Знакомство с традициями и обычаями Великобритании - Halloween
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Подборка занимательных заданий для проведения тематического урока, посвещенного Halloween.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Name Surname ___________________________
I. Put in prepositions if needed.
The British celebrate Hallowe’en ___________the 31 ___________ October. They believe that _________ that day the souls ________ the dead return _________ places ___________ where they lived. People decorate their houses __________ pumpkins, dress ________ as witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats. _________ the evening there are a lot __________ Hallowe’en parties. It’s hard to imagine a party __________ a scary story told __________ a low voice _________ Hallowe’en night.
II. Work in groups.
Write a scary story for Hallowe’en night. Draw some pictures for it. Share with your classmates.
III. Read the text and complete the sentences.
31 October is Hallowe’en. This festival celebrates the return of the souls (душ) of the dead who come back to visit places where they lived. In the evening there are lots of Halloween parties. People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats. Houses are decorated with pumpkins (тыквы) with candles inside them. Some children follow the American custom called Trick or Treat.
They knock at your house and ask, “Trick or treat?” If you give some money or some sweets (a treat), they go away. If not, they can play a trick on you, like splashing water in your face.
No Halloween party is complete without a scary [’skeǝri] (страшная) story. Usually people crowd together around a fire on Hallowe’en night. And one person tells a scary story in a low voice.
1) Hallowe’en is on the ___________________________
2) People dress up as _____________________________
3) Houses are decorated with _______________________
4) Some children knock at the house and ask ”_____________________________”
5) If you don’t give any money or sweets, they _____________________________
6) People usually tell __________________________ on Hallowe’en night.
IV. The instructions for the Hallowe’en lantern (фонарь) are mixed up. Put them in the correct order.
- Cut two eyes, a nose and a mouth on one side of the pumpkin.
- Cut the top and the bottom of the pumpkin.
- Take out the pulp (мякоть) from inside the pumpkin.
- Put “the head” over the candle and light the candle.
- Stand a candle in the bottom piece of the pumpkin.
Resource id #1214
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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