Урок Как я помогаю семье
план-конспект урока (английский язык) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок «Как я помогаю своей семье»
Класс: 4
Учитель: Трифанова Любовь Александровна
Урок построен на материалах учебно-методического комплекта «Enjoy English 4» (авторы Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н.), рекомендованного Министерством образования и науки РФ и включенного в Федеральный перечень учебников.
Тип урока: комбинированный с применением средств ИКТ.
Оборудование: аудиомагнитофон, персональный компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал по теме (Приложение 1), электронная презентация по теме, выполненная в программе «Power Point» , книга для учащегося «Enjoy English 4», мяч, театральный реквизит (парик, дамская сумочка, бижутерия, бейсболка).
Цель урока: введение, отработка и закрепление новой лексики по теме «Я помогаю семье».
развивать практические умения и навыки устной речи: учить рассказывать о своих домашних обязанностях, используя новую лексику (to make one’s bed , to lay the table, to do the washing up, to answer the phone calls, to clean the room, to feed the pet, to water the flowers, to take a pet for a walk, to repair one’s bike);
развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух и навыков чтения с целью понимания прочитанного;
развитие навыков аудирования;
повторение и закрепление Present Simple & Past Simple Tenses
Воспитательные: воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к членам семьи, окружающим.
Развивающие: развитие самостоятельности, логики мышления, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие памяти, внимания, быстрой реакции.
Ход урока
Stage of the lesson | Procedure | Purpose of the stage | Classroom management |
The beginning of the lesson Тime: 2 min | Greetings rhyme Good morning. Good morning. How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And me too! Teacher (T.): Good morning, dear pupils! I’m glad to see you today. I hope you’re fine and ready to work, aren’t you? So, let’s start our lesson. Today we’re going to learn new words on the topic “I help my family” and revise Present and Past Simple Tenses <Слайд 1> | Create a friendly atmosphere of foreign language speaking | Whole class |
Warm-up “brainstorming” Тime: 3 min | (Somebody is knocking at the door. Mrs. Wilson and her grandson Jason are coming in). Mrs.Wilson: I’m sorry, Oxana Nikolaevna. I’m Mrs. Wilson. This is my grandson Jason. We went to Moscow two days ago. We’ve got a lot of problems with Jason. He doesn’t want to help Mum, Dad, Grandpa and me! He is so lazy! Jason: I’m not lazy! I’m too busy. I like to watch TV, play computer games, listen to music, ride a bike! Children like it! T.: Of course, Jason. In summer boys and girls like to ride a bike, roller skate, play tennis. In winter they like to play snowballs, make snowmen. But at any season children help their families. Jason: Do your pupils help their families? T.: Sure, they do. Please, Mrs. Wilson, Jason, take your seat and make yourself comfortable. | Introduce problem questions Encourage students to think about their helping at home Improve oral fluency | Whole class |
Vocabulary Тime: 5 min | T.: So, my dear pupils. Let’s show Jason how we help our families. Look at the whiteboard. There are some new words here. Listen, repeat and remember: · to make one’s bed · to lay the table · to do the washing up · to answer the phone calls · to clean the room · to feed the pеt · to water the flowers · to take a pet for a walk · to repair one’s bike <Слайды 2-10> (The photos are shown in the presentation. Pupils look through and repeat the new words). | Whole class | |
Speaking Тime: 5 min | .: Open your textbook, page 10 ex. 16. Look at the pictures and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home. Look at the notes. What tense is it? P.: Present Simple Tense. T.: Actually, you have to make up the sentences. Put the verbs into Present Simple tense. P1: Mag usually does her homework. P2: Alex usually goes shoppingetc. | Revise the vocabulary for the topic “ I help my family” Revise the grammar (Present Simple Tense: affirmative) Improve oral fluency | Whole class |
Writing Тime: 7 min | T.: By the way, what groups can we divide verbs? What are they? P1:Regular and irregular verbs. T.: Right. How do we form the second form of regular verbs? P2: We add the ending - ed T.: Yes, we add the ending –ed. As you know, it sounds like [t], [d], [id]. It depends on the last letter <Слайд 11> Let’s play the game «Find the shelter»/ «Укрой от дождя». Look at the whiteboard. There are 8 regular verbs in the second form. Divide them into three columns. For example, «decorated» to the third column <Слайд 12>. (The columns are shown in the presentation. Pupils write the verbs repaired/ answered/ cleaned/cooked/ watered/washed/helped on the whiteboard) | Revise the vocabulary for the topic “ I help my family” Revise the grammar (Past Simple Tense) Improve pronunciation and oral fluency | Individual Whole class |
