Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе. "Do your parents understand you?"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Цель урока: развитие навыков неподготовленной речи по теме "Семья". Урок разработан по УМК:Английский язык:Happy English.ru: учебник для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/ К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю.Кауфман. - Обнинск, Титул, 2009.
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Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Тема урока: “Do your parents understand you?”
Цель урока: развитие навыков неподготовленной речи по теме «Семья».
Задачи урока:
Образовательная: повторение и закрепление активной лексики уроков 4-го цикла, формирование навыков аудирования, активизация употребления грамматической структуры COMPLEX OBJECT.
Развивающая: развитие способности к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов, развитие умения сотрудничать.
Воспитательная: учить критически думать о своих отношениях с родителями, уважительно относиться к ним, уметь находить пути разрешения конфликтов.
Оснащение урока: карточки с текстами, таблицы на доске, аудиозапись, компьютер с колонками.
Тип урока: урок развития умения.
Вид урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков.
Форма урока: урок коммуникативного типа (по А.В. Хуторскому).
Методы урока: репродуктивные, проблемные, эвристические.
УМК: Английский язык: Happy English.ru: учебник для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/ К.И .Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. – Обнинск, Титул, 2009.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
II. Речевая зарядка.
Teacher. Today we are going to speak about relationships between children and their parents and problems in the family. There can be no doubt that relations between people are the most important for any person. I completely agree with those people who consider a family to be such a formidable unit without which a person can’t be protected or happy, confident or safe. A family is the place where man is moulded as a personality. That’s why relations between children and parents are so important. Some call conflicts in the family generation gap. What is it? Let’s read the definition. (Учитель указывает на определение на доске и один из учеников читает: “Generation gap is the difference in ideas, feelings and interests between older and younger people, especially as a result of lack of understanding.”)
Let’s find out some facts about your family life. Work in pairs and ask each other some questions. (Учитель раздаёт карточки с заданием):
Ask your friend:
- if there are any rules in his/her family and what are the most important ones.
- if there is a holiday his/her family always celebrate together.
- who he/she usually talks to when he/she has a problem.
(Пока ученики расспрашивают друг друга, учитель помогает слабым ученикам правильно построить вопросы. Например: Are there any rules in your family?)
Teacher. OK. Time is up. What have you learnt about your friend’s family? Name only the most important thing.
Pupil 1. I’ve learnt that Sasha always washes up after super.
Pupil 2. I’ve learnt that Ann’s family always celebrates New Year in the country.
Teacher. You know that the problem of “fathers and sons” has always been acute. Every new generation faces it. Today at the lesson we are going to discuss this.
III. Аудирование.
Teacher. Listen to Alan telling how his mother and father treated the children when they did something wrong. What are the two things that are different about his mother and father?
Complete the chart:
Mother | Father |
1. | 1. |
2. | 2. |
Listen again and choose the statements that are true.
1. When we shouted and cried | |
Mother | Father |
a) sent us to bed | c) went for a long walk |
b) sent us to our room to sit by ourselves | d) didn’t pay attention |
2. When we did something wrong | |
Mother | Father |
a) got very angry | c) didn’t say a word |
b) talked to us about it firmly | d) shouted to us |
My mother and my father are very different people. Mum is always very calm; she doesn’t get excited. When we were small she almost never shouted to us. When we did something wrong she talked to us very firmly, but in a calm tone of voice. If we shouted and cried she made us go and sit by ourselves in our room until we calmed down.
Dad, on the other hand, shouted and went for a long walk to try to cool off. During the next few days he was cross with us a lot of time, which upset us.
Teacher. Let’s see how well you’ve understood the text.
1. So, how did the parents treat their children when they did something wrong?
Pupil 1. Mother was always calm and never shouted at children. Father was cross with children and shouted at them.
Teacher. Now read the true statements.
Pupil 1. When the children shouted and cried mother sent them to their room to sit by themselves and father went for a long walks to calm down.
Pupil 2. When the children did something wrong mother talked to them about it firmly, but father shouted at the children.
Teacher. Whose reaction to the children’s misbehavior was correct and why?
Pupil. Mother was right because children don’t like when parents shout at them, it upsets them; and usually they don’t obey.
Teacher. Thank you. I see that you have your own opinion on what parents should or shouldn’t do. Tell me, please:
1) What do the parents usually want their children to do?
2) What do the children expect their parents to do?
(Учащиеся без затруднений отвечают на вопросы учителя, используя сложное дополнение с инфинитивом, так как эта структура была отработана ими на предыдущих уроках)
3) So, you see that parents and children sometimes have different opinions on the same things. When do children start feeling difference in ideas and interests between them and their parents?
4) Do they have any problems of misunderstanding with your parents?
IV. Выполнение теста.
Teacher. And now let’s find out what kind of parents you’ve got. Here is the CLOCKWORK PARENTS’ TEST. Answer the questions, and see how your parents score.
