Методическая разработка урока по дисциплине "Английский язык" по теме "Personal appearance and typical traits of people"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Методическая разработка урока по дисциплине " Английский язык" для студентов II курсов средне-специальных образовательных учреждений по теме " Personal appearance and typical traits of people".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема занятия: «Personal appearance and typical traits of people»
( Внешность человека и типичные черты людей)
Тип занятия: обобщающий урок.
Цели занятия :
a) обобщение и систематизация знаний по заданной теме
«Personal appearance and typical traits of people»;
б) активизация лексических единиц по теме
«Personal appearance and typical traits of people»;
в) совершенствование навыка диалогической и монологической речи;
а) развитие фонематического слуха;
б) развитие творческой и познавательной активности студентов;
в) развитие межпредметных связей;
г) развитие способностей к логическому изложению и формированию выводов;
а) воспитание социокультурной, языковой компетенции;
б) воспитание культуры общения;
в) воспитание ответственности за свое здоровье;
г) формирование у студентов сознательного отношения к своему внешнему виду.
Формирование основных знаний и умений.
Студент должен:
Знать: - грамматическую структуру построения предложения;
- лексические единицы по пройденной теме;
- основные правила словообразования;
- основные работы с компьютером.
Уметь: - понимать на слух информацию по теме и отвечать на
поставленные вопросы;
- использовать в речи изученный лексический материал;
- составлять диалогические и монологические высказывания по
заданной теме.
Межпредметные связи.
Обеспечивающие: аудирование, фонетика, лексикология, информатика, грамматика английского языка, этика.
Обеспечиваемыe : культура общения, русский язык.
Обеспечение занятия.
Наглядные пособия : мультимедийное сопровождение ( фотографии с изображением людей)
Рабочие материалы студента :
опорный конспект ( лексика по теме)
карточки с индивидуальными заданиями
Технические средства обучения:
Мультимедийный проектор
Этапы урока.
1. Организационная часть.
2. Мотивация учебной деятельности. Аудирование.
3. Сообщение темы и определение цели занятия.
4. Активизация опорных знаний студентов:
4.1. а) эмоции человека;
б) работа с антонимами;
в) словообразование;
г) описание внешности людей ( использование фото);
д) проблема ожирения и истощения.
5. Обсуждение характерных черт студента.
( Составление ассоциограммы).
5.1. Монологическое высказывание. Описание студента;
5. 2. Групповая работа:
5.2.1. Характерные черты строителя;
5.2.2. Характерные черты архитектора.
6. Подведение итогов занятия. Выставление оценок.
7. Выдача домашнего задания.
Ход урока
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!
Student: Good morning teacher!
Teacher: Glad to see you, sit down, please. Well, how are you today?
Student: Fine, thanks. And what about you?
Teacher: I am also fine, thank you. Oh, Nastya I see you look wonderful today! That is a nice colour on you.
Student: Thanks a lot. I am glad you look it.
Student : Kristina, look at me. Your smile is charming.
Student: Thank you for your compliment.
Student: Victor, your hair are well combed.
Student: I am very glad you loot it.
Student: Diana, You made up beautiful today.
Student: It was a real pleasure for me to do it.
Student: Katya, you are a good looking girl.
Student:: A thousand thanks.
Teacher: By the way, how do I look today?
Student: The white colour suits you very much.
Thank you for the compliments to each other.
2. Let’s look at the picture. Whom do you see there?
Student: Two women and two men.
Right now is the time to listen and say which two people the speaker is describing.
I think ,
I believe,
In my opinion,
To my mind
Do you agree or disagree?
You have perfectly done this exercise.
3. My choice of item is explained by the words “Everyone always wants to look great everywhere. “ That is why we'll speak how to look good, what kinds are there in the world, what people's traits are typical for some professions. The topic of our lesson is “Personal appearance and typical traits of people”.
4. There are many people in the world. They have different faces. Students how do you think, can our face speaks about our emotions?
Yes, it can
Now I give everybody the sheet of paper, where will be written one man's emotion. Your task is to reproduce this emotion so good, that other students can guess it.
Is it malice?
