Разработка урока "What do you know about cinema?" для 10-11 класса (по учебнику В.Кузовлева)
методическая разработка (10 класс) по теме
Знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа, историей Голливуда, известными актерами, продюсерами, режиссерами.
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Разработка урока
«What do you know about cinema?»
в 10 классе
Учитель: Бутакова Татьяна Борисовна,
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ № 1619 имени М.И.Цветаевой.
1. Познавательный аспект: – знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа, знакомство с историей Голливуда, известными актерами, продюсерами и режиссерами;
2. Развивающий аспект: – развитие способности к анализу, синтезу, классификации и систематизации, к догадке; способность осуществлять репродуктивные речевые действия, развитие воображения, способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
3. Воспитательный аспект: – воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, памятникам искусства, умение работать в группе;
4. Учебный аспект: – формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения.
Сопутствующие задачи:
-развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации, умения догадываться о значении слов по контексту.
Речевой материал:
-film, horror film, film-goer, action film, adventure film, film actor/actress, film show, to film a book, film star, film production, feature film, documentary film, to dub a film, popular – science film, to screen/shoot a film, film studio.
-a screen film, thriller, science – fiction film, cartoon, musical melodrama, western, comedy, a role, cinema, producer, camera, director, stuntman/woman, silent film, talent, smash – hit.
-a camera – operator, electrician, costume designer, make – up artist, boom operator, sound mixer, editor, director of photography, scriptwriter, genre.
повторение придаточных определительных (Relative Clause).
План – ход урока.
1. Оргмомент.
2. Введение в тему.
Today we shall speak, read and discuss the most popular, the most interesting, the most fascinating art and entertainment – “cinema and cinematograthy”.
Please, give the meaning of these words:
cinema – a theatrein which films are shown;
a showing of a film;
art or industry of making films.
cinematography – the art or science of making films.
We shall speak about history of cinematography, about art of making films, about the world capital of filmed entertainment – Hollywood.
3. Основная работа по теме:
1. The 20th century maybe called the century of film making. Cinema and TV films have become an important part of life. But not everybody knows when and how cinematography appeared.
Listen to the text and be ready to answer:
- Who made the first film?
- How long did it last?
- What was the people’s reaction to the film?
Tape script:
“The Lumiere brothers invented the first film projector and motion – picture camera in 1895. That year on the 28th of December they demonstrated the first three minutes film “Arrival of the Train”. In that film the train came towards the camera. People ran out of the cinema, thinking it was a real train”.
2. Since then a new era has begun – the era of cinematography. It rapidly spread all over the world and very soon turned into one of the most popular arts and entertainments and cinema is considered one of the main contemporary arts.
3. The keyword to our topic is the word “a film”.
- What kinds of films do you know? (silent, sound, short, full length, black – and – white, coloured)
- Remember all word combinations with the word “film”.
- Read the definition and find an appropriate word to it.
4. The cinema combines such arts as painting, literature, theatre, architecture, music. That’s why a lot of people are involved in film production. What are they? (Activity Book, p.76)
5. There are very many genres of film making. Look at the list of the types of films and find the definitions to the following ones: thriller, horror film, western, cartoon, science fiction, melodrama, detective film, comedy.
- Guess what genre this is.
6. The development of cinematography brought to life the word cinema empire called Hollywood.
- What is Hollywood?
It is a district in the city of Los Angeles, in California.
It is the centre of the US film industry from 1911.
It is the home of legendary film studios such as:
- the 20th Century Fox
- Paramout Pictures
- Columbia Pictures
- Universal
- Warner Brothers
(Учащиеся дают краткую характеристику каждой из студий)
7. Рассказ учащихся о некоторых исторических фактах Голливуда.
8. Чтение текста из учебника (стр. 178)
9. There are some names from the film making industry that are know all over the world. Look at the photos and tell what these people are famous for. (Учебник стр. 180)
Учащиеся дают краткую характеристику актеров и режиссеров Голливуда. (Ch. Chuplin, Walt Disney, Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Steven Spielberg, Eddie Murphy).
10. You know that every year the prize – giving ceremony for the best films, the best scriptwriters, the best producers and directors, the best actor and actress, the best cameraoperaters are held in Hollywood .
What ceremony is this? (“The Oscar”)
And “Oscar” is the award of the United States Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.
Why did this small statue get such a name? (рассказ ученика о призе – награде «Оскар»)
4. Подведение итогов урока.
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