(Ученики получают тестовое задание, выполняют его, читая вопросы и выбирая правильные ответы.)
1. What happens when there is something on your plate at mealtimes that you don’t want to eat?
a) You parents call an ambulance.
b) They say: “You have to eat it – for your own good.”
c) They say: “OK, don’t worry – have a really big bowl of ice-cream”
2. What do your patents say about coming in the evening?
a) It doesn’t matter – you can come home when you like.
b) You can only go jut if at least three adults come with you.
c) You must usually be at home by a certain time, unless there is a very good explanation.
3. What do your patents say about the way you dress?
a) You can wear anything you like. In fact, they buy chains, leather jackets, old T-shirts for you.
b) You must wear exactly what everyone in your family has worn since the fourteenth century.
4. What do your patents say about music?
a) You can’t play music except Beethoven.
b) They like to know what music you’re buying. They usually don’t mind, but there are some groups they don’t want you to listen to.
c) It doesn’t matter what you play – you can’t hear it because of your parents’ NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK records anyway.
5. What are their feelings about television, videos, and films?
a) There are certain things they don’t want you to watch.
b) Their own favorite film is BLOOD AND CAR ACCIDENTS and they keep asking to take them to see it.
c) You must not watch any films, videos or TV until you are 35, and then a doctor must be with you.
6. How do they feel about school work?
a) You can’t eat if you don’t get top marks in every test.
b) They would like you to try your best. If you don’t get good marks all the time, it’s not so bad.
c) What school work?
Teacher. And now add your parents’ score. (на доске)
1. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
2. a) 1 b) 3 c) 1
3. a) 1 b) 3 c )2
4. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
5. a) 2 b) 1 c) 3
6. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
Teacher. Let’s see what kind of parents you’ve got. (Ученики подсчитывают баллы за выбранные ответы и по очереди читают результаты тестирования).
Score 6-10: Oh dear. Are your parents doing their job properly? They are a bit soft, aren’t they? You might think this is wonderful, bur actually you need a few rules in life. Without rules you’ll grow up into a big softie too, and life will be a shock. Ask your parents to give you some rules and start telling you off more often.
Score 11-14: This is good. Believe it or not. Your parents are thinking about you and your future and would life you to grow up happy and normal – and you probably will. It’s a strange world, isn’t it?
Score 15-18; Wow! Your parents are incredibly strict. If they are really strict, then you are a member of a royal family or something, and all these rules are necessary for your safety. If not, try to tell them that you don’t need that much protection. You have to show them hat you can be responsible and that you’re beginning to think and act like an adult. Then they won’t worry so much.
Teacher. Look though the test again and say what kind of problems the children usually have with their parents.
Pupil 1: Parents don’t allow children to wear the clothes they like.
Pupil 2: Parents don’t let children stay out late. Etc…
V. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания и активизация употребления лексико-грамматического материала в устной и письменной речи (на базе текстов домашнего задания).
(Учитель проверяет, как ученики выполнили задания упр.4,5 на стр.127-130. Прочитав небольшие высказывания детей об их взаимоотношениях с родителями, ученики устанавливают соотношения высказываниям родителей об их проблемах в воспитании детей.)
Teacher. Now we’ll work in groups. The students of the first group are to answer the question: What don’t children like in their parents? The students of the second group have to say: What don’t parents like in their children?
OK. Let’s see what you’ve found out. The first group, please.
Pupil 1: Many teenagers ague with their parents about doing homework.
Pupil 2: Some teenagers don’t like to help about the house.
Pupil 3: The children don’t like their parents control their life.
Pupil4: Every teenager doesn’t like his/her parents treat him/her like a child.
Teacher. Well, let’s see how well you’ve understood the texts. The second group is to start. What are the usual complains of the children?
Pupil 1: The parents don’t like the clothes the children wear.
Pupil 2: Parents don’t like their hair style and fashion, for example studs and rings.
Pupil 3: Parents don’t like the style and the clothes the children wear.
Teacher. I quite agree with you. I’d like to add that researches have found out that there are some issues that usually cause greater argument but luckily they don’t occur very often. They are: (указывая на доску)
- Talking back to parents
- Lying
- Getting poor results at school
- Getting in trouble at school
And what is the best way in your opinion to solve problems with parents?
Pupil 1: You must analyze the reason of your problem.
Pupil 2: You must try to understand your parents and explain to them that you can be responsible and they can rely on you in some things. Etc…
VI. Подведение итогов.
Teacher. Thank you very much. (Учитель объявляет оценки и подводит итоги урока).
Well, today at the lesson we discussed very important problems. Leo Tolstoy once wrote: “All happy families are alike.” I believe it is true. When a family is happy it means that all members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. A lucky person is that who finds peace, consolation and support with the dearest. Your home task is to write a composition “Do my parents understand me?”
VII. Домашнее задание
Написать сочинение “Do my parents understand me?”
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