Технологическая карта урока в 9 классе
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Технологическая карта урока по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса, обучающихся по УМК биболетовой М. З. "Enjoy English". Карта составлена по всем требованиям ФГОС. Тема урока "Жизнь известных людей на примере В. Беринга". так же в файле содержится текст для чтения и раздаточный материал.
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Vitus Bering
Vitus Jonassen Bering was born in August 12, 1681 in Denmark. He died on 8 December, 1741. Bering was a Danish navigator in the service of the Russian Navy, a captain-komandor known among the Russian sailors as Ivan Ivanovich. He is noted for being the first European to discover Alaska.
After a voyage to the East, he joined the fleet of the Russian Navy as a sub lieutenant in 1703, serving in the Baltic Fleet during the Great Northern War. In 1710–1712 he served in the Azov Sea Fleet in Taganrog and took part in the Russo-Turkish War.
In January 1725 Peter I asked Bering to command the first Kamchatka expedition. The goal of this expedition was to determine how far the Siberian mainland would go, since much of the world was uncharted and it was unknown whether Asia and North America were connected or whether they were separate land masses.
On 14 July 1728, Bering began his first exploration aboard the ship Gabriel and sailed northward from the Kamchatka Peninsula and through the strait that now bears his name. On 14 August he rounded the East Cape, and since the Asiatic coast trended westward and no land appeared to the north, Bering believed he had fulfilled his first exploration mission and sailed back to the Kamchatka Peninsula so he would not spend the winter on a desolate and unknown shore. While spending the winter in Kamchatka, he noticed numerous signs indicating land to the east. He tried to send his ships out that way to explore this land, but bad weather during the following summer caused him to give up the search and decided to return to St. Petersburg in March of 1730. During the long trip through Siberia along the whole Asian continent, he became very ill.
In 1731 Bering was ennobled and received a reward for his discoveries. He soon proposed a second expedition, much more ambitious than the first. Bering was commissioned to the expedition, which involved 600 people from the outset and several hundred added along the way. Bering was back in Okhotsk in 1735. He had the local craftsmen Makar Rogachev and Andrey Kozmin build two vessels, Sviatoi Piotr (St. Peter) and Sviatoi Pavel (St. Paul), in which he sailed off and in 1740 established the settlement of Petropavlovsk in Kamchatka. From there, he led an expedition towards North America in 1741. This expedition was to map the Russia-Siberia coast, the western part of North America and even parts of Mexico. These voyages of Bering and Chirikov were a major part of the Russian exploration efforts in the North Pacific known today as the Great Northern Expedition.
Bering was forced by adverse conditions to return, and he discovered some of the Aleutian Islands on his way back. One of the sailors died and was buried on one of these islands, and the group was named after him (as the Shumagin Islands). Bering became too ill to command his ship, which was at last driven to refuge on an uninhabited island in the Commander Islands group (Komandorskiye Ostrova) in the southwest Bering Sea. On 8 December 1741 Vitus Bering died on the uninhabited island which was given the name Bering Island after him, near the Kamchatka Peninsula,
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