материал для учебников Кузовлева и New Millennium English
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
полезный материал для уроков
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема Прежде, чем они стали знамениты
Класс 9
- Активизация известной лексики по теме в речи;
- Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
- учить воспринимать текст на слух; развитие у детей внимания и восприятия, слуховой памяти, мышления
- развивать учащихся внутренние мотивации к изучению языка и культуры.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и целей урока
II. Речевая разминка
So, look at the screen and read what famous people have said about books and reading, translate the phrases into Russian and explain the way you understand them.
Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)
History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)
All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin)
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)
III.Основная часть
- Проверка домашнего задания
1.2) для слабых - Key: a) novel, b) legend, c) historical novel, d) fable, e) fairy tale, f) fiction, g) romance, h) horror book, i) thriller.
Для сильных - Is reading important?
1. Учащиеся в парах находят убедительные аргументы для подтверждения своих мыслей.
Дополнительные задания:
a) Write the arguments in the order of importance.
b) Write 3 most convincing arguments for or against reading. Discuss them with the class.
- Практика в говорении по теме
Watch the video (Просмотр короткого видео о жанрах литературы) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDhUmn4IZ78&list=TL6hARGzsa8NY
- What genres of books did you know about?
- Express your attitude to different books.
Use the words and expressions:
I love, I adore, am fond of, I am crazy about, I don’t care about, I am indifferent to, I hate, I can’t stand, …make me feel bored, …get on my nerves, …drive me mad, I love, I am captivated with, I like.
- Now have a look at the new list of words:
Catching, interesting, original, naïve, primitive, nothing to speak about, boring, wonderful, true to life, dull,
-You see, people read different books as tastes really differ and it is quite natural.
And now can you tell me how do you like different genres of books and why?
Your answer may look like this:
I love reading horror stories as they seem catching to me. On the other hand I am crazy about biographies as they contain many interesting facts, On the other hand love stories make no difference to me as I think that they are usually dull and boring.
- And how do various books differ?
Guess what kind of book I am speaking about:
1) These books are especially popular with little children.
2) You can find any information you like.
3) All schoolchildren usually have them.
4) They are full of romances.
5) They reflect real life.
6) They tell us about the future of our planet.
7) They are packed with criminal situations.
Students: I guess you mean ….
- Практика в чтении с различной стратегией и письме на основе прочитанного
VI. Домашнее задание
Thank you for your work. It was very interesting to know about your preferences.
-Homework. To learn new phrases, to interview your partners about their book preferences.
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема Лондон в своём многообразии
Класс 8
Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона.
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Учебный аспект – контроль навыков устной речи. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся,
расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся, развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения детальной информации
Воспитательный аспект – Развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка, развитие внимания и воображения, воспитание культуры общения и поведения, воспитание уважения к чужому труду.
Ход урока
- Оргмомент. Teacher. Good afternoon, boys and girls!
Students. Good afternoon!
Teacher. It’s very nice to see you. How are you today?
S t u d e n t s. We are fine. Thank you.
- Основная часть
- Введение в тему. Фонетическая разминка
Teacher: At first let`s remember the most interesting places of London. Please, match the names of the sights with their Russian equivalents
1. The Houses of Parliament | a) Башенный мост |
- Answer sheet
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. | 11. | 12. | 13. |
c | m | h | l | e | i | g | k | j | a | b | d | f |
- Актуализация полученных ранее знаний.
If the statement is correct, mark True or False.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is washed by the Atlantic ocean.T
2. The largest cities of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, and Edinburgh. T
3. Edinburgh is the capital of Wales. F
4. Cardiff is the capital of Scotland. F
5. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. T
6. The UK is an island state: it is composed of some 15.500 island, large and small. F(5500)
7. The Severn is the largest river; the Thames is the most important one. T
Answer these questions.
Данная работа может проводиться как письменно, так и устно.
