Урок совершенствования монологического речи в 5 классе по теме "Семья Робина Маквизарда и его корни"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Макое Евгенья Федоровна

Коммуникативный урок в 5 классе по теме "Моя семья и мои корни"


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Предварительный просмотр:

УМК «Happy English.ru» Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.

5 класс Раздел 1

Урок №  «Robin MacWizard, his family and his roots»

Задачи урока: 1) обучать учащихся рассказывать о семье Робина и о своей семье до уровня подготовленного монологического высказывания; 2) способствовать развитию памяти, догадки, воображения, логичности высказывания; 3) способствовать расширению страноведческого кругозора (семья в Британии, информация о Шотландии); 4) способствовать привитию интереса к традициям британской семьи, воспитывать уважение к семейным ценностям и традициям.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

T: Good morning, children! How are you? Are you happy at home? P1: Yes, of course! I’m happy at home. T: Do you love your family? P2: I do love it very much!

T: Today we’ll speak about Robin’s family and your families. Our topic of the lesson is “Robin MacWizard, his family and his roots”

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Misha Inin wrote a letter to Rob where he told about his family. Let’s read an extract from his family and answer the question: Why does Misha love his family?

«… my Mum and Dad are very kind and clever persons. I love them very much. They help me all the time and I help them. I think, we are a good family.»

  1. Основной этап. Обучение монологическому высказыванию

T: Let’s read the story about Robin’s family and answer the question: Why does Robin love his family? (Учащиеся читают текст и переводят его, затем выполняют задания № 1 – 6)

«Robin MacWizard, his family and his roots»

Ex. 1 Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word – combinations:

Письмо, родной город, называть/ звонить, далеко, в самом деле, быть единственным ребенком, быть занятым, управляющий банком, глава, быть старше на один год, домохозяйка, добрый человек, старший, младший, душа семьи, быть успешным / хорошим в чем – либо, язык, быть популярным, один, компания, умный и преданный, сильный, шотландский акцент, гордиться чем – либо, корни, необычный, одежда, традиция, конь, экстравагантный, знаменитая оперная певица, инструмент, тетя и дядя, родственник, по всему миру, на каникулах, всего лучшего.

Ex. 2 True, false or no information

  1. Robin thanks Misha for his interesting letter and photos.
  2. Robin’s home town is London.
  3. Robin’s home town is very nice.
  4. British families are normally small.
  5. Dad is the soul of Robin’s family.
  6. Rosy is good at drawing and painting.
  7. Robin has Scottish roots and he is proud of it.
  8. Robin’s grandparents lived in their own house.

Ex. 3 Answer the following questions:

  1. What does Robin thank Misha for?
  2. How can we call Robin?
  3. What country is he from?
  4. What’s the name of his home town?
  5. Is it far from London?
  6. Is Robin’s family really big?
  7. How many children have people usually got in Britain?
  8. Who has Robin got in his family?
  9. How old are his Mum and Dad? What are they?
  10. What kind of person is his Mum?
  11. What are his bro and sis’s names? How old are they?
  12. What are they good at?
  13. Has Robin got friends?
  14. What is Robin good at?
  15. What pets have the MacWizards got?
  16. MacWizard is a French name, isn’t it?
  17. What is Robin proud of?
  18. What Scottish things are unusual for other people?
  19. What have Robin’s grandparents got?
  20. What can you tell about his Granny and grandfather?
  21. How many children have they got?
  22. In what countries have they got relatives?
  23. Are they a friendly family?

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps and retell the text, using this scheme:

Robin got a … and … from Misha and he thanks him for this.

Robin is from … and his home town is …

It is not … from …

Robin’s family isn’t …. ….

In England people …

Robin’s Dad is … and his Mum is…

Their names are… and …

Dad is … and Mum is …. She is the … of … ….

Robin’s brother’s and sister’s names are …

They are good at …

Robin haven’t got … and he is good at …

The MacWizards have got ….

They are … and …

Robin is proud his … because his ….

Everything about Scotland is …

Robin’s grandparents have … …

The MacWizards have relatives ….

They are a …

Ex. 5 Answer the following questions about you:

  1. What country are you from?
  2. What’s the name of your home village?
  3. Is it far from the capital of Buryatia?
  4. Is your family really big?
  5. How many children have people usually got in Russia?
  6. Who have you got in your family?
  7. How old are your parents? What are they?
  8. What kind of persons are your Mum and Dad?
  9.  What are your bro and sis’s names? How old are they?
  10. What are they good at?
  11. Have you got any friends?
  12. What are you good at?
  13. What pets have you got?
  14. What are you proud of?
  15. What Russian and Buryat things are unusual for other people?
  16. What have you grandparents got?
  17. What can you tell about her Granny and grandfather?
  18. How many children have they got?
  19. In what towns or villages have you got relatives?
  20. Are you a friendly family?

Ex. 6 Write a personal letter to your pen friend in England

You received a letter from your English – speaking pen friend Tom Smith / Mary Brown.

My family isn’t really big. I’m an only child in my family. My Dad is good at horse riding and Mum is good at Scottish dances. Dad is a sales manager and Mum is a doctor of general practice. Is your family big or small? Have you got any brothers or sisters? What are members of your family good at? Please write me soon.

Homework: Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Remember the rules of letter writing.

You should write 80 – 100 words.

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