Проект "Загадки истории"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Буглаева Любовь Алексеевна

Презентация -проект "Загадки истории" или "Жизнь рядом с гильотиной" представляет весь жизненный путь и секрет успеха одной из самых загадочных женщин 18-19 веков Мадам Тюссо.


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Слайд 3

On the red carpet

Слайд 10

The exhibition consists of a series of halls. In Madame Tussaud's Museum stand different waxworks for example: models of short, film, TV personalities, tennis champions, pop stars, peoples by historical, political, military and royal figures, some models with differents special effects!

Слайд 11

In museum the most famous of the waxworks room: the "Chamber of Horrors". In museum there are models famous murderers, the most infamous 20 century prisoners.

Слайд 12

When you wander through the halls of the famous London wax museum, in a crowd of geniuses and villains of past eras, modern "stars" and monarchs always look for sharp-nosed little old lady in black. This is Madame Tussauds . Her own portrait she prudently made for nine years before her death: a little old woman with a hooked nose, a black cape and a black bonnet. The founder of the empire Wax,which is visited by over 15 million people a year. In 1850, at the age of 89, she died peacefully in her sleep

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The woman who managed to raise the Death to the level of History

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A Royal Appointment

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Millions and millions of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds since they first opened over 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity. Today’s visitors are sent on a unique, emotionally-charged journey through the realms of the powerful and famous. The museum-style ropes and poles have gone so guests can truly get up, close and personal with A-list celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them… From France to Britain The attraction’s history is a rich and fascinating one, with roots dating back to the Paris of 1770. It was here that Madame Tussaud learnt to model wax likenesses under the tutelage of her mentor, Dr Philippe Curtius . At the age of 17, she became art tutor to King Louis XVI’s sister at the Palace Of Versailles and then, during the French Revolution, was hastily forced to prove her allegiance to the feudalistic nobles by making the death masks of executed aristocrats. Madame Tussaud came to Britain in the early 19th century alongside a travelling exhibition of revolutionary relics and effigies of public heroes and rogues.

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Early Years 1761: Madame Tussaud is born Marie Grosholtz in Strasbourg. 1777: Marie models the famous author and philosopher, Francois Voltaire. 1780: Marie becomes art tutor to King Louis XVI’s sister and goes to live at the Royal Court in Versailles 1789: On the eve of The French Revolution, Marie returns to Paris 1793: Marie is imprisoned with her mother in the notorious Laforce Prison, Paris. On her release she is forced to prove her allegiance to the Revolution by making death masks of executed nobles and her former employers, the King and Queen. 1794: The French Revolution ends and Marie inherits Dr Philippe Curtius ’ wax exhibition. 1795: Marie marries Francois Tussaud

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1802: Madame Tussaud takes her exhibition on tour to the British Isles, leaving behind her husband. 1835: With her sons, Madame Tussaud establishes a base in London at ‘The Baker Street Bazaar.’ 1846: Punch Magazine coins the name Chamber Of Horrors for Madame Tussaud’s ‘Separate Room’, where gruesome relics of the French Revolution are displayed. 1850: Madame Tussaud dies. 1884: Marie’s grandsons move the attraction to its current site on Marylebone Road 1925: The attraction is devastated by fire. 1928: Restoration is completed with the addition of a cinema and restaurant. 1940: Madame Tussauds is struck by a German World War II bomb destroying 352 head moulds, and the cinema. 1958: Madame Tussauds opens the Commonwealth’s first Planetarium. 1990-1993: The attraction undergoes extensive refurbishment, with the inclusion of new interactive, themed areas. 1993: The Spirit Of London, a spectacular animatronic ride, arrives at Madame Tussauds . The London Planetarium is re-opened after a £4.5 million re-development, including the installation of the world’s first Digistar II star projector. 1995: A new star show ‘Planetary Quest’ opens at Tussauds ’ Planetarium. Later, the Planetarium dome is transformed into the biggest red nose in the universe for Comic Relief. 1996: Madame Tussauds opens a special display in conjunction with Time Magazine, portraying some of the publication’s nominated Top 100 people of the 20th century. 1997: Madame Tussauds opens a special exhibition of wedding dresses made for its Diana, Princess Of Wales, Sarah, Duchess Of York and Sophie, Countess Of Wessex . 1999: Major new star show ‘Wonders Of The Universe’ opens at The London Planetarium

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Слайд 20

Entry of Madame Tussauds in Berlin Madame Tussauds in New Yor k City Madame Tussauds in Washington D.C

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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