Questions: Answers:
Big Ben
What is Big Ben? (it's the Palace clock bell)
Whose nickname was "Big Ben"? (Sir Benjamin Hall's)
Westminster Abbey
What is Westminster Abbey? (it's the chief church of England)
How old is the present building? (it's 8 centuries old)
St Paul’s Cathedral
What is St Paul’s Cathedral? (the chief church in London)
Who was the architect of St Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren was)
Trafalgar Square
Whose statue is in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (the statue of Admiral Nelson)
What is he famous for? (he defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar)
The Tower
What was The Tower earlier? (it was a fortress, a prison, an arsenal, a royal zoo)
What is it now? (it's a museum)
The Ravens
What will happen if ravens leave the Tower? (the Crown and England will fall)
Tower Bridge
Which bridge is the oldest – London or Tower? (London bridge is the oldest)
How old is Tower Bridge now? (it's 117 years old)
The National Gallery
What pictures are there in the Gallery? (the pictures of all European schools)
Can anyone see the pictures of The National Gallery? (yes, they belong to the public)
- Тренировка лексических навыков (ксерокопии). Практика в чтении с различными стратегиями
Reading .
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million people.
London is situated on the both banks of the river Thames. Today in its full extent Greater London covers 625 square miles. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: The City, Westminster, The West End,
The East End. They are rather different from one another. The City is the heart of London.
Numerous banks , offices and firms are situated there. It is the financial centre of the UK, with many banks offices and Stock Exchange. But the city is also a market for goods from all parts of the world. The City extends over an area of about 2,6 square kilometers. About half a million people work there, but less than 6 thousand live there.
Westminster is the historic centre of government. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there. There are beautiful houses and gardens belonging to the wealthy people. Oxford Street in the West End is the endless shopping area which attracts visitors from all over the world.
The East End is the poorest part of London. There are a lot of Factories and docks here. The port of London is also in the East End. The street in the East End are narrow, the buildings are not attractive. The East End is populated by working class families.
Learn how to answer the questions below.
- What can you say about London as the capital of Great Britain?
- How many people live in London?
- Where is London situated?
- What is meant by Greater London?
- What parts is London traditionally divided into?
- What did you learn about the City?
- How much does the City extend?
- How many people work in the City?
- How many people live there?
- What is the West End? Is it the richest and most beautiful part of London?
- Why does the Oxford Street attract visitors all over the world?
- What is the East End?
Finish the sentence. Match the card. Keys (1-3, 2-1, 3—2, 4-5, 5-4)
1London is the capital of Great Britain… | 1… with many banks offices and Stock Exchange. |
2It is one of the financial centre of the UK, … | 2… the both banks of the river Thames. |
3London is situated on … | . 3 … its political, economic and cultural centre. |
4Traditionally London is divided into several parts:… | 4…the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. |
5 It is one of … | 5…The City, Westminster, The West End, the East End |
- Работа с грамматическим материалом (АВ, упр. 19, с. 17)
Teacher. We need to revise some grammar first. Open your Activity Books at page 17, ex. 19. Let’s study the examples. Read the first situation on the left and then complete the paragraph on the right.
Учащиеся записывают получившиеся предложения в тетради и на доске. После выполнения упражнения ученики с помощью учителя делают вывод:
Students. The Past Perfect Tense is used to show that one action was completed before another action in the past.
- Аудирование с целью извлечения нужной информации (упр. 1.2), с. 19)
Teacher. This time you will read and listen to Vigdis’s impressions, Find the words that have been changed.
Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись текста и исправляют слова, которые были изменены.
Keys: reserved — retired; reading — writing; smiled — smelled; uglier — other;
disappointing — disapproving;
Irish — Welsh; couldn’t — could; time — money; toys — boys.
Учащиеся читают вслух предложения, в которых слова были изменены.
Teacher. What are Vigdis’s impressions of London? Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос, используя речевые образцы в упражнении. Перед ответом учащиеся могут еще раз прослушать текст.
- Работа в группах
Teacher. I want you to read some more impressions of London. They are told by young people who moved to London from other countries. Divide into four groups, please. Read the texts and say what positive and negative impressions of London the young people have.
Учитель раздает копии с текстами, учащиеся читают и обсуждают их в группах в течение нескольких минут
1.I came to London in September 2001 to study. London is great! It’s got everything a large city can offer: nice shopping places with cutting-edge (самый современный) fashion; a place where big movie stars often appear; handy (доступный, близкий) and convenient eating places, all those beautiful and elegant architecture with classic flavour (с налетом старины, в классическом духе)... But above all, I like the people there. Although they may appear reserved at first, they are always ready to help.
