Урок английского языка "Political systems of the world"
план-конспект урока (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку, 10 класс
Political systems of the world.
Цель: закрепить лексический материал по изученной теме
- совершенствование лексических навыков;
- развитие умений воспринимать на слух содержание аутентичных текстов;
- развитие монологической и диалогической речи;
- развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов из полученной информации.
Языковой и речевой материал:
- лексика раздела – WESTERN DEMOCRACIES
Методы: наглядно – иллюстративный метод, проблемно-поисковый
Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, карточки с определениями политических терминов, карточки с таблицей, учебники
Программно-методическое обеспечение:
- программа - базовый уровень,
- учебник для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Авторы: Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., М. Просвещение.
Дата проведения: 18.10.2019
Ход урока
- Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good afternoon! Glad to see you! You know that we are learning different political systems. We are citizens of Russia. We know a lot about our political system, but we have learnt not only our country. Our life depends on the political system of the state. I am convinced that every citizen has to know more about it. That’s why our theme today is Political systems of the world. Today we are going to talk about political systems of the RF, the USA, the UK
- Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.
G | O | V | E | R | N | M | E | N | T |
E | I | M | Y | B | M | J | L | V | E |
T | P | O | L | I | C | Y | E | N | N |
P | A | N | Z | L | A | W | C | A | T |
O | S | A | E | L | E | C | T | E | D |
W | S | R | O | Y | A | L | R | Y | U |
E | L | C | H | A | I | R | B | A | T |
R | L | H | C | B | R | A | N | C | H |
Teacher: Government policy is the theme of many aphorisms. Look at the slide, read
these aphorisms and try to give the correct translation.
- Every nation has the government that it deserves! Joseph De Maistre
- That government is the best which governs least! Henry Thoreau
- The whole art of government consists in being honest! T. Jefferson
- Kаждая нация имеет правительство, которое заслуживает.
- Лучшее правительство, то которое управляет больше.
- Искусство управления - в честности.
3. Повторение и обобщение материала. Развитие навыков говорения.
Teacher: You have learnt about political systems of Russia, Great Britain and America at home and during our previous lessons. So, you will be able to answer some of my questions.
- Who is the head of the state in Great Britain?
- Who has the real power in Great Britain?
- What houses of Parliament do you know in Great Britain?
- Is the United States of America a Presidential republic?
- What is the Legislative branch in the USA?
- What does the executive branch in the USA consist of?
- What is the Russian state system according to the constitution?
- What does the executive power in Russia belong to?
- Who is the head of the government in Russia?
- The head of the state in Great Britain is the Queen.
- The real power belongs to Parliament in Great Britain.
- Parliament consists of two houses House of Lords and House of Commons.
- The USA is a Presidential republic.
- The Legislative power in the USA is in the Congress.
- The executive branch of the government consists of President the vice – President and the cabinet.
- According to the constitution Russia is a Presidential republic.
- The executive power belongs to Government.
- The Prime minister is............
4. Повторение и обобщение учебного материала.
We have finished our work. Now you will get another task. I will give a card and you should try to guess the political terms using their definitions.
The head of the state in the United Kingdom./ the monarch/
Legislative branch in the USA./ Congress/
The head of government in Russia./ the Chairman/
The executive branch in the United Kingdom./ The government/
The judicial branch in Russia./ the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court/
The head of the state in the USA./ The President/
The legislative branch in Russia./ the Federal Assembly/
The head of the government in the United Kingdom./ the Prime Minister/
The executive branch in the USA. /The President and the cabinet/
5. Работа с таблицей
Teacher: All political systems have the same parts. But there are many other kinds of differences. Let us fill in the table.
Parts of the political systems | the United Kingdom | the USA | The Russian federation |
Head of state | The monarch | The President | The President |
Executive branch | The government | The President and the Cabinet | The Federal Government |
Parts of the Executive branch | The cabinet; Non – Cabinet Ministers | the Cabinet | the Cabinet of Ministers |
Legislative branch | Parliament | Congress | The Federal Assembly |
Parts of the Legislative branch | The House of commons; the House of Lords | The house of representatives; The Senate | The Federation council; the Duma. |
6. Активизация лексики.
Teacher: In my opinion the policy of the state depends on the leader of the state. This man should have various special qualities. Look at the slide and choose only positive qualities of the right leader.
Ученики выбирают положительные качества и составляют высказывание.
