Контрольно-измерительный материал к учебнику Кузовлева В. П. раздел 3
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Жильцова Марина Александровна

Контрольная работа по проверке навыков аудирования, чтения, лексико-грамматических навыков в рамках тематики раздела.


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Test paper Kusovlev 7 unit 3

I Listening

For questions 1 – 5, listen to Amanda, Pete and Kelly talking about what they do for charity. Match the names of the teenagers with what they do. Use the names more than once. You will hear the recording twice.

Amanda                                 Pete                                         Kelly

  1. _____________ donates money to charity.
  2. _____________ is involved in volunteer work at school.
  3. _____________wears clothes from charity shops.
  4. _____________ volunteers at the nursing home.
  5. _____________ raised money to help animals.

II Reading

A lot of famous people make their contribution to charity.

Read the information about the greatest charity pop concert in the world in 5 – 7 minutes and write the answers to the questions.

  1. Where did the concert take place? _________________
  2. How many people were at the concert? _____________
  3. What charity organized the concert? ________________
  4. What did the charity raise money for? _______________
  5. How much money did the charity collect? ____________

It was Saturday, July 13th 1985. The sun was shining and I was on my way to Wembley Stadium to the greatest pop concert for Africa. Wembley Stadium was full – there were seventy-two thousand people there. The atmosphere inside the stadium was fantastic – everyone was happy, everyone was excited because of all the music they were going to hear and everyone wanted to do something for Africa. At 12 o’clock the biggest pop concert in the world began. Everyone was dancing to the music. Everybody shouted and waved. Wembley Stadium is a big place and not everyone could get close to the stage. There were big TV screens on each side of the stage so that you could see the singer’s faces close-up. As the concert continued people started to give money to Live Aid. All the time during the concert they told us how much money were donating to Live Aid. The whole Live Aid concert finally finished at about 4.30 in the morning. What a concert! They collected fifty million pounds for helping the needy people in Ethiopia. It made me feel good to be involved.

III Grammar

№ 1 Tracy Steward and her schoolmates decided to organize a bring-and-buy sale for raising some money for their school. Here is the list of things Tracy wants her friends to do.

What does she want them to do?

  1. Decorate a room for the sale (Mark and Tom/want) – Tracy wants them to decorate a room for the sale.
  2. Design invitations (Alex/ make) ___________________________________________
  3. Organise music (Peter and Denis/let) ____________________________________
  4. Make a poster (Allison and Jane/would like) ____________________________________
  5. Write invitations for parents (Susan/ want) _________________________________
  6. Cook biscuits (Linda, Kate and Shannon/need)______________________________
  7. Clean up the room (Betsy, Pamela and Andrea/ask) _________________________

№ 2 Fill in the where necessary.

  1. I’ve made my mind to go to …Black Sea next summer.
  2. … Urals are old and not very high.
  3. … Russia is … largest country in the world.
  4. … Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of … London.
  5. … Baikal is … deepest lake in the world.

IV Vocabulary

Choose the write variant to fill in the gaps.

  1. We organize a … fair at our school to help needy people.
  1. sale
  2. volunteer
  3. charity
  1. Pete and Jane … ill people in the local hospital by organizing funny concerts for them.
  1. support
  2. donate
  3. contribute
  1. It is very important to … for other people around you.
  1. be involved
  2. to raise
  3. to make a difference
  1. … elderly people is necessary to show how much we care.
  1. helping
  2. help
  3. helps
  1. I like to be involved … planting trees and flowers.
  1. with
  2. in
  3. by


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