Занятие с применением технологии CASE STUDY
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
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Case Study
Food in Britain, America and Russia
In May 2012 the meeting with our American friends from different schools is to take place. Our task is to organize a talk and find out the differences and similarities in food habits in Britain, America. The participants of our talk have prepared their presentations on the topic. Three presentations turned out to be very well done. But we are to send only one participant to the meeting in May. Our task is to choose the best one.
- Language level – pre-intermediate.
- Main aims
- Choose the jury
- Analyze and evaluate each presentation
- Split into small groups to work with evaluation cards
- Organize a discussion on the topic
- Choose the best presentation
- Write a letter to the administrative committee
- Work in groups of three to perform your presentations
- choose the jury
- listen to the presentations
- work in small groups and discuss the presentations (use role cards 1,2,3,4)
- choose the winner
- write a letter to the administrative committee
Meals in Britain
An apple a day keeps doctors away
Since the 1970's eating habits in Britain have undergone a change. People have been encouraged by doctors, health experts and government advertisements to eat less fat and more fiber. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart diseases. Forty per cent of adults in Britain are overweight and Britain has one of the highest death rates due to cardiovascular disease in the world. Britons have also become more aware of calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat every day, so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. Food manufactures have started to help the general public to make more informed choices about what they eat.
So the traditional British breakfast is bacon, eggs or sausages, preceded by fruit and followed by toasts. Britons may eat this breakfast at weekends or on special occasions but prefer a smaller and healthier meal to start a day. Lunch is a light meal and is eaten at school or work. Lunch takes about 40 minutes. Dinner is usually the main meal of the day and consists of two courses.
In recent years, foreign foods have become a regular part of the British diet. Indian and Chinese dishes are particularly popular for evening meals. Take-always became extremely popular. The traditional British take-away is fish and chips eaten with salt and vinegar and served in an old newspaper.
The British are famous for their love of sweet things and afternoon tea with sandwiches; scones, jam and several kinds of cake, was once a traditional custom. Most working people don't have tea as an afternoon "meal", but they do have a short break in the middle of the afternoon for a cup of tea. Tea is often also drunk with lunch and dinner.
What is the traditional food in the USA.?
Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.
A traditional American breakfast is usually eggs prepared either sunny side up, scrambled, or as an omelet, with either bacon, ham, or sausage, toasted bread (spread with butter, jam, peanut butter, or honey), and hash browns. Pancakes or waffles sprinkled with maple syrup may also be served. Orange juice and coffee are the most popular drinks.
The most traditional All-American lunch is a burger and fries with a Coke to drink. Other popular options are pizza, hot dogs, sandwiches, salads, and soups.
The most common and traditional dinner is meat with potatoes and another veggie. The meat is almost always beef, poultry, or pork (steak, meatloaf, pork chops, roast, fried chicken, and roasted chicken being the most popular choices). Turkey and fish can be served as well. The potatoes are usually mashed, though they are also commonly baked or roasted. Peas, green beans, carrots, or corn are usually the second vegetable side. Cow's milk and bread with butter is usually served with this meal as well.
Desserts include pie, especially apple (which is an American classic), cookies (chocolate chip is the most common), ice cream, or frosted cake.
Traditional Russian Food
We’d like to speak about food
There’s nothing else to keep the mood
Eat more apples, nuts, grapefruit
And then your health will be good!!!
Russia is mainly a northern country with long-lasting cold winter. The food should give us much energy and warmth to survive during the winter time. So, the essential components of Russian cuisine are the ones, which provide more carbohydrates and fat rather than proteins. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rarely used in food. So, the top five components of a Russian meal are potatoes, bread, eggs, meat (especially beef) and butter. Other popular foods include cabbage, milk, sour cream, curds, mushrooms, lard, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, berries, honey, sugar, salt, garlic, and onions.
Borshch, of course, is beet soup, and one of the most famous Russian traditional foods. Beets seem a strange base for soup to many Westerners, but there are plenty of reasons that this hearty soup is one of Russia’s most famous dishes. Full of vegetables and meat, the layered flavors in this soup are especially nice with a dollop of fresh sour cream.
You may have already heard of pirozhki. These little pastries can be packed full of potatoes, meat, cabbage, or cheese.
Caviar, or ikra is really something to get worked up about in Russia. Briny and sharp, it is often served on dark, crusty bread or with blini, which are like pancakes or crepes. Caviar on buttered bread is a popular zakuska.
Blini are also served rolled with a variety of fillings: jam, cheese, onions, or even chocolate syrup. At any restaurant where you aren’t sure of any of the other dishes, blini are always a safe bet. Bliniare such an important part of Russian cuisine, a festival called Maslenitsa celebrates the beginning of spring with them.
Russian kebabs are called shashlyk. Like any kebab, they can be a combination of meat and vegetables.
Pelmeni are pastry dumplings filled typically with meatballs. They can be served alone, slathered in butter and topped with sour cream, or in a soup broth. Definitely a favorite in Russia and abroad!
You can expect to find sour cream, or smetana, accompanying almost any Russian traditional food—with crepes, in soups, and even sometimes in dessert. Often, this sour cream is fresh and often melts into any warm dish, adding to its distinctive flavor.
Russians love ice cream, called morozhenoe. It is common to find it on many restaurant menus with a variety of topping to choose from—like fruit, nuts, or chocolate.
Expect to find Russian vodka, tea, mineral water, and soda on beverage menus. Beer in Russia is also very popular.
Evaluation Cards
Criteria | Points |
Originality (max 2) | |
Form and design of presentation (max 2) | |
Variety of speech units used in the presentation (max 2) | |
New material (max 2) | |
Bonus from the jury (max 2) | |
Total (max 10) |
Students’ discussion…..
Final Decision
According to the number of points presented in the evaluation cards we came to conclusion to award the first prize to group number 3 with the presentation called “Traditional Food in Russia” and send to the participation in final contest.
4. Evaluation Criteria :
- Originality
- Form and design of presentation
- Variety of speech units used in the presentation
- New material
5. Results
6. Choice of the best presentation
7.Writing an official letter
Role Card
1 | 2 | 3 | |
Information | Information is out dated and boring. | Information is educational and full of new facts. | Interesting and cognitive information. Rich in new, unknown facts and details. |
Illustration | Examples and illustrations are not relevant. | Some useful examples and bright illustrations. | A lot of examples and colourful illustrations including clipards. |
Language | A lot of grammar and pronunciation mistakes. | Some grammar and pronunciation mistakes. | No or 1-2 grammar and pronunciation mistakes. |
Methods of presentation | Reading. | No reading but sometimes having a look at the text. | Good memory. |
Originality | The group doesn’t show good work. The presentation is not attractive. | Good work but not eye-catching. The presentation is visually attractive but sometimes it has strange colours. | Interesting and eye-catching. The presentation is visually attractive. |
Give yourself a score: 12-15 Excellent job!
9-11 Good job!
5-8 Not bad but it might be better!
Dear Sir,
We’d like to inform you that according to the number of points presented in the evaluation cards we came to the conclusion to award the first prize to group number 3 with the presentation called “Traditional Food in Russia”. The presentation has corresponded all the criteria. It was original, interesting in form and design. The participants showed high level of public and group speaking.
We hope they will do their best to please you.
Thank you for your generous confidence in us.
Yours truly,
The members of the jury.
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