Continue the phrase:
One day Sasha comes home and ….
III. Заключительная часть:
1. Подведение итогов.
2. Home task:
a) Revise topic vocabulary pp.52- 53, WB ex.1 p. 24 (fill in correct words), ex. 2 p. 24 (make the correct part of speech), ex. 3 p. 24 (match the words and use the phrases to complete the sentences), ex. 4 p. 24 (fill in correct words)
b) Write a paragraph about your relationship with your parents. Remember to mention the following:
- if you get along with your parents
- if you feel sometimes irritated with your parents, why
- what the best ways out of such situations you can suggest
c) Get ready to talk on the topic (for more advanced Pp).
Home task:
a) Revise topic vocabulary pp.52- 53, WB ex.1 p. 24 (fill in correct words), ex. 2 p. 24 (make the correct part of speech), ex. 3 p. 24 (match the words and use the phrases to complete the sentences), ex. 4 p. 24 (fill in correct words)
b) Write a paragraph about your relationship with your parents. Remember to mention the following:
- if you get along with your parents
- if you feel sometimes irritated with your parents, why
- what the best ways out of such situations you can suggest
c) Get ready to talk on the topic (for more advanced Pp).
Home task:
a) Revise topic vocabulary pp.52- 53, WB ex.1 p. 24 (fill in correct words), ex. 2 p. 24 (make the correct part of speech), ex. 3 p. 24 (match the words and use the phrases to complete the sentences), ex. 4 p. 24 (fill in correct words)
b) Write a paragraph about your relationship with your parents. Remember to mention the following:
- if you get along with your parents
- if you feel sometimes irritated with your parents, why
- what the best ways out of such situations you can suggest
c) Get ready to talk on the topic (for more advanced Pp).
Home task:
a) Revise topic vocabulary pp.52- 53, WB ex.1 p. 24 (fill in correct words), ex. 2 p. 24 (make the correct part of speech), ex. 3 p. 24 (match the words and use the phrases to complete the sentences), ex. 4 p. 24 (fill in correct words)
b) Write a paragraph about your relationship with your parents. Remember to mention the following:
- if you get along with your parents
- if you feel sometimes irritated with your parents, why
- what the best ways out of such situations you can suggest
c) Get ready to talk on the topic (for more advanced Pp).
Home task:
a) Revise topic vocabulary pp.52- 53, WB ex.1 p. 24 (fill in correct words), ex. 2 p. 24 (make the correct part of speech), ex. 3 p. 24 (match the words and use the phrases to complete the sentences), ex. 4 p. 24 (fill in correct words)
b) Write a paragraph about your relationship with your parents. Remember to mention the following:
- if you get along with your parents
- if you feel sometimes irritated with your parents, why
- what the best ways out of such situations you can suggest
c) Get ready to talk on the topic (for more advanced Pp).
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