However, I don’t feel safe in London. 1 would worry if 1 had to go out on my own and come back late! My friends have got mugged here...
Patricia, China
- I moved to London a year ago. Before that I’d lived in the USA for four years. Coming originally from Poland I welcomed the more “European” atmosphere of the city. My favourite thing about London is that museums (not all but most of them) are free, so you can just walk in to see one particular work of art without having to pay for expensive tickets.
What I most dislike about London (and at the same time miss about New York City), is that the underground does not operate during the night. This means that when you are coming back late from a party, theatre or cinema, you have to take the bus, so it takes a long time to get home.
Natalya, Poland
- I moved to London ten years ago because I got a job at one of the London universities and I have been here ever since! I love this city because you have access to so many different cultures! I also enjoy the theatre, cinema, concerts, etc, not to mention (не говоря уже о) restaurants with food from all over the world.
What don’t I like about the city? Public transport. It is not reliable (надежный) and it really needs to improve. Also, people move in and out of the city a lot, so you make new friends all the time but also “lose” friends all the time as well!
- Рефлексия
Today at the lesson we’ve:
- learned about…,
- review the material about…,
- done…,
- read…,
- written…
- Проверка домашнего задания
Рассказ о русском характере – сильные
Предложения в тетради - слабые
- Домашнее задание Подведение итогов
Сильным – рассказ о Лондоне
Слабым – чтение и перевод статьи
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема Описываем лицо
Класс 3
Цели: научить спрашивать и отвечать на вопросы о внешности и способностях робота.
Планируемые результаты
1 Предметные
Личностные (жизненное самоопределение, интерес к письму, к изучению языка).
Регулятивные (целеполагание, планирование, прогнозирование, контроль, коррекция, оценка, алгоритмизация действий).
Познавательные (умение объяснять написание орфограмм, пользоваться словарем).
Коммуникативные (участие в продуктивном диалоге; самовыражение: монологические высказывания, перевод устной речи в письменную).
2 Метапредметные
Уметь использовать в речи лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуации общения в пределах тематики начальной школы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей.
3 Личностные
жизненное самоопределение, интерес к письму, к изучению языка.
New language
Ears, hair, mouth, nose, eyes, tail; Has she / he / got long hair?
Ход урока
II. Основная часть
- Фонетическая разминка
- Tell a P s/he is a robot. Ask her / him to remonstrate what s/he can do. Tell other Pp to guess. Invite P who guessed to continue the game.
- Sample language:
Can you clean the window?
No, I can’t.
Can you swim?
Yes, I can.
Tapescript We can read
Look! The robot can cook! He’s got a good cookery book!
Read the sentence and discuss the situation
Sample language:
T: What can the robot do?
Pp: He can cook.
T: What has he got?
Pp: A book.
- Ask Pp to guess the meaning of the phrase cookery book (L1).
- Ask Pp to read the sentence together with you, and then individually. Ask Pp to point to the letters printed in red.
- AB Ex. 1 Ask Pp to write the words in the appropriate column.
Answer key: dog, box, frog, stocking; good, look, cook
- Проверка домашнего задания
- AB Ex. 2 Ask Pp to read aloud the sentences about each robot.
Answer key:
- - It’s got a big head. It’s got short legs and long arms. It’s got big hands and small feet. It can read and cook.
- - It’s got a small head. It’s got long legs and short arms. It’s got small hands and big feet. It can roller- skate and clean the room.
AB Ex. 3 Ask Pp in pairs to read their stories to each other. Walk around the classroom and listen to Pр reading.
- Знакомство с новой лексикой . Целеполагание Ex. 1
Rhyme Where’s the jam? (10-12 min)
- Ask Pp to look at the picture of Robby the Robot and answer some questions.
Sample language:
T: Where’s Robby?
Pp: He’s in the kitchen.
T: What’s he doing?/ Is he cooking?
Pp: He’s cooking. / Yes.
T: Is he making pizza?
Pp: No.
T: What’s he cooking?
Pp: A cake.
T: Who’s there in the kitchen with Robby?
Pp: A dog.
T: Is the dog happy?/ What’s he doing?
Pp: Yes. / He’s eating jam.
- Introduce the word tail by pointing to the dog in PB. Sample language:
T: Look, it’s a dog. He’s got a head, four legs and
a tail. What colour is the tail?