Sociable | Общительный |
Patient | Упорный, настойчивый |
Honest | Честный |
Power – loving | Властолюбивый |
Skillful | Умелый |
Gifted | Талантливый |
Bossy | Надменный |
Ruthless | Жестокий |
Loyal | Преданный |
Prudent | Расчетливый, благоразумный |
Reticent | Сдержанный, скрытый |
Risky | Рискованный |
Hypocritical | Лицемерный |
Self – reliant | Уверенный в себе |
sly | Хитрый, ловкий |
Teacher: If the leader of the state is ............ the country will be..........
7. TEST. Choose the correct variant:
- The head of the state in the UK is: a – a President, b – Prime Minister, c – the Queen
- The Congress in the USA consists of: a- the House of Commons and the house of Lords b – Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly c - the House of Representatives and the Senate
- The head of state in Russia is: a - Prime Minister, b-the President, c – the Duma
- The Russian President is elected a/by the people, b/by the ministers, c – the Federal Assembly
- The House of lords in the UK a - examines and revises bills, b – makes laws, c – rules the country
- The Duma consists of a – 450 deputies, b – 435 members, c – 650 members
8. Объяснение домашнего задания. Заключительный этап урока.
Teacher: Today we have revised all the information about the political systems of different countries. At home you’ll repeat all the words on our topic and do your own crossword about political systems. Thank you for your good work and positive emotions during our lesson. Good bye.
Parts of the political systems | the United Kingdom | the USA | The Russian federation |
Head of state | |||
Executive branch | |||
Parts of the Executive branch | |||
Legislative branch | |||
Parts of the Legislative branch |
Parts of the political systems | the United Kingdom | the USA | The Russian federation |
Head of state | |||
Executive branch | |||
Parts of the Executive branch | |||
Legislative branch | |||
Parts of the Legislative branch |
Parts of the political systems | the United Kingdom | the USA | The Russian federation |
Head of state | |||
Executive branch | |||
Parts of the Executive branch | |||
Legislative branch | |||
Parts of the Legislative branch |
TEST. Choose the correct variant:
- The head of the state in the UK is: a – a President, b – Prime Minister, c – the Queen
- The Congress in the USA consists of: a- the House of Commons and the house of Lords b – Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly c - the House of Representatives and the Senate
- The head of state in Russia is: a - Prime Minister, b-the President, c – the Duma
- The Russian President is elected a/by the people, b/by the ministers, c – the Federal Assembly
- The House of lords in the UK a - examines and revises bills, b – makes laws, c – rules the country
- The Duma consists of a – 450 deputies, b – 435 members, c – 650 members
TEST. Choose the correct variant:
- The head of the state in the UK is: a – a President, b – Prime Minister, c – the Queen
- The Congress in the USA consists of: a- the House of Commons and the house of Lords b – Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly c - the House of Representatives and the Senate
- The head of state in Russia is: a - Prime Minister, b-the President, c – the Duma
- The Russian President is elected a/by the people, b/by the ministers, c – the Federal Assembly
- The House of lords in the UK a - examines and revises bills, b – makes laws, c – rules the country
- The Duma consists of a – 450 deputies, b – 435 members, c – 650 members
TEST. Choose the correct variant:
- The head of the state in the UK is: a – a President, b – Prime Minister, c – the Queen
- The Congress in the USA consists of: a- the House of Commons and the house of Lords b – Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly c - the House of Representatives and the Senate
- The head of state in Russia is: a - Prime Minister, b-the President, c – the Duma
- The Russian President is elected a/by the people, b/by the ministers, c – the Federal Assembly
- The House of lords in the UK a - examines and revises bills, b – makes laws, c – rules the country
- The Duma consists of a – 450 deputies, b – 435 members, c – 650 members
TEST. Choose the correct variant:
- The head of the state in the UK is: a – a President, b – Prime Minister, c – the Queen
- The Congress in the USA consists of: a- the House of Commons and the house of Lords b – Supreme Court and the Federal Assembly c - the House of Representatives and the Senate
- The head of state in Russia is: a - Prime Minister, b-the President, c – the Duma
- The Russian President is elected a/by the people, b/by the ministers, c – the Federal Assembly
- The House of lords in the UK a - examines and revises bills, b – makes laws, c – rules the country
- The Duma consists of a – 450 deputies, b – 435 members, c – 650 members
Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the fields of battles past,
But in the green fields, full of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand,
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas,
Your beast and fish, birds in trees,
Your sunrise is a splendid sight
Which gives me always such delight.
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