Разработка урока по правилам дорожного движения для 5 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
В целях профилактики детского травматизма и соблюдения учащимися ПДД был разработан такой урок для учащихся 5 класса.
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урок английского языка по ПДД для 5 класса | 11.63 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме «Безопасность в городе»
Цели и задачи:
практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности по темам «ПДД», «Город», воспитание транспортной культуры.
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент
Good morning children.
We are going to have an unusual lesson today, travelling to the country “Safety in the city”. You'll find yourselves in magic land and meet a magic square, a magic placard, a magic box on your way. Let's begin . How are you? I'm fine. And you?
Very well.
2. Firstly we revise key words and expressions which help you at the lesson. read after me and translate: traffic rules, feel safe, go on the left side of the road, pedestrian crossing,
be careful, must/mustn't, should/shouldn't. Well done
3. Look at this slide and let's find pairs of words. Read them and translate,
cross the street, get off the bus, phone police, reduce speed, buy a ticket, keep traffic rules, turn to the right, go past. Good answers
- Now you can see a magic placard. There are true and false statements in it. Read the sentence and say if it is true or false. ----Be very, very careful when you cross the street. -Don't play in the street. --Cross the street when the light is green. -Look to the left, to the right then look up and check up the light. ------Don't wait for the cars to stop. Great
5.To go along the city we'll need transport. Now you see a magic square. Guess what kinds of transport are hidden in it and show us the pictures of them.
- Now let's repeat the poem ”Traffic rules”. Stand up and get ready to do some exercises.
Look to this side, look to that side.
The green says, “Go!”, now go slow.
The yellow says, “Wait!”, you must stay.
The red says, “Stop!”, now do so!
- All right. You know traffic rules. Let's revise rules on a bus.
Some of you get to school by bus. Raise your hands who gets to school by bus, by car, on foot. Look at the slide and fill in should/shouldn't.
1. You … obstruct the door.
2. You … give your seat to old people.
3. You… drop the litter on the floor.
4. You… keep silent.
5. You… buy a ticket.
6. You… laugh loudly.
7.You … listen to loud music.
All right.
- And rules in the street. Read the statements and fill in must/mustn't.
1. You … cross the street when the light is green.
2. You… first look left then right.
3. You… play in the street.
4. You… cross the street quickly.
5. You… run over the street.
6. You… keep traffic rules.
7. You… cross the street on the pedestrian crossing.
Very well.
- Do you remember that we have an unusual lesson?
I have a magic box. There's my present for you. Try to guess what it is in the box. Yes, you are right. It's a book. It's about “Traffic rules”.
Children, every day you go to school, go for a walk and you should keep traffic rules. This book is for you. Study it and be always safe.
Our lesson is over. You worked very well. You know traffic rules. Keep them please.
- Now you'll read the poem and learn it at home. Be careful and attentive.
The more we think of safety
The safer we shall be.
Stop, look, listen
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears
And then use your feet.
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