Yes, it is.
Students, you are good actors.
● You have learnt so many words to describe the people.
Remember all the adjectives. Say the antonyms with the suitable to this adjective profession.
A slow architect - a quick sportsman
●Lets everybody will have an individual task.
Kristina and Diana your task is to describe the photos of some favourite people.
Irfan and Nastya describe somebody of your group . Other students must understand whom are you describing.
Denis and Julia go the blackboard.
Denis find the suitable word to each group. Each group will have 3 words.
Julia form the nouns from adjectives.
● Lets look at the pictures on the screen. Whom do you see there?
Is the problem of obesity and exhaustion actual today?
Yes, I think so. I think the problem of obesity and exhaustion is actual not only today but also always. I can confirm this with the words of Arnold Glasgow. He has said once: “ Our body s the luggage, which you carry all life. The more it is heavily, the shorter is your traveling”
- Students, do you know something about this problem in Russia?
I know that Russia today is on the fifth place among the fattest countries in the world. Medical research data showed that more than haft( 55 per cent) Russian grown-ups suffer from superfluous weight. 26 per cent from them are ill of obesity . 10 per cent are children. The problem of obesity is told on peoples health. That is why they have many problems with their hearts.
-Students what do you think is the problem of obesity and exhaustion decidable?
Yes, I think so.
● By the way what shall we do to decide this problem?
- We should go in for sports
- We should do morning exercises regularly
- We should not smoke
- We should eat healthy food
I agree with you. We should take care of our health and wear good looking things.
5. Закрепление материала.
- Boys and girls. Do you know your social position?
Student: Yes, we are the second -year students.
What kind of people are the students?
sporting lazy happy
students |
-Who can summarize all in the story?
-The students are very happy people. We are purposeful because we study in college and will get a future profession. Every day when we come to college we say good morning to our teachers and that is why we are polite. We always take part in sports competition and have active social life in college. That is why I can say we are sporting and active. Decision of some tasks need creative approach. The creation now must be a typical trait for all students. But sometimes students can be lazy. Especially after the weekend, when we are sleepy and want to do nothing at all. It is necessary to say. These bad traits are typical for us only at the beginning of week. Not without a reason there is a saying “ Every beginning is difficult”.
Lets speak about your future profession. What is it?
What kind of people are the architects?
Who is an architect?
- The profession of an architect is many-sided and various.
- The architect is a man, from who begins the birth of streets and squares, houses and blocks.
- He invents an outside form of some objects and reproduces his ideas on the paper.
- The architect must have not only a good knowledge in exact sciences but also he must be a creative people.
- He is a public man too.
- For the architect are the following personal and professional traits typical:
--Love to people.
Without love he can’t create the beauty around and for people.
--Patience and Firmness.
These traits are necessary at that moment, when somebody criticizes architect’s work. It is necessary to understand maximum useful information.
--Skill to hear.
Customer likes to speak. He speaks much information, most of it is not important. The task for architect is to hear the main information.
That is all I want to speak about the architect.
Who is a builder?
- The profession of a builder is very useful for society.
- A Builder is a man, who creates something new.
- There is a saying “What is a builder, such is a house”.
- People of different characters, tastes work in this profession.
- A good builder must possess organizers abilities.
- Rhythm in work is very important in this profession.
- For the builder are the following personal and professional traits typical:
8. It is not easy, but it is necessary to attentive to the people.
9. The builder must possess observation and intuition.
10. Purpose to work is very important too.
11.I think, energy, strength, tact, resolution are the main traits of the builder.
That is all I want to speak about the builder.
6. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
7. Выдача домашнего задания. To describe the appearance of your favourite singer, actor, sportsman.