Pp: It’s white.
T: Is his tail long or short?
Pp: It’s long.
- Help Pp pronounce the word.
- Tell the rhyme and mime it. Ask Pp to watch you.
Miming description
Where’s the jam? - look around
It’s everywhere! - make a gesture with your arm
showing the classroom
On my ears, - touch your ears
On my hair, - touch your hair
On my mouth, - touch your mouth
On my nose, - touch your nose
On my hands, - show and look at your hands
On my toes, - touch your toes
Round my eyes, - circle your eyes with your fingers
And in my tummy. - rub your tummy
- Tell the rhyme and mime it. Ask Pp to join in miming.
- Tell the rhyme without miming. Pp mime the rhyme.
- Tell and mime the rhyme. Pp join in telling and miming the rhyme.
Ask Pp to listen to the rhyme and follow the text.
- Ask Pp which new word is missing in the rhyme. Answer key: tail
- Invite Pp to help Robby to wash himself. Suggest that Pp start the line with the phrase wash your instead of on my
Sample language:
Where’s the jam?
It’s everywhere!
Wash ygur ears,
Wash your hair,
Wash your mouth,
Wash your nose,
Wash your hands,
Wash your toes,
Wash your eyes,
Wash your tummy.
- Практика в аудировании, чтении и говорении на основе прочитанного Выполнение Ex. 2
- Listen, read and say
Dialogue Robot encyclopedia (10-12 min)
- Ask Pp to look at the pages from ‘Robot Encyclopedia’ and guess what happened to the pages.
Answer key: The jam’s everywhere
Let Pp listen to the dialogue and check their guess.
Dialogue Robot encyclopedia
Wendy: Hi, Steve. What are you doing?
Steve: Hello, Wendy. Robby’s making a cake and
I’m cleaning the kitchen. And what about you?
Wendy: I’m reading the ‘Robot Encyclopedia’.
Have a look at the robot Asimo.
Steve: I can’t read my encyclopedia, it’s all
covered with jam. The jam’s everywhere. Has Asimo got legs?
Wendy: Yes. And it’s got two arms.
Steve: Oh, I see. This one is Asimo. What can it do?
Wendy: It can walk, tell stories, climb and dance.
Tell Pp they can help Steve to get the missing information and read the encyclopedia. Play the tape and ask Pp which robot Wendy’s describing.
Sample language:
T: What’s the robot’s name?
Pp: Its name’s Asimo.
T: Has Asimo got legs?
P2: Yes. It’s got two legs.
T: Has it got arms?
P2: Yes, it’s got two arms.
Ask Pp to listen to the tape and say what Asimo can do
T: Wha t can Asimo do ?
P1: It can walk, tell stories, climb and dance.
• Let Pp read the description of the first robot using the information they’ve found.
• Ask Pp to read the next piece of the telepho conversation and say which robot Wendy’s describi Answer key: number 3, Wakamaru
Hand out cards A and В to each pair. Let Pp exchange the missing information, without showing the cards to each other.
• Let Pp read the encyclopedia articles filling in the information from the cards.
Answer key: 2 - Aibo, 4 - Mitsu
- Практика в использовании новой лексики и грамматики
Optional: Do you know?
- Ask pupils to look at the picture of the millipede and ask them what they know about them. Help P read the information.
Optional: Pasta robot
- Ask Pp to make the robots described in Ex. 2 / any other robots of different types of pasta.
- Explain to Pp that they will need a few different types of pasta like spaghetti, macaroni, tiny tube pasta, long tube pasta, spirals, shells and wheels; glue and brightly coloured paper for gluing the pasta to.
- Show Pp some examples and suggest that they make the robot using their imagination. You can also suggest that Pp colour their pasta robots.
- Display the robots on the walls of the classroom.
You can ask a P to describe her / his robots and let the rest of the class find it.
- You can decorate a Christmas tree with the robots or make an exhibition of Pp’ works for their parents.
III.Рефлексия .
Now I know how to:
- do…,
- read…,
- write…
IV. Домашнее задание
- AB Ex. 3 р.29 Ask Pp to look attentively at the children, read the descriptions and fill in the missing names.
- AB Ex. 4 р.29 Ask Pp to find children in the picture and complete the sentences.
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