Gym sequence Тime: 1 min | T.: Please, children, stand up and have a rest. Do the actions with the music (<Слайд 13> *Музыка для физкультминутки - по выбору учителя ). | Have a rest | Whole class |
Listening Тime: 3 min | T.: Today we’ve learned the verbs on the topic « I help my family». Some of them are irregular verbs. Open your textbooks on the page 11 ex.18. Listen, read and remember the second form of the verbs. <Слайды 14-15> (Students listen to a disk, read the verbs after the announcer* Аудиоприложение к учебнику). | Revise the vocabulary for the topic “ I help my family” Improve pronunciation and oral fluency | Whole class |
Speaking Тime: 10 min | T.: Play the game «Find a friend who…». You have a table to complete <Слайд 16>; <Приложение 1> You should walk round the class, find a friend who answers “yes” to the question and write their names in the table. You should try to find a different friend for any five questions, eg T: Did you do the washing last Sunday morning? P1: No, I didn’t. T.: Did you do the washing last Sunday morning? P2: Yes, I did. T: Ask the questions with the music. When it stops, you should sit down. (*Инструментальная музыка – по выбору учителя ) (Children sit down once their tables are complete. Teacher asks Mrs. Wilson to help. Mrs. Wilson asks questions, eg Who did shopping last Sunday morning? And children reply with information they have collected) | Encourage oral communication Revise the vocabulary for the topic “I help my family” Revise the grammar (Past Simple Tense: affirmative, negative, interrogative) | Whole class |
Reading Тime: 5-7 min | T.: Please, open you text books page 11 ex.19. You should complete the text and say how Mag helped her Mum. <Слайд 17> (Children read the story, open the brackets and put the verbs into the second form. T.: How did Mag help her Mum? P1: Mag made her bed etc.) | Practise reading Revise the vocabulary for the topic “I help my family” | Whole class |
Speaking Тime: 3 min | Jason, do you want to play a funny game “Ping-pong” with us? Try to guess what the pupils did yesterday. T.: (throwing a ball at P1): Your Mum made your bed yesterday. P1.: No, she didn’t. I made my bed yesterday. (Your Granny did the washing up yesterday/Your Dad laid the table yesterday/Your Grandpa did your homework yesterday/Your Mum cleaned your room yesterday. | Encourage oral communication Revise the vocabulary for the topic “ I help my family” Revise the grammar (Past Simple Tense | Whole class |
The end of the lesson Тime: 2-3 min | T.: Thank you, pupils. Jason, as you see, my pupils like to help their families. They aren’t lazy and they love their parents. Jason: Oh, it’s ashamed of me! I don’t want to be lazy! Granny, come back home! I’ll help my family at home! Thank you, boys and girls! Bye! T.: Bye, Jason! Don’t be lazy! Remember: “Helping makes you stronger”! Bye, Mrs. Wilson! <Слайд 18> (The actors are going out). T.: Today you have learnt the words on the topic “I helping my family”. There are a lot of things to do at home. What are they? (Children reply with the words they have learned: to go shopping, to make one’s bed, to lay the table and so on). It’s up to you to decide what to do. T.: According to the results of your work you get the following marks… On your desks you’ve got three circles: green, yellow and red like in traffic lights <Слайд 19><Приложение 2>. The green one if you understood everything; The yellow one if you understood almost everything; The red one if you understood little; Your home task is: 1. to copy and learn the words on the topic “ I help my family”; 2. to write ex.4 page 22 (5-10 sentences). T.: Thank you very much for your work in the lesson. You are so active and it’s great. That’s all for today <Слайд20> Goodbye rhyme Time to finish now Stop our work and fun See you on Friday (name day of next lesson) Goodbye, everyone! | The teacher thanks the pupils for the work and give home task |
Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием. В 2-х частях: Учебник англ. яз. для 3 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2006.
Маслыко Е.А., Бабинская П.К., Будько А.Ф., Петрова С.И. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: Справ. пособие. – Мн.: Высш. шк., 1997. – 522 с.
Самсон, К. 333 совета по обучению английскому языку в школе / Колет Самсон; пер. с фр. Е.А. Рейдик. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2007. – 96 с.
Стайнберг Д. 110 игр на уроках английского языка / Дж. Стайнберг; Пер. с англ. – М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2004. – 124 с.
Carol Read 500 Activities for the primary Classroom – Macmillan Books for Teachers, 2009. – 320 p.
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