Fear страх
Joy радость
Enthusiasm восторг
Surprise удивление
Sadness грусть
Sorrow печаль
Malice злость
Shame стыд
Reverie задумчивость
Ache боль
A slow architect - a quick sportsman
An amusing clown - a boring lecturer
A careful cook - a careless housewife
A clever professor -a stupid pupil
A friendly driver - an unfriendly guide
A patient teacher - an impatient businessman
A honest doctor - a dishonest shop-assistant
A shy student - a brave military
A modest worker - an immodest militiaman
- kind kindness - доброта
- boring boredom - скука
- wise wisdom - мудрость
- proud pride - гордость
- different difference - различие
- clever cleverness - ум
- delighted delight - наслаждение
- intelligent intelligence - интеллект
- brave braveness - храбрость
10. excited excitement - возбуждение
General appearance : slender, pretty, handsome
Size : fat, thin, slim.
Hair colour: blonde, fair, grey.
Hair style : straight, curly, wavy
Eyes: blue, expressive, green.
Other features : beard, moustache, glasses.
Giving and Receiving Compliments.
- You look wonderful today.
- So, do you.
- That is a nice colour on you.
- Thanks a lot.
- That is a nice colour on you.
- Thanks a lot I am glad you look it
- This is a wonderful colour on you.
- Thanks a lot. I am very glad you look it.
-That is a nice sweater. Is it new?
-Yes, it is.
-Where did you get it?
-I got it at Macy’s.
-It is beautiful.
-Thank you I am glad you loot it.
- Those are nice boots. Are they new?
- Yes, they are.
- Where did you get them?
- I got them at Macy’s.
- They are beautiful.
- Thank you I am glad you look it.
-I like you ring. Is it new?
- Oh, no. I’ve had it for years.
- Where did you get it?
- I got it in India.
- It is beautiful.
-Thank you.
Describing the appearance of Brad Pitt.
I would like to describe the appearance of Brad Pitt. He is my favourite film actor. I think he is a man's ideal not only for me but also for other girls in my group too. He is the most attractive man in the world. He has a sporting constitution. He is tall and strong. His growth is 183 centimeters. His complexion is sun burnt. His hair is fair. The eyes are blue. His nice beard and hair style suit him . I like him very much.
You are going to stay with an English- speaking family. Complete the letter below with a brief description of yourself.
Dear Mr and Mrs Castle,
Thank you very much for offering to meet me at the station.
I am . . . . . . ( describe your appearance) and . . . . ( give any other details). I will be wearing . . . . ( describe your clothes).
Looking forward to seeing you,
Yours sincerely,
Make nouns from the adjectives:
- kind_____________
- boring____________
- wise______________
- proud______________
- different_____________
- clever______________
- delighted_____________
- intelligent_____________
- brave __________________
- excited_________________
Make adjectives from the nouns:
- fame______________
- patience____________
- style_______________
- decoration______________
- emotion________________
- home________________
- trend_________________
- touch______________
- mood ______________
- mystery_____________
a) Choose the correct item.
1. Alice never ever tells a lie. She is . . .
a) open b) direct c) honest
2. Nick is always happy and smiling. He is . . .
a) bright b) cheerful c) optimistic
3. Andrew doesn’t like to work hard. He is . . .
a) tired b) relaxed c) lazy
4. Fred is never late. He is . . .
a) punctual b) quick c) timely
5. If you have a problem, she is always ready to listen. She is. . .
a) sensitive b) sensible c) sympathetic
6. Sam is always very quite when he meets new people. He is . . .
a) nervous b) shy c) sensitive
Choose the correct word: ambitious, lazy, impatient, selfish, optimistic, cheerful.
1. His wife wants to get an important job in a high position.
She is ____________.
2. Helen is always happy and smiling.
She is very______________.
3. William always has good hopes for the future.
He is very_____________.
4. Robert doesn’t like work, he prefers to do nothing.
He is ______________
5. Peter gets very annoyed if he has to wait for anything.
He is ________________.
6. Ann only thinks about herself and doesn’t care about other people.
She is ______________.
Match the adjectives with the definitions.
- Sensitive a) having strong feelings and showing them to other people
- Hardworking b) ready or eager to do something
- Creative c) able to understand other people‘s feelings and problems
- Emotional d) not paying enough attention to what you are doing
- Strange e) unusual or surprising
- Willing f) working with a lot of effort
- Careless g) involving the use o imagination to produce new ideas
4-a, 6-b, 1-c, 7-d, 5-e,2-f, 